Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 785: Female graduate student

Many people have abilities and ideas, but lack opportunities.

Although Tunghai University is one of the few prestigious universities in China, it has the same institutional characteristics as ordinary enterprises and institutions, which makes people lose their will in it, and then obscures everyone, no different from the surrounding people who hated it during the student days.

Qin Gang has seen too many people of this kind. He had resisted before, and now he has no doubt that he will become this kind of person too. He has a wife. Even if the child is born, his parents are not in good physical condition, and he feels that he has a great responsibility. He has become a fan and has begun to lose courage. The previous too strong self-confidence has been shaken. At this time, Qin Gang may take a step forward and he will be lost. Of course everyone is gone. Fastest update of novel chapters

At this moment, it was as if a door suddenly opened in front of his eyes, and his eyes suddenly brightened, and the will that was about to be extinguished suddenly rekindled, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. The establishment of this training institution was like a grab, and he was not allowed to put his energy into it as much as possible.

Qin Gang knew that training institutions must be established and run well. In addition to the attitude of the school, the ability to obtain support from relevant departments such as computer and information engineering is also the key. In order to establish a computer network training school, Chuangyu needs to be affiliated to Dongda University, and it is impossible to cultivate a group of excellent teachers immediately. It has nothing to do with the teaching resources of surrounding universities, and Dongda Computer Department will be the focus of dependence. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

After reporting to Cui Guoheng, Qin Gang immediately contacted the head of the principal's office and the department of computer science and other related departments. Both the school and the leaders of the relevant departments responded quickly to the establishment of this training institution after hearing about the funding received by Chuangyu.

At Tunghai University, Zhang Ke most likes the comprehensive reading room on the ground floor of the library. He sits on a window seat. The vines on the simple wooden frame outside the window have not yet sprouts, and the unshielded sunset light shines through the window and falls on the table. On the book.

After receiving a call from Zhai Danqing, Zhang Lang wrote a book, some books have to be returned to the shelf, and some books he borrowed from the library to go back and forth to the apartment to look at the ground. When she walked to Chen Feirong who was sitting quietly, she bent over to her ear and greeted softly: "I'm going to be there at night; I was going to invite you to dinner." Chen Feirong smiled brightly. The eyes watched Zhang Ke walk out of the reading room.

In the courtyard hall of the library in the back-shaped building, Zhai Danqing was wearing a lavender plaid jacket, with a bottom skirt to cover the long coat. I only saw the slender legs wrapped in flesh-colored silk socks and bright red high heels standing in the courtyard hall of the library, bright and dazzling, with a feeling of "beautiful people in the north, and independence from the world". There are many beauties in this world, and I went to the music academy, military region song and dance troupe, and normal university to grab a handful, but this unique temperament and conviction are not something ordinary people can have, and she has a refreshing beauty.

"I don't know that Shao Ke is such a person who loves to study..." Zhai Danqing had come to Dongda to study the pre-examination training of Dongda MBA, and had contact with Zhang Ke at Dongda, but they were not as deep as they are now. In his campus life. After opening the door in the morning from the reading room of the library, Zhang Ke took the bread and water in and sat down until the sun went down, if nothing else interfered. He will sit until the museum is closed at night before leaving.

"The place I love most about Dongda is this library... I can't be extravagant to build a library for myself with tens of millions of books. This is probably the main reason why I chose to stay together for the past four years. "Zhang Ke smiled. He didn't want to tell others the real reason why he hid on the campus of Dongda University. "Learning and thinking are originally the responsibility I can't shirk... If I say this, will you have a special feeling?"

"Study so hard. It really doesn't fit your image." Zhai Danqing teased Zhang Ke. Reach out and take the book in his hand.

Zhang Ke retracted his hands. Said: "There is no need to be so polite. The work you have to do is much more complicated than helping me carry a bag. I'm not used to others looking at me with weird eyes..."

The internal corner escalator is located in the courtyard hall. The top is covered with a sunshade glass panel.

Zhang Ke and Zhai Danqing walked out of the hall with their shoulders. Cui Yuman talked and laughed with his classmates and walked down the corner stairs. Cui Yuman is discussing issues with his classmates. Go downstairs with his back on his back. Did not see Zhang Ke. Her classmate reminded her to be careful not to bump into people. She turned her head to look. Seeing that Zhang Ke stopped and stood at the top of the stairs looking at her. Shocked. Step on a flight of stairs. The whole person slammed into Zhang Yanli.

Zhang Ke is also agile. Watching Cui Yuman bump into his arms. Get out of the way in time. Cui Yuman did not catch the support. He staggered and rushed for two steps. Finally failed to maintain balance. Fell to the ground. He was holding a large pile of books and spilled all over the floor.

