Wan Feng, the pilot, knew him well, but he was not very familiar with it.

Wan Feng sat not far from him, but he was silent after hearing him say why we don't have such a plane.

Wan Feng felt that he was shocked by the excellent performance of the Su-27. He felt a little unbalanced and was probably disappointed with the Chinese Air Force.

It's a pity that he is a bit older now, and when China's own fighter jets soar in the sky, he may have retired to enjoy the blessing.

But it doesn't matter, his next generation of pilots will be able to experience driving their advanced fighter planes to guard the blue sky of the motherland in twenty years.

Several other pilots who flew off the plane were praised.

After passing the test pilot’s feedback, the Chinese delegation told the Soviet Union the next day that it would buy the Su-27.

After the project was confirmed, the two parties began to contact and negotiate. After a few days of wrangling, China decided to purchase the first batch of 24 aircraft, and there will be a second batch of third batches in the future.

The negotiation did not talk about the amount of money, but it talked about the payment method.

The Soviet Union insisted on using the meter yuan for settlement.

This is a difficult problem for the Chinese delegation. China does not have excess foreign exchange to buy airplanes, and only a little foreign exchange needs to be used in more important places.

At the time of the pull, Wan Feng proposed to the delegation to use the barter method he used in Heihe for trading, and the proposal that Swiss francs could be used as the middle price was also rejected by the Soviet side.

The Soviet Union was very tough on this, and it was determined not to let it go, it just wanted cash.

After three days of talks, the two sides did not reach an agreement on the transaction method.

If the transaction method is not negotiated, then the specific price cannot be negotiated. The first phase of the talks between the two parties is stuck here, and it will continue in Mosk.

This is not big.

This is what Wanfeng absolutely does not want to see.

It's been almost a month since the day I left home on the 5th, and this is equivalent to nothing.

If you follow this gameplay, let alone May, it’s too bad to go home in June.

I don’t know how many days we will talk about.

It was March 31st today, and Wan Feng looked at the expressions of the members of the delegations from the Kubinka flying base meeting room, and it seemed that the talks were not completed.

He is a non-staff member of the China National Negotiation Team. He did not participate in many negotiations. Therefore, he did not enter the negotiation room and did not know the results of the negotiations at the first time.

But today, when his gaze was inadvertently skipped from the face of the Soviet delegation, he actually saw a person who would never have thought of it.


Oops, hold the grass, how come this stuff is coming?

I ran from the Far East to Mosk, and even mixed into the Soviet military delegation like a dog. What kind of **** plot is this?

Wanfeng saw Dimitri, and Dimitri also saw Wanfeng.

Wan Feng also read surprises in his eyes.

There was no expression on their faces, but after a short glance, they passed by as if they didn't recognize them.

But after seeing Dimitri, Wan Feng's own soul revealed light.

After returning to the hotel where he was staying, Wan Feng came to the list of the Soviet military delegation's appearance today, and he saw Dimitri's name on it.

Wan Feng thought for a long time before calling Zhu Guoxiong and Chen Hu outside.

"Two chiefs, I have something to talk to you."

Chen Hu looked around: "Is there something to say in the house? Get us outside. The temperature in April in Mosk is uncomfortable."

"I am worried that there are bugs in the place where we are staying. They made it out of the KGB's urinary properties. They are all unpleasant things."

"This won't happen, but our people have checked all those houses."

"In case our technical strength is not enough and we can't find it out, I think it's better to be safe outside."

"Alright! What can you say."

"I found out today that there was an extra person in the other party's negotiating team. His name is Dimitri. I want to know what he does at the negotiating table? Status is not important."

Chen Hu recalled: "Are you saying that the other party came here? It seems very important. He sits in the third position."

This **** is a good bastard.

In just a few days, he came to Mosk and became a negotiator.

Wan Feng grabbed this finger and counted when he and Dimitri met for the last time.

It seems that it was in August and September last year, just over half a year.

"Since I'm sitting in the third seat, that's someone who can talk to Shabo Shinikov and have an impact. Haven't you seen him before, Elder Zhu?"

Zhu Guoxiong tried his best to recall: "I seem to have seen it before. Did he come over when he got the tank?"

"It's more than just tanking. He has been to Fuyuan twice, Heihe has been here four or five times."

"Heihe's I don't know. He seemed to be there when he got the tank, but the Soviets didn't see much difference, and I couldn't tell the difference."

This is normal. When we look at foreigners who are blind, they look at us too.

"So he didn't recognize you?"

"He shouldn't recognize me~www.ltnovel.com~ When we were in Fuyuan, we were all dressed in plain clothes, which made us look like ordinary people. He didn't necessarily want to live even after talking."

"Chief Chen! When I was trading with the Soviets in Heihe two years ago, I dealt with this Dimitri. T72 tanks, hovercraft, D36 engines, and some messy things, including all the information of Su-27. It was obtained from him, and these elders can prove it."

Chen Hu blinked his eyes: "Go ahead, just say what you have."

"I want to talk to him about the transaction method. Since he can talk in front of Shabo Shinikov, it can have a decisive effect. If I can meet with him alone to convince him, then trade goods. The form of trading of goods will be realized."

Chen Hu thought about it for two minutes and asked, "Just go and talk to him?"

Wan Feng nodded: "I'm afraid that he won't agree if there is a third party present. I know what you are worried about. At this time, the country will choose to believe me."

"Old Chen! I can guarantee Xiao Wan in this regard!" Zhu Guoxiong spoke when Chen Hu hesitated.

Zhu Guoxiong is a pivotal figure in the delegation, and his guarantee is foolproof.

"this is okay."

"But meeting him will not be easy. After all, as a member of the delegation, he may also be monitored."

"This is not a problem. I will arrange it through channels, but I have to wait two days."

Two days is nothing. If Dimitri's support can be obtained, the problem of trading methods will be resolved quickly.

After the transaction method is resolved, they can go home.

The second phase of negotiations will be held in China, and the price will be finalized in China.

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