Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 786: Angels and demons

After getting into the car, Zhang Qie lay a pile on the seat next to him, only to realize that Huang Zongxi's "Mingyi Waiting for Visit" was gone. I remember to take out the reading room together. Most of them fell in the courtyard hall. Look back. At a glance, the car had already turned the corner of the gallery, and that could only be forgotten. Even if he had time, Zhang Ke had a headache and went back to deal with Cui Yuman.

Today, Shao Zhigang and his uncle Zhang Zhifei hosted Luo Jun, Wang Weijun and others at the Hilton Hotel. Zhang Ke was invited to accompany them. Zhang Ke always pushes off the entertainment as much as possible, but some of the entertainment is also inevitable. Fastest update of novel chapters

When the car arrived in front of the Hilton Hotel, Zhang Ke and Zhai Danqing were about to get off and saw Wang Haisu getting out of the car in front. After getting out of the car, Wang Haisu did not walk in directly. Instead, he stood at the door and stared at the back. When Zhang Ke got out of the car, he looked back. The BMW behind was Lin Xue’s car. He saw Hu Zongqing sitting through the front window of the car. In the passenger seat.

It turned out that they also chose to dine at the Hilton Hotel today. Zhang Ke wondered if he was sitting in the BMW car behind Hu Zongqing and Lin Xue. This person could make Hu Zongqing condescend to sit in the passenger seat? It shouldn't be Xiao Mingjian. If Xiao Mingjian, it should be Xiao Mingjian and Hu Zongqing sitting in the back row at the same time. Unless Xiao Mingjian and Lin Xue have an unclear and unclear relationship, it is possible to sit like this. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Zhang Ke suddenly became interested in the people in the car. After he got out of the car, he greeted Wang Haisu passionately: "President Wang is also coming to Hilton for dinner today. Who are you waiting for here? Wait for the classic Lin Xiu to return. Is there Vice Mayor Hu? Then I will accompany you here and wait a while. I haven't really greeted them seriously yet."

After knowing Zhang Ke's identity, Wang Haisu had an indescribable fear when he saw him again. He was not a brain-dead, and of course he could understand afterwards that Zhang Ke deliberately asked him to plagiarize the software industry park project plan. Wang Haisu couldn't understand Zhang Ke's intention to do this. He really couldn't imagine the consequences of letting Lin Xue, Hu Zongqing, Ge Jiande and others know the truth of the matter.

Wang Haisu suddenly climbed to the peak of his life. How could he tolerate that he would easily fall from the peak to nothing? For the first time, I really felt that when he was on campus, he seemed to be a harmless young man, like a devil, tempting himself to jump into a dream that he would never want to climb out willingly, but he had the ability to make this colorful The dream is easily shattered.

Wang Haisu stood there stiffly. I want to laugh, but my face is more uncomfortable than crying.

Zhang Ke looked at Wang Haisu's expression with a smile, but at this time he saw outside. He didn't expect that after Hu Zongqing got out of the car, he eagerly helped open the rear door but Ge Jiande got out of the car. Lin Xue got out of the car from the other side, looking at Zhang Ke, with a smile on the corners of her mouth. Said: "Kumho got the whole piece of land in the east of the lake as he wished. Are you here to celebrate today?"

The attention of Lin Xue, Xiao Mingjian, Hu Zongqing and others attracted the past to the software industry park project. Naturally, there is no extra energy to compete for the Yanguihu East Bank Sub-city Center project. There is almost no strong competition and it is indisputable. Embrace the nearly two square kilometers of land on the east bank of Yangui Lake. Today is the banquet after the dust has settled. Seeing that Lin Xue did not receive it at all, but on the contrary showed a rare good mood, Zhang Ke was very surprised: Is there anything wrong with the software industry park project?

Zhang Ke said: "What does the plot of Hudong have to do with Kumho, Lin Xiu don't want everything to be planted on Kumho. If there is something wrong with your software industry park in the future, you must also transfer the responsibility to Kumho. Come on, when Kumho can afford it?"

