"Mobile phones and cars? Your group also makes cars?" Yang Zhengkun was a little confused.

When the other party introduced the product just now, it seemed that there was still a vehicle manufacturing.

"Hey! If you don't make it well, make it out!" Wan Feng replied modestly.

"This mobile phone and car don't seem to have much contact with the database?"

"We still have a website, and we are developing an engine to prepare a search website. The website has only been open for a few months. It is not a major industry, but in the future this area will be an important part of the company. Isn't this related to the database? ."

Yang Zhengkun became interested.

"You also built a website? What website?"

"Xinlang, and the panda chat software is also ours."

"Xinlang.com belongs to your company?" Yang Zhengkun's voice was several decibels higher.

This is too unexpected.

Since the establishment of the network, although Xinlang.com has not built a website for a long time, because of the rapid update of information, most of the chat rooms have become well-known websites in China.

Of course, this has something to do with the lack of websites at that time.

At present, there are only a dozen Chinese websites in Huaguo, and they are not well-known.

"Replace it like a fake."

"After Xinlang.com, do you want to set up a search website?"

Wan Feng nodded.

Suddenly, Yang Zhengkun stopped speaking. After trying hard to get rid of a piece of duck meat, he wiped his hands with toilet paper.

"I'm interested in your company, but I don't know anything about databases. I'm going to have a process of adapting."

Wan Feng is overjoyed, you see how real this is, he agreed without even discussing the conditions.

"Professor Yang! You mean you agreed to work in our company?"

"Yes! In fact, I also want to change my work environment during this period and feel the enjoyment of the new project. I decided to go to your company for a period of time to see it, but I am ugly, if I feel boring or I will leave if my work doesn't go well."

Wan Feng patted his chest and promised: "This is okay. Although our company is not a company that comes and goes as long as you want, you are an exception. If you don't go well with us, you can leave at any time to ensure that no one will stop you."

However, this possibility is almost impossible. There have been countless people in the South Bay Group over the years, except for those who retire at their age, no one has voluntarily asked to leave.

Nanwan Group's strong financial resources and strength, as well as a healthy and optimistic corporate culture have its own unique charm, and those who come will never leave.

Yang Zhengkun will not be an exception.

"That's it, then when will I go to your company?"

Go here? Unexpectedly, this product is still impatient.

"Professor Yang! You won't talk about terms? It's over like this? This seems a bit of a play."

"Conditions? What conditions?"

"For example, what kind of laboratory do you need? What is the annual salary?"

"Look at it, it's not my concern."

This issue should not be sloppy, and it may not be possible that disputes will arise in the future.

Since Yang Zhengkun didn't mention it, Wan Feng had to take the initiative to mention it.

"Professor Yang! I wonder if you are going there alone or with a team?"

"Isn't there someone doing it with you? I'll do it myself. If your people can satisfy me, I won't hire people."

It would be much easier for Yang Zhengkun to do this alone.

"Look like this, where you have your own laboratory and sufficient research funding, the company will provide you with a house and a car and driver. Your annual salary is 200,000 yuan, if this project is successfully developed , I will also give you a bonus of no less than five million."

Even if Yang Zhengkun had no special requirements for treatment, Wan Feng's conditions were enough to shock Yang Zhengkun.

Give the house and car with its own laboratory sufficient scientific research expenses, 200,000 annual salary!

His salary at Peking University is not low now, it is only more than 10,000 yuan a year, and this has increased more than ten times!

If the research and development is successful, there will be a bonus of 5 million, or it is his personal, what else is it to say?

"Xiao Wan! This condition seems too generous, right? I'm afraid I will be ashamed."

"You deserve it! You should be treated like this, but we also have a requirement that the results and patents of future research and development must belong to Huaguang, which belongs to 100%."

Although Wan Feng didn't need to repeat this condition, he still said it, first the villain and then the gentleman, so that in the future the two sides will not be able to go to court.

"Do you look at this? Anything will do."

"Professor Yang! This isn't something to be written in the contract."

"Of course this belongs to you." Yang Zhengkun agreed very happily.

"Then you don't discuss it with your family?"

"No, my child has to stay in Beijing to study when he is young. My wife will take care of him. Just give me a few days off every quarter to come back and have a look."

There are only a few days off every quarter, which is not a problem.

"Professor Yang! We will return to Beiliao tomorrow. When do you want to go there? I will send someone to pick you up."

Yang Zhengkun thought for a moment: "Then I will go back this afternoon and tell my lover, I will go with you."

Wanfeng dumbfounded~www.ltnovel.com~ This is too impatient, right?

"Then what do you do in your school? You can't just leave, right?"

"My teacher can solve this."

Since Yang Zhengkun had said so, Wan Feng didn't say anything anymore, but instead gave out 50,000 yuan to Yang Zhengkun as a family allowance on the spot.

Yang Zhengkun did not decline either.

Yang Zhengkun said that he did what he said. After lunch, he went home in the afternoon to talk to his lover.

Her lover always followed his advice, but did not blame him for leaving the professor at Peking University improperly ran into the gully to study some pants, but he was not at ease about the company he was going to.

I keep asking if the company is reliable and safe!

Yang Zhengkun said that this was introduced by his teacher, and was asked by Mr. Mi Guangnanto, the former Vice President of Ideal. Mi Guangnan is now working in this company and has been working for several years.

After hearing this, Yang Zhengkun's lover said nothing.

After learning that the other party gave 200,000 yuan an annual salary, even the upcoming separation of the two places was indifferent.

After settling in, Yang Zhengkun rushed to Peking University and reported to Wang Xuan about his decision to go to Nanwan.

Yang Zhengkun's tail in the school, Wang Xuan, has a big deal.

Everything was settled. At 9 o'clock the next morning, Yang Zhengkun followed Wan Feng by plane to the Bohai Sea.

At 5 pm on July 2nd, Han Guang's family drove Yang Zhengkun to Jiangwei in a car.

Like most people who came to Jiangwei for the first time, Yang Zhengkun's eyes were full of surprise.

As soon as the car drove onto the mountain bag where the Zhan Honggui gas station was located, the entire Xiaoshutun was in a panoramic view.

From this position, you can see Liutun Crouching Tiger, Xiaoshutun and Dongshan.

The tall buildings suddenly rushed into Yang Zhengkun's eyes, giving him the idea of ​​going wrong.


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