Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple

Chapter 261 - 311. Boris attacks

"What are you doing~~?" sang Kyoko as she tried to Karate chop Boris in the head albeit slowly.

"Shit!" cursed Boris in Russian, 'Is it because she doesn't have any killing intent? Or is it that she is no threat to me at all? I cannot sense her presence at all'

Kyoko smiled as she asked if Boris had a group, to which he replied that he would be alone.

"Eh! You can't do that all the other exchange students are already blending in!" exclaimed Kyoko

It was true. Rachel was talking to two girls, Ethan was accompanying two other girls while carrying their bag, Tirawit was with a random girl and guy, and Sho was paired with Makoto and Izumi. Of course, when Kyoko tried to ask if any group were willing to take Boris into their group she was met with cold silence, driving Kyoko with worry. In the end, she shoved Boris with Tanaka and Shimayama. Right next to them were Natsu was with two of his fangirls.

Boris took on a stern look but slowly and subtly raised his hand, where a small communication was hidden inside the palm of his hand.

'Hesitation cripples the mind' thought Boris to himself as he breathed out the words, "Begin the operation"


Meanwhile, in Russia at a military base, two guards were standing at the entrance when they noticed someone with a hat walking towards them.

[Who are you Freeze demanded the guard] demanded the guard in Russian. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#.-boris-attacks_51180488240462101">#.-boris-attacks_51180488240462101</a> for visiting.

[This cold weather might affect the joints] wanted the stranger in Russian before suddenly rushing in, knocking the two guards out. Not only that but he forcefully pushed the hands into the fence to force their bodies to remain upright and rigid as if standing guard this fooling the surveillance cameras.

"To ease the pain as much as possible, I have swiftly knocked you out. After all, all you ordinary soldiers aren't guilty" said the stranger lifting his hat to reveal himself as Akisame, "The sinister seed of Yami dwells here. Fist of destruction Alexander Gaider, an army is a toy that is too dangerous for you- ACHOO"

Two patrolling guards that had been walking by quickly turned to the source of the voice, only to see nobody there. Confused the patrol decided to resume their route. Hidden in the shadows up in the tunnel, Akisame could only mutter how he hated cold.

Since there were a lot of people to protect Kenichi has decided that a group with two capable martial artists is needed at every route to the mountain so that they can protect the civilians except the one with Rukia who can pretty much take care of everyone, even Kenichi could deal with a whole route alone but then one of the girls would be alone which could be dangerous so he decided against it. Hence Miu was with Kenichi after winning a match of rock, paper, scissors against Renka and Saeko making the two choose a different route than Kenichi and Miu who was being followed by Niijima and half of the Shinpaku Alliance members while the other half followed Renka and Saeko.

As the duo walked with Niijima to their toe, Kenichi sensed Boris and his men waiting for them so he subtly informed Miu and Niijima to get ready. The moment they reached the point where Boris was he struck.

A bunch of logs fell towards them from the mountain upwards on their left and Boris tackled Kenichi downwards towards their right leaving Miu to deal with the logs which she did as she kicked away the logs that were coming for Miu and the other members of the Shinpaku alliance.

"Tch, even if it's under the orders of Colonel Alexander Gaider, I still can't believe I have to come all the way to Japan to finish off civilians" complained the soldier as he took out his knife hidden in his boot, "I will finish off you brats quickly"

Miu responded by kneeing the man in the face, followed by several swift kicks to the c.h.e.s.t before hurling the soldier towards the mountain wall.

'The hell just hit me?' g.r.o.a.n.e.d the soldier as he slid down the wall, 'That girl ain't a civilian

"Don't think this can stop us!" roared the soldier as he charged forward, "We are colonel's special forces! Every student of Koryo high must be killed! Orders are absolute"

To say Miu was shocked was an understatement, as she was incensed after hearing what the soldier said and she showed it to the soldier by punching him in the leg forcing him to kneel down followed by a spinning kick to the face knocking the soldier.


Back at another trail, Kyoko, Fukujiro, and Rukia, we're walking together.

" Ono-sensei you seem a bit tired do you need water," asked Rukia grabbing a bamboo water bottle from somewhere.

"I am fine" breathed Kyoko trying to catch her breath, "Boris's group must be pretty far by now."

"Busujima-sensei, I have to say that despite the beautiful appearance you are quite fit." complimented Fukijiro as his bald head glinted in the sunlight, "Unlike girls of today who are the usually frail and weak cause of all the dieting they do to look pretty "

The reason for that comment was Rukia was carrying almost all of the baggage of their group, she was fine carrying with all of it but some men still wanted their dignity and don't allowed it and carried some of the bags themselves though because of it they were now lagging behind.

"I am worried so I am going ahead," said Kyoko, as she rushed forward, managing to snag her backpack back from Rukia as she did so.

"Ah, don't run in the mountains" lectured Fukijiro before sighing, "Geeze, still so panicky. But after becoming a teacher, I have the impression that she is becoming more responsible"

While he was giving this lecture, a trio disguised as civilians tried to loop a thread around Fukijiro's neck only for the loop to be cut into small pieces and a quick slash that threw the trio off the edge by Rukia's wooden sword. Her real sword was hidden behind the baggage she was carrying, another reason for her to carry this much but she didn't really need her real sword until she is fighting a grandmaster or training so she keeps a wooden sword by her waist for cases like this.

"You are right Principle, even I think that she is becoming a more responsible teacher"

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