Xue Lin was only as sharp as Zhang Ke. Wang Haisu heard sweat from his forehead from the sidelines.

Zhang Ke bowed to Ge Jiande again. He said: "How can Director Ge come down from Beijing to inspect work?" The two sessions are held and the Ministry of Information Industry will be formed soon. As the center of the whirlpool. At this time, most people will not leave Beijing easily.

In addition to occasional open sincere meetings with Zhang Ke, Ge Jiande. The two officially face-to-face contact has not yet occurred.

National high-tech industry. Beijing Zhongguancun High-tech Park has always been the leader. Guangdong and Shanghai are slightly weaker. Central cities such as Jianye, Wuhan, and Hangzhou are all in the second-tier position. It was this young man who prompted Jianye to start the digital corridor project. Only a short period of one year. This makes Jianyedi High-tech Industry Exhibition a situation that is changing with each passing day. There is a vague momentum of direct Beijing from Shanghai to Shanghai. The reason for this situation. Although there is a very important reason that the domestic high-tech industry and information industry exhibition is still in its infancy. But such a young man really makes people unable to get a glimpse of it.

Ge Jiande nodded slightly. Said: "There is always work to be done..."

Falsely shudder for a moment. Neither side could bear it any longer. They left separately. There are elevators on both sides of the lobby. Take the elevator and deliberately walk aside.

Enter the box. My uncles Zhang Zhifei, Shao Zhigang, Luo Jun and Wang Weijun were already inside.

"Ah, isn't it that we are late?" Zhang Ke and Zhai Danqing sat down on the two empty chairs. The air conditioner in the room was turned on and it was a little hot. Zhang Qi took off his dark brown leather jacket and placed it on the back of the chair. After my uncle Zhang Zhifei greeted Liang Jun, "I want to try my best to come back to attend your wedding with Sun Li. I didn't expect that the winter in Japan is not as boring as I imagined. I was lazy. I didn't rush back. You and Sun Li don't want to come back. Blame me, did my mother give you a gift for me, right?"

"I'm lazy and don't want to go back to China. I have to say it out loud, you..." Zhang Zhifei shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Liang Jun also smiled helplessly, everyone was there, and he asked Luo Jun and Wang Weijun what drinks they planned to drink so that he could arrange the dinner.

Zhang Qigang met Ge Jiande and others at the entrance of the hotel and told Luo Jun and Wang Weijun. Wang Weijun said: "The software industry park project has just been listed as a national key torch project. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology directly allocated land support funds. There are three million, and they probably celebrated this..."

The software industry park’s project planning has only been proposed for more than two months, and the substantive work has not yet been carried out, so it was included in the national key torch plan. Zhang Ke patted his forehead, wanting to express his surprise, but he thought about this kind of thing. It is normal in China, and this also shows the "ability" of Ge Jiande and others from the side. Of course, Zhang Ke would not tell Luo Jun and Wang Weijun that the Software Industrial Park was thrown by Wang Haisu to balance the struggle in the city. He just smiled and said: "No wonder Lin Xue just saw me still holding a charming smile. Surprised... Seeing me before, her face was so gloomy that she could squeeze out water."

Three million direct support funds are still a trivial matter. The key point is that after the project is listed as a national key torch project, the project needs financing to start. This is a green light all the way, and Wang Weijun has no more appropriate reason to set up their software industrial park project.

“It’s no wonder they are proud that their software industrial park project has been corrected before the declaration. Not only is it building an industrial park in Yee. It will also build an industrial park of the same size in Jinshan at the same time. It is said that Jinshan and Jianye will mutually promote each other. Software industry chain that complements each other..." Wang Weijun continued to explain that Zhang Ke had gone abroad and stayed in Japan years ago. He also came back to Jianye from Beijing yesterday. In the past month or so, something happened in Jianye, Wang Weijun worried Zhang Ke didn't have much time to care about these trivial things, so he explained on the sidelines.

