Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 1497: Find someone to join hands

The United States imposes 100% anti-dumping duties on the DRAM chips of Japanese companies, while it only imposes an anti-dumping duty of 0.7% on Samsung.

This gap, coupled with the success of Samsung’s head Li Jianxi, who successfully fooled Colin’s squatting government, allowed the stupid chip companies to completely slide into the abyss, making Samsung a new force in the late 1990s.

At the same time as the decline of Nippon Enterprise, it is the time for Samsung to rise.

How could Wan Feng laugh when he looked at that chart.

In 1989, the Japanese stupid was still declining, and the United States could maintain up to 20% of the market. Samsung now only accounts for 10% of the market. Its head, Lee Kin-hee, will not be formed until two years later. Only when the massive public relations team goes to the government to fool Colin can get the authorization and financial and technical support from the United States.

The real rise of Samsung is also after 2000.

There is a window period of more than ten years.

Wan Feng thinks this is the best opportunity God has given him to Huaguang.

It turned out that he was worried about Gu Hongzhong's research on chips, but now he feels that he should emancipate his mind.

Huaguang should take this opportunity to catch up.

Even if Huaguang can't dominate the world like the later Samsung in one field, Samsung still wants to dominate the world like the previous one.

The big deal is that the two sides are evenly divided, and that would be a huge victory for Huaguo Semiconductor.

If the hard-working and smart Chinese people draw inferences from one another, how can they extend to other fields in this field?

Does Intel have to look at Huaguo's wink?

If in the future it can share the world equally with Intel, it will make a lot of money, and there will be no such thing as Chinese companies getting stuck at every turn.

You have made unreasonably high profits from me, and you choke my neck at every turn. How can there be such a reason in the world?

Wan Feng felt that the Americans should be allowed to roll far away.

Let them roll as far as their thoughts are.

But relying on Huaguang's current strength alone, if you want to make achievements in this field, it is a bit wishful thinking, which must have the support of the national team.

They simply cannot achieve it by themselves.

As a result, Wan Feng pestered all nations to make his own unreasonable demands.

"Grandpa! My company urgently needs to communicate and cooperate with some of the top semiconductor industries in China. You must contact me on this line."

Zhu Guoxiong frowned: "Where can I find a semiconductor unit for you?"

In fact, in the 1950s and 1960s, China was not much behind the world in terms of semiconductors, and there were also a group of well-known experts.

Such as Xie Xide, Lin Lanying, Huang Kun and so on.

China's first semiconductor book "Semiconductor Physics" was co-authored by Xie Xide and Huang Kun.

Even during the ten years, Hua Guo did not relax its research on semiconductors. During this period, Beijing 878 Factory, Shanghai Radio 19 Factory, and Yongchuan Semiconductor Institute (the predecessor of the 24 Institute) were established one after another.

There is also the Beijing Electron Tube Factory, which was established in five or three years, and later the famous BOE.

At this time, Zhongxing and Warwick were also established in Shenzhen in 1985 and 1987 respectively.

It's just that Warwick has not yet started its own research and development. It should be Hisilicon, which was established in 1991, and officially entered the field of semiconductor research and development.

Wan Feng feels that if he has time, it is necessary to go to Shenzhen for a tour, maybe he can get to know the CEO of Warwick.

I admire Warwick's daring to invest in its own research and development of Wanfeng.

In fact, in the beginning, Zhongxing was committed to its own research and development, but unfortunately it did not stick to it. Later, it also started to take the road of trade, industry and technology rather than buying. In the end, it was choked by others.

"Why not? There are many, such as Huaguo Science and Industry, 774 Factory, these are all OK, they have persisted in semiconductor technology research and production since the 1950s, and their strength is still quite good."

Factory 774 is Beijing Electronic Tube Factory, which is BOE decades later.

"You kid is really annoying! Good! Wait for me to contact you."

"Don't perfuse me, but I will ask every time."

"There are so many domestic factories engaged in semiconductors, what are you going to join in the fun? Isn't it good to concentrate on your motorcycles and machine tools?"

Wan Feng felt that it was necessary to conduct some popular science on Zhu Guoxiong.

"Since you always talk about machine tools, let's take machine tools as an example. Do you really want me to make the best machine tools?"

"Of course!"

"The best machine tool now is the CNC machine tool, and now it will be for a long time in the future. The CNC machine tool is controlled by a computer in addition to the mechanical part. However, when it comes to the computer, it has to be connected with the semiconductor. It can be said that the computer is It's made of semiconductor components. You said how can I do a good job of machine tools if I don't engage in semiconductors?"

Zhu Guoxiong pondered for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

Further down, Wan Feng said some reasons again.

"The peace of a country cannot be separated from the super weapon in hand, right?"

Zhu Guoxiong nodded.

It's like China tightening its belt and producing two bullets and one star, and it has super weapons in its hands. Those invaders who have invaded China in history have to weigh it if they want to plot because Super weapon technology is inseparable from super electronic technology, and super electronic technology is inseparable from the latest semiconductor technology. There is nothing wrong with this, right? "

Zhu Guoxiong thought for a while, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

"If China's semiconductor technology is backward, the military will be forced to use foreign products in key electronic components. Foreign sources of supply are unreliable. There is nothing to see during non-war periods. However, China will be out of stock during the war, and their How does the product know that there is no backdoor?"

"Back door? Is this thing going to the back door too?"

"There are vulnerabilities. We can't check these vulnerabilities for technical reasons, but people can know our secrets through these vulnerabilities. Isn't that scary?"

This problem became serious, and Zhu Guoxiong immediately became serious.

"This is the biggest hidden danger that is worse than buying. Therefore, if we don't make our own semiconductors, we are always subject to others."

"It makes sense. I didn't see the wrong person. This must be supported. I don't know much about other units in the system. I can contact you with some semiconductor units in the military."

"That's better."

The military still has talents, but it is limited by insufficient funds, but Wanfeng has it.

"Grandpa, I hope to co-found an institution such as a research institute with outside units. I will provide scientific research funds and equipment, and you will share the results with others."

For Wanfeng's suggestion, all countries are in support of it. The army is now short of money, and there are many talents.

"I will contact you as soon as we come back from the Soviet Union, and strive to form a joint department this year."

This Wanfeng has no doubt, once Lao Zhu wants to do something, it is very reliable.

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