On the tenth day after Wanfeng arrived here, the delegation took a direct flight to Mosk.

It was almost equal to a day's flight, and it was almost dark before reaching Mosk.

Mosk, once a temple in a socialist country, at that time proletarians from all over the world felt supremely honored by coming here to perform their jobs and study.

But in the early spring of 1989, there was a little depression here.

The Soviets on Mosk Street gave Wan Feng a humiliated feeling one by one, and even the sun in Mosk's sky was listless.

This makes Wan Feng involuntarily think of the term "Afterglow of the Empire".

Even if the reception staff of the Soviet Union had a smile on their faces, that smile was so helpless and vicissitudes of life in Wan Feng's eyes.

The Soviet side was responsible for receiving the then Air Force Commander Shabo Shinikov, who later served as the last minister of defense of the Soviet Union.

Shabo Shinikov participated in almost the entire process of negotiations between China and the Soviet Union on the Su-27.

After some cumbersome reception etiquette, the Chinese delegation was arranged in a luxurious hotel in Mosk.

In the first two days of arriving in Mosk, the Soviet military did not hold any activities, and no prominent figures appeared. Except for two or three small fish and shrimps, it seemed that the Chinese delegation did not exist.

"The Soviets are playing this set again. We are here to buy their things. Is it fun to always play this set?" Zhu Guoxiong was indignant.

Wan Feng chuckled: "This time the Soviet Union really didn't have to be trying to catch it. They have too many things to worry about, and they probably haven't taken care of it."

An empire that is about to fall apart, how can there be no mess of sad stories.

Since the Soviets were troubled, they happened to take a good look at Mosk, who had never been there.

But you can't go as casually as a self-driving tour. There are so many rules and regulations that can't be done.

Wan Feng's popularity in the delegation is quite good.

Without him, rich!

Although these generals are already a high-income group in China, they are paid a few hundred dollars a month, but they are still incomparable with Wanfeng.

Taking this opportunity, Wan Feng can be regarded as a strong general, even if it is of no use, but it is better to befriend one person than to blame one person.

For this reason, Wanfeng travels relatively freely. Of course, he will always be accompanied by people when he goes out. There are Russians and Chinese.

Wan Feng would not go out alone, because there were too many suspicions.

But after going out a few times and strolling around in certain places, I felt dull.

There are Orthodox churches everywhere, and there are buildings with that style that clearly seems to pierce the sky.

It would be over if the sky didn't pierce oneself.

The only fun is probably watching girls.

The streets are full of hairy women, all three generations of old, middle-aged and young.

Although it is only late March, the Maozi woman still takes off her winter clothes anxiously, and she is not afraid of cold showing her beautiful figure.

It's pitiful for women in countries with few men.

But Wanfeng Maozi women have seen a lot of them, and it's not interesting to watch them. Therefore, in Wanfeng's heart two days later, Mosk will be the same.

The three members of the drinking team were happy and inseparable.

I don't know if Chen Dao has discussed wine art with these two people in private. Zhang Huo and Li Erjin treat Chen Dao respectfully.

When Wan Feng went out, almost most of them went out with these three people.

How is it possible for these people to go out without drinking?

Especially Zhang Hu and Li Erjin even tasted the wine in the Soviet bar.

Even though the alcohol in the Soviet Union is quite scarce, you can still drink alcohol in Mosk’s bars, which is very, very expensive.

This is the time for Wanfeng to give full play to its advantages.

When he was in China, he exchanged some rice dollars, and then all of them were exchanged into rubles.

He almost paid for the drinks of these people.

After three days of boredom, on the fourth day, the Soviets seemed to finally remember the Chinese delegation, and Shabo Shinikov finally appeared.

This time there was another Soviet general who appeared at the same time, and the uniform should be a navy general.

The admiral of the navy probably came to make submarine contact with the Chinese delegation.

The main goal of the Chinese delegation this time is the Su-27, and the submarine can only be the second place. This time it is only for some intentional contacts, and it is not necessary to talk about the results.

The high-level officials of the two delegations held a meeting in the hotel. Wan Feng didn't know what was said in the middle, and was not interested in listening.

His task is half an interpreter, sometimes helping to make suggestions, and the rest has no contact with him.

Afterwards, the two delegations swayed to an air base not far from Mosque, and then they watched the MiG-29 fly in the sky in a daze.

Even if Wan Feng hadn't seen the real Su-27, he knew it was not Su-27.

Although the MiG-29 and Su-27 have many similarities, the gap between the two is still huge.

Su 27's neck is very iconic.

"What did Maozi take us to see MiG-29 for? Do we still want to buy MiG-29?" Wan Feng asked Zhu Guoxiong in a low voice.

"Maozi also wants us to buy MiG 29, saying that there is a discount."

"Don't ~www.ltnovel.com~ firmly don't, this short-legged chicken is not resistant to tossing."

Geerbachev's visit to China opened the door to military trade between the two sides. The Chinese country that received news from Wanfeng's choice of fighter jets was Su-27. This surprised Geerbachev at the time.

Su-27 is a secret in the Soviet Union, and the Chinese know it now, and they can tell a lot of specific data.

The Soviets thought it was leaked by domestic spies.

At the beginning, it was Su-27, and Shabo Shinikov let them watch MiG-29. What do you mean?

At that time, Zhu Guoxiong negotiated with General Chen Hu to find that Shabo Shinikov.

Although it was a bit unpleasant in the middle, Shabo Shinikov ordered the replacement of fighter jets.

When Su 27 soared through the sky, the generals of the Chinese delegation had their eyes straight.

This was not only the first time Wan Feng saw the entity of Su-27 up close, but also the first time these generals saw Su-27.

Although Wanfeng was considered a half-military fan in his previous life, he didn't feel much shock at the plane because of the lack of entities.

But the officers of the Chinese nation were excited.

If you want to buy an airplane, you can’t just look at it, you have to try how it feels.

Hua Guo brought a few meritorious pilots with him. The first to board the plane for a test drive was an officer in his forties who boarded the plane alive and well.

Then Su 27 flew into the sky with a bang.

Wan Feng is not very clear about the movements of those planes. Although he knows a little bit, he can't distinguish what is a cobra or falling leaves.

Anyway, Chinese drivers did a lot of cool moves in the sky.

After the pilot got off the plane, his eyes were red and his expression was slightly silent, but he politely smiled at the Soviet personnel and returned to the Chinese delegation.

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