"Heh, they want to play big too. I said why I didn't see Mayor Xiao with them. Maybe Mayor Xiao has a different view of the big software industry exhibition, right?" Zhang Ke said. It can be seen from this that Xiao Mingjian has not completely integrated with them, and it is Xiao Mingjian's point. I definitely hope that he can fully develop the software industry park in Jianye, so that he will have some capital to fight Luo Jun. The software industry park project is also being launched at Jinshan, which is the most fierce competition with Jianye, and the power concentrated on Jianye is weak. But Xiao Mingjian has no more choices. He always has to avoid becoming an isolated and helpless faction in Jianye.

As the software industry park project is not owned by Luo Jun himself, his attitude towards this will naturally be relatively cold. He looked at Zhang Ke and said: "Any laboratory or venture capital fund or venture park project is eligible to apply. Does Kumho have a corresponding plan for the national key torch plan? I must have this plan. I will let the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau cooperate with you?"

Zhang Ke scratched his head. He didn't want to go to the muddy water. He tactfully declined Luo Jun’s kindness and said, “I had plans to declare before. Later, considering the limited number of projects that can be declared through the Torch Program every year, I hope Leave the opportunity to other companies in Jianye..."

Luo Jun also didn't care, and turned the topic to the main topic of the dinner. He said: "The project on the east bank of Yangui Lake is officially handed over to Century Kumho. Can the project be promoted quickly? In addition to providing policy support to the urban areas and high-tech zones as much as possible, Kumho also needs to provide more support."

"This is a certain place," Zhang Ke said, "I wish that the experts, academics, and engineers of Oak Park could go to the newly opened community as soon as possible. Picture...When will Century Kumho start to build an international community for Oak Park, when will I have people transfer the funds to Century Kumho’s account in advance."

At this time, Century Kumho has introduced capital injections from Sun Shangyi, Ge Mingde and others, and the registered assets have reached 400 million yuan. However, at this scale, Century Kumho wants to leverage 3,000 acres of huge real estate projects at once, and there are still some Unable to catch it. The land transfer fee that needs to be paid to the city alone is as high as 1.4 billion. Although it can be paid in several batches. But after the payment was approved, Century Kumho's cash ran out.

There is still some time before the State Council issued a policy to include the real estate industry in the national pillar economy. At this time, financing loans for real estate companies are far less convenient than after the State Council issued policies.

Like the model of Xuefu Lane Youth Apartment, Century Kumho opens a high-end international community with villas in the corner of the northeast corner of Yangui Lake. Kumho will purchase the entire property, and Kumho will pay the purchase price to Century in advance. Kumho makes a turnaround.

After using, Zhang Ke and the others sent Luo Jun, Wang Weijun and others to leave first. Ge Jiande, Hu Zongqing and the others also finished their meal. They were separated in the hotel lobby. When they came over, they did not see Xie Hanjing, Xie Jiannan, and Zhou Jinxi. At this time, all three of them were Standing in the lobby of the hotel, you may have arrived at the hotel long before you, or you may have rushed over after you.

Seeing Zhou Jinxi, Xie Hanjing, and Xie Jiannan coming together with Ge Jiande, Zhang Ke thought to himself: The software industry park project is also being built in Jinshan at the same time. It is probably the result of their central operation, right?

For Chint Group, if it wants to enter the electronics manufacturing industry on a large scale, it can only rely on Schwab Electronics at this stage. Looking at Xie Hanjing and Xie Jiannan, they look at them. I thought they probably also saw the announcement of Yuexiu Holdings through the Hong Kong media?

Luo Jun and Ge Jiande were in the hall, so they couldn't pretend that they couldn't see each other and leave. Even if Hu Zongqing had a big opinion on Luo Jun, how dare to lose Luo Jun's face in public? There was another hypocritical greeting.

After getting in the car, Zhang Ke complained to Zhai Danqing: "I feel cold in my heart. Fortunately, I decided to hide in Dongda. Just imagine sitting in an office and looking at the old guys who want to bite me in their hearts to release their hatred. Putting on a gentle smile on my face makes people shudder."

Zhai Danqing smiled and said, "Who makes you hate?"