"Ah. I didn't see you. You won't blame me for getting out of the way in time?" Zhang Ke said with a smile.

Cui Yuman's face was flushed. Yesterday, he was sternly training this kid, but today he made a fool of himself in front of this kid, and even ridiculed him.

Two of Cui Yuman’s classmates hurriedly came over to help her from the cold grindstone floor. A girl looked back at Zhang Ke and complained: “Why are you like this? I saw people falling down the stairs. , Didn't give a hand, even got out of the way?" Seeing Zhai Danqing next to Zhang Ke, she was taken aback.

Watching Cui Yuman stand up and rubbing her hurting knees, the eyes that came over were shy and annoyed. The tigress can only touch it occasionally, but she has to slip away before she becomes angry and pulls Zhai Danqing's. The sleeve tube quickly went away.

Zhai Danqing looked back curiously, and asked Zhang Ke, "This girl, who has a deep hatred with you, has she escaped so wickedly?"

"More than a deep hatred, she actually wanted to get rid of me and soon..." Zhang Ke told Zhai Danqing that Cui Yuman was the new grade director who caused both him and Du Fei to have a headache yesterday.

Zhai Danqing stretched out his hand to cover his lips and laughed. The crisp laughter fell like silver bells in the library hall. After resting for a while, he covered his waist and eyes, and pointed at Zhang Ke, "I think the worst part of you is like this. Unscrupulously molested the girl."

"Where is it? It's too late for me to hide, so how dare I try to molest her?" Zhang Ke spread out his hands innocently, and Ma Hailong, who replaced Fu Jun, waited for Zhang Ke and Zhai Danqing outside the library gate, and saw them come out. First stretched out his hand to help them open the car door.

The two girls are Cui Yuman's roommates. They turned their heads and watched Zhang Ke and Zhai Danqing get into the black car. They also said angrily: "This man is really true, and Bai has a nice look. His face is incomprehensible, and who would dare to deliberately hit him in his arms in the future..."

"Don't be idiots, Xiaoman can dodge when he shoots; if you run into it, he will not only get out of the way, but maybe even kick at you... You didn’t see the woman next to him, it’s simply It's an evildoer," the other girl said with eyes full of confusion.

Seeing Zhang Ke walking away triumphantly, Cui Yuman rubbed his broken knees, tickling with hatred. He heard two inhumane classmates talking nonsense there, as if he was a idiot and deliberately bumped his head. After two laps, seeing them all looking at the direction the car was leaving, they said angrily: "Don’t be dumbfounded, he is the Zhang Ke I told you about, one of the four evils in Haizhou is one of the few. Seeing his travel style , I won’t say that I’m screaming with you in the future, right?”

"Ah, it's him! He looks pretty sunny and so handsome," a girl ran up to the gate in surprise and looked at the car disappearing around the corner, and said sadly, "He is going to come in and kidnap me. Do you think it’s better for me to struggle or not to struggle?"

Another girl said: "Some people say that it is the extinction teacher. I think the reputation is corrupted from you. Do you need that? I will buy two provocative melons and give them to you later. No comments or requests are allowed. Change the root to the bigger one, and slice the cucumber..." Suddenly he changed his tone and said, "I really want to be the heroine of the seven balloons. Such a bad man is in a relationship!"

When Cui Yuman heard his roommate's words, UU Read almost fell over again.

Cui Yuman did not know the details behind the kidnapping case. The police knocked on when Wan Tiancai, Zhao Siming and others broke in. Stopping the crime itself has a lot of drama. Later, her brother traced it to the host Huang Zhuquan. I can't investigate it, and it is obvious that there are more mysteries surrounding the kidnapping case. There are some things in the local area, no matter how strong it is, you may not be able to open the lid directly, and you can see traces of power struggles behind them. After that incident, Cui Yuman first returned to Beijing to rest. Although Haizhou No. 1 Middle School transferred her job to the junior high school, she actually never returned to Haizhou for a day, but detained her parents with a strong attitude and means. Exam preparation at home in Beijing.

Cui Yuman grabbed her roommate to help her pick up the scattered books. In the pile of books she borrowed, there was a thin booklet, which was mostly because Zhang Ke accidentally dropped when he jumped away. Down. Cui Yuman tilted his head and looked at the booklet in his hand. It was Huang Zongxi's "Ming Yi Waiting for a Visit". He was very surprised: This kid would look at this kind of book borrowed from the library, or said he didn't intend to get the book from the library. Did you bring it out with other books in the library? Cui Yuman is more inclined to believe in the latter possibility. Although the possibility is much smaller than the former one, it is always difficult to reverse the inertia or prejudice of people's thinking.

The best way is to go to the place where the book is borrowed and enter the bar code to check it. By the way, return the book to the library.

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