Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 260 - YAMI's Reaction

Someone who could make Sho utter those words wasn't to be taken lightly.

Even Hongo looked at Sho with concern in his eyes. He knew his disciple well, and the fact that Sho actually admitted to all of them that he would lose was a rather big step in humility. He was also curious about his rival Sakaki had somehow trained a monster.

"As I thought, we should have chosen my disciple to be the leader of YOMI and inherit our skills" declared Mikumo Kushinada, "You are not fit to be a master, God Hand."

"The emotionless fist is the basic principle of YAMI" lectured Cyril Rahman, "To withdraw your fist before even attempting to fight to observe your enemies is quite concerning. Even my disciple had to be ordered to retreat, though I don't know why Diego didn't let my disciple go at it. To think this is the one who would inherit..."

He didn't finish the sentence but it was a sentiment that was shared among most of them. Sho could only clench his fist at his jab but kept silent.

"Now now, people let's stop this internal fighting" pacified Alexander, "We shouldn't judge someone this harshly. Not when we have yet to hear what the rest of the disciples have to say."

"KEKEKE, internal fight?" giggled Jenazad while munching on some, "Each one of us believes that our sole martial arts are the strongest! Gathering together was a mere solution to avoid fighting each other. We have never had such comradeship in the first place! But I do disagree with the old hag and bear about their words."

Kushinada and Cyril glared at Jenazad for such words but also in confusion why he would say such a thing. The fact that he was defending Sho when he personally had disposed of his disciple.

Agaard Jum Sai shrugged, "That's true. Even if it was my disciple that was to inherit us all, I wouldn't want him to learn any martial arts than my own. I want to prove Muay Thai is the strongest there is!"

"Now now, let's get back to our original topic" placated Ogata, "I do believe we agreed to have all the disciples give their own analysis."

"Hmph, Sho's judgment must be colored by your teachings" harrumphed Kushinada.

"Well then let's hear it then," sated Agaard before turning to his disciple, "Kokin, give me your honest judgment. What are your chances?"

Tirawit couldn't help but shake very slightly now that all the attention was on him now. Giving himself a few seconds to calm down, Tirawit began to speak.

"If I was to fight with the same conditions as Suparna had listed then it would be 100%.."

"Ha, see my disciple says he can deal with it" grinned Agaard as he turned to face them.

"...Of me losing without landing any crippling or life-threatening damage," admitted Tirawit, interrupting his master's boast, who stopped with his jaw still open.

"Two of them?" questioned Jisei Ro, "I believe we should heed Ogata's words and have them talk before passing Judgement."

"Boris, report full disclosure" ordered Alexander.

"Mission would end in failure" replied Boris succinctly.

"Chikage?" asked Kushinade looking to her disciple/adopted daughter.

Chikage fell silent for a bit before answering,"....very low chance of winning."

"Shishye?" asked Cyril, turning to his disciple Ethan, using the Hindi word for disciple.

"...I would risk my life to bring more information for future victories" intoned Ethan, not denying that he would lose as well.

"How is this possible? asked a puzzled Jisei, slightly turning his head towards his own disciple to hear his own reaction.

Chou Enshin had a visible sneer on his face judging all his fellow disciples in YOMI as below him as they admitted to being weaker without even fighting forgetting the fact he was on Ogata's ship that day as well when all of them together weren't able to catch Kenichi Shirahama. Satomi seemed to be intrigued by this turn of events and was withholding judgment for now.

"It's not surprising really" laughed Diego, drawing their attention once more, "After watching Ryozanpaku's disciple fight, I can't help but admit Ogata was right about his analysis. No offense Castor, but you aren't ready for that fight."

"Si Maestro" nodded Rachel.

"Kekeke, it's not surprising that our apprentices aren't confident in defeating this Kenichi Shirahama. I don't think anyone in YOMI is" laughed Jenazad, "You guys don't understand his value. He is like a sponge the way it soaks the water in, he can soak all martial arts skill in himself. I don't know about you but it took me quite some time to create my own martial arts but I have already seen two new forms of martial arts created by him. One heavily focused on hand while the other is focused on legs. The word martial arts prodigy isn't good enough for him you can say he is a martial arts monster. That's why I wanted to keep him when Ogata brought him on the ship but you all wanted to be big masters and let him go"

"Hey if someone would have kept him than it would have been me since I found him first and even brought him on my ship" Ogata stated

Now the others of the One Fist Nine Shadows were very confused at what was going on. Why were they not concerned that their disciples admitted to not being a match against Kenichi Shirahama? And what was with Ogata and Jenazad such high appreciation of him and even fighting over who should keep their enemies disciple with them. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-reaction_46730550756559755">#&apos;s-reaction_46730550756559755</a> for visiting.

"I think it's time we let them know" laughed Diego, "Otherwise they will be going around in circles. Is this why you didn't tell the others Sage fist? In hopes of grabbing him first?"

"Perhaps" acknowledged Ogata, "So who should spill the news ?"

"I can!" proclaimed Diego, "For you see, Shirahama Kenichi-"

"Can already use Ki no Shouka " interrupted Jenazad.

"Don't ruin my fun Deon God Fist!" shouted Diego, "But yes, Ryozanpaku's strongest disciple is already capable of Utilizing Ki no Shouka."

Shouts of disbelief and outrage could be heard coming from the other masters before Senzui slammed his hand onto his knee to silence them all.

"Are you telling us that Ryozanpaku's disciple is already capable of utilizing Ki that only masters are capable of?"

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