"Then there is any way, maybe I was born with them." Zhang Ke smiled. After eating, Zhang Ke couldn't go back to school for a while, but went to the headquarters building of Century Kumho just one street away from the south of Dongda with his uncle. The entrance hall is a large sand table model placed in front of everyone. .

"Oh, the project hasn't started yet, and the momentum has already been shown..." Zhang Ke stood in front of the model, and now the only detailed plan is about 1,000 acres of land adjacent to the east bank of Yangui Lake. Including a high-end villa community, a high-end apartment residential community including twelve-floor high-rise buildings, a group of high-level office buildings including eight high-rise buildings, and a high-rise hotel building. These are the quantities of the first phase of the project. It will be completed in three to four years. The total investment scale will be close to 3 billion, "How many high-rise buildings have designed drawings?"

"It's not that fast, even if the villa community has to wait for you to confirm... When you pass through Hong Kong, did Xu Si give you the latest plan for confirmation?" Shao Zhigang said again, "Luo Ji hopes to add five Star-rated hotels are built as landmarks in the high-tech zone. The plan is even more difficult to come out. It is currently being drafted. You can also give your comments..."

I stayed in Hong Kong for one night, and so many things were born. Is it possible to have time to sit down with Xu Si to look at the architectural proposal? Zhang Ke said: "I don't care what plan you make in the villa community, as long as you make a public green belt one hundred meters away from the lake shore. I don’t have any opinion on other land. Besides, apart from the 1,000 acres of land for the first phase of the project, the other 2,000 acres of land may not move for three to four years. After the land is obtained, it can’t be left uncultivated, right? Consider planting some ornamental trees first?" That said. Zhang Yan consciously closed his mouth, and smiled and asked his uncle, "Will I say too much?"

"It's okay, don't hesitate to ask what you want. You can subsidize us as much as you want." Zhang Zhifei laughed. Now only he can tell Zhang Ke this kind of thing.

Shao Zhigang just smiled beside him. Zhang Ke has a strong sense of social ambition and responsibility, but Century Kumho is a real estate company whose goal is profit. We cannot give too much consideration to social welfare. certainly. Zhang Ke's additional requests were fully subsidized. So as not to harm Century Kumho, Zhang Zhifei was only joking when he said it. Shao Zhigang turned to other topics and asked Zhang Ke: "Ke Shao's trip to Japan is going well, right?"

"It's pretty smooth, but we can't expect immediate results. The international market is more complicated, and it will take a short period of time to cultivate this market. From the production of the first disc player to the popularity of the country, it has passed Three years of market cultivation..." Zhang Ke said, "The time for ip1ayr to be accepted by the public will be but it will not be popular in the world immediately." Ye Jing is deeper, Xie Hanjing originally planned to meet Ge Jiande After meeting, he went back to Huishan that night, and when he met Zhang Ke at the Hilton Hotel, he changed his mind and decided to go to Zhou Jinxi's place to sit for a while. He also called out his thanks for not attending the banquet tonight; he was late at night. It doesn't matter to go back to Huishan

"What do you think of the statement they announced in Hong Kong to increase their holdings in Schwab Real Estate and Schwab Electronics?" Xie Hanjing raised the question and looked at Zhou Jinxi and Xie Jiannan's nephew.

Xie Jiannan rubbed the sun with a headache. He and Ge Yin both kept close contact. Knowing about Hong Kong’s birthplace in the past few days, the statement issued by Yuexiu Holdings looks like Zhang Ke is going to get back for Sun Jingmeng’s nanny who died in the car accident. It means to be fair, but it should be as simple as that.

At present, what they are doing with Ge Mingxin and Ge Yin is all carried out through Schwab Electronics and Schwab Real Estate. The worst result is that Kumho can obtain control of these two listed companies. Xie Jiannan cannot imagine the situation at the time. If you really want Kumho to control these two listed companies, wouldn't their Xie family really become the soft persimmons in Kumho's hands, let them pinch them whatever they want?

The four people sitting in the room couldn't say with certainty that Kumho did not have the strength to fight for control of the two listed companies, Schwab Electronics and Schwab Real Estate.

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