Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 896: Benefit sharing

"This kid hasn't jumped for a few days!" Zhang Zhifei got into the car and said.

Zhang He glanced, and through the car window saw Xie Jiannan walking towards the parking lot in front of the hotel where his car was parked.

"It's hard to say," Zhang Yan leaned comfortably on the leather back of the car seat. Zhai Danqing sat in front. He could see her white, soft cheeks and the crystal clear skin of her ears. "Kumho has always There will be no shortage of opponents. Xie Jiannan is not an impotent person. Look at his face, and he does not look like a bereaved dog. The classic woman is not a waiting person. I suspect that it has something to do with Yan Wenjie of Horizon Construction... …" Zhang Ke remembered the situation with Yan Wenjie in Xuefu Alley at the end of August. Yan Wenjie seemed to have determined that there would be a conflict of interest with Kumho at that time. Fastest update of novel chapters

Zhang Ke sat upright, stretched out his hand to push the soft shoulders of Zhai Danqing in the front seat, and asked her, "Where do you think Kumho and Horizon Construction might have conflicts of interest?"

"..." When Zhang Zhifei saw Xie Jiannan driving over them, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and said, "The Xie family is separated. King Ke wants to save himself. He can only take off the shares of Jincheng Real Estate. The same is true, will they take the initiative to find Horizon Construction?" "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"It should be said that Horizon Construction has long been favored by Jincheng Real Estate, right?" Zhang Ke sighed slightly. Although he has no greed for Jincheng Real Estate, Kumho has been suppressing Jincheng Real Estate with all his thoughts over the years. Regardless of whether Jincheng Real Estate is in the hands of Zhao Jinrong’s family, Jingdian and Charles Schwab-in the eyes of others, I am afraid that Kumho’s intention to do so is ultimately to annex Jincheng Real Estate, and Horizon Construction thinks that it will take away from Kumho’s tiger’s mouth. Shi, Yan Wenjie's grinning grinning in Xuefu Alley is not difficult to understand. Also, the supporter behind Xiao Mingjian should be the Yan family in East Zhejiang, so it seems that Yan Wenjie is also very interested in Jianye's real estate.

"The scale of the Horizon Construction Exhibition to today's scale may be very vigorous!" Zhai Danqing sighed softly, "Maybe they have any plans to accidentally destroy Kumho..."

"That's true. Kumho has not done much to block the way of people and money. But it can't be considered too small... This is no way to avoid it." Zhang Ke smiled slightly, not to the possibility that Horizon Construction could become an opponent. I feel particularly worried.

There is an exquisite courtyard on the innermost side of the Provincial Party’s Hospitality Hotel. The main building is a two-story bungalow. This was also the backyard where the Jinshan Defense Commander raised his concubines before the liberation. Many of the old buildings are not well preserved. The environment here is deep. Xu Xueping and his wife Zhou Shuhui live in the innermost courtyard.

Zhang Ke and his uncle Zhang Zhifei arrived. Xu Xueping just returned, and Liang Weifa, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, is also here.

The night was deep, and Liang Weifa couldn't remember that during this period of time, the Secretary of the Committee, Dou Weitao, had fallen asleep before early morning, and reported to him and the then Shang Xueyi about the construction of a deep-water port.

certainly. The issue of the port construction site of Dongshan Island. Someone proposed it as early as ten years ago. Technically. All have been resolved long ago. It has been delayed until now and it has not been implemented. There are many reasons. The most critical factor is the lack of dependence on deep-water seaports in the economy of Jiangnan Province and the lack of local finances for port construction funds.

This time is different from the past. Xinting City Party Secretary Dou Weitao proposed to jointly introduce overseas capital to participate in the new concept of Hong Kong construction.

then. The flood situation in Jiangnan is very urgent. There is also no time to convene a meeting of the Standing Committee to discuss this matter. However, Vice Premier Zeng Rusheng visited Jinshan twice to inspect the disaster. He casually mentioned the construction of a deep-water port on Dongshan Island.

After Jinshan Lake breached its embankment. The economy of Jiangnan Province was hit hard. The activity of enterprises in the province is also extremely limited. In the short term, Jiangnan Province should avoid a serious economic recession. The only way is to boost the economy with large-scale infrastructure investment.

The gross national product of Jiangnan Province in 1997 was less than 260 billion. The new investment is less than 100 billion yuan.

The construction of a deep-water port on Dongshