Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2191: Pillar industry

Yang Zhengkun chose the second path. He was a bit reconciled in the project that Baidu did not make a good result. If Baidu continued to invest in it, it might not take long for the project to succeed.

But he also considered the risks.

Commercial companies are all profit-seeking, and this project is likely to face an embarrassing situation like Baidu, with too much input and too little output, and no one will use the result that the project will eventually be withdrawn.

But Yang Zhengkun did not change his mind, but firmly formed a team to overcome this problem and build a distributed database.

The so-called database is to effectively manage and access a large amount of data resources, improve the sharing of data, and enable multiple users to access the data in the database at the same time; reduce the redundancy of the data to improve the consistency and integrity of the data, Provide data and application independence, thereby reducing application development and maintenance costs.

At that time, the databases in the hands of the Americans were centralized databases.

The popular explanation of centralized database is to concentrate the storage and processing of data on one computer.

The advantage is that most functions such as modification, backup, query, and access control are easy to implement.

The size of the database and the computer on which it is located do not need to worry about whether the database is in a central location. A small business can set up a centralized database on a personal computer, while a large business can control the entire database by a mainframe.

The disadvantage is that when the central site computer or database system cannot run, all users cannot use the system until the system is restored. Moreover, the communication overhead from the terminal to the central site is very expensive.

Once a large number of users extract data at the same time in a period of time, the server will crash.

Its biggest disadvantage is the limited data storage. Once the database is full, you can buy another database.

There is no win-win cooperation in the Western concept. Some are just looting and you will never stop if you don't drain your last drop of blood.

Westerners who have mastered monopoly technology will still ask for wolf skins?

Take the world's largest database company's reinforcement text for example.

IOE-IBM minicomputer + Oracle database + EMC storage equipment, this is the database equipment of the reinforcement text standard, it is the IT standard equipment of Chinese enterprises from the beginning to the next 30 years.

The cost of this set of hardware equipment is in the hundreds of millions.

When a set of equipment storage is full, you have to buy a set of equipment, companies like Alibaba and Baidu, there are hundreds of sets of equipment companies like this at the peak.

Another disadvantage is that if you want to temporarily increase some servers to carry more traffic, you have to place orders several months in advance.

There is also an overlord clause here, that is, once your company's data traffic drops, and the equipment is idle, you still have to continue to pay an annual usage fee for this.

Do you have any comments, sorry! Go to the toilet, do you want love?

In this way, the concept of distributed database was also proposed, and it was proposed very early. Someone proposed it in the 1970s.

Distributed databases are not storing data on one computer, but on countless computers.

Each computer has partial application and autonomous processing capabilities, and at the same time can participate in the entire network processing, so that the pressure of computer work is greatly shared.

Twenty years later, people called this cloud.

Distributed databases are incomparable to centralized databases in terms of processing speed and storage capacity, which greatly reduces costs.

But it naturally has its shortcomings, and there is still a big problem that cannot be solved: these serial computers are not financially stable. If one of the machines goes on strike, it is easy to produce a domino effect-like chain reaction-eventually The entire network will collapse collectively.

Technically, it is not difficult to realize that one machine has a problem, and other machines can make up the backup data immediately. The difficulty lies in keeping the workload of each machine always balanced. If one of the computers with too much workload is unbalanced, it is easy to crash, and then cause a big crash.

This is also the reason why distributed databases were proposed in the 1970s but were old and unsuccessful.

This is what Yang Zhengkun did.

He worked in Ali from 2010 until later, and he didn't say whether he succeeded or not. Anyway, Ali's Double Eleven server never crashed.

It was when Wan Feng thought of A Li that he remembered who this person was.

Although his memory was a little blurred, Wan Feng was sure that this guy was the one who made Aliyun for Ali.

Afterwards, almost all the clouds on the various websites came from Ali's hands.

Thinking of this Wanfeng’s heart beating wildly, could it be that someone in the world was guiding him? This casual search turned out to find the true emperor!

How much money should I spend to get this guy to Huaguang! Even breaking the salary structure of the South Bay Group is worth it.

This is a golden mountain!

This night someone was so excited that he didn't go to bed until dawn.

The consequence is that the habit of getting up at five o'clock in the morning, which he has cultivated for many years, changed on this day, and he didn't wake up until half past seven.

Had it not been for Han Guang's family to ask him to tell him when he would go to Wang Xuan did not say anything. When he arrived at Peking University the next day, he called Yang Zhengkun to his office and talked about recommending him to work on the database.

At first Yang Zhengkun looked confused: "Is there someone in our country who wants to build a database? Really?"

"Of course it's true. I will arrange for you to meet. You can have a good chat with that person. Maybe there is something that surprises you even more."

Yang Zhengkun considered it for a while and nodded in agreement, isn't it just a chat! It doesn't necessarily go.

Therefore, at noon on July 1st, it was Quanjude, Wan Feng and Yang Zhengkun meeting.

Yang Zhengkun doesn't have much hair, his body is thin, and he seems a little shy.

He neither drinks nor smokes.

This is a bit awkward and a bit cold.

But fortunately, Yang Zhengkun sent out a question in advance, and it was still straight to the point.


"Professor Yang, just call me Xiaowan."

"Xiao Wan! I want to ask what your company does?" Yang Zhengkun is not limited to the address, you say Xiao Wan is called Xiao Wan.

"Professor Yang! The things our company does are a bit mixed, ranging from mechanical processing to vehicle production to semiconductor material processing for mobile phones and computers."

"So many? This belongs to group management. I wonder which pillar industry of your group is?"

Pillar industry? Wanfeng really hasn't considered this issue.

What are the pillar industries of Nanwan Group? It was undoubtedly a motorcycle at the beginning, but it seemed to be mixed after development.

But you can't tell Yang Zhengkun that they are all pillars. This is perfunctory.

"Mobile phones and cars."

Wanfeng selected two more representative industries of the group and spoke out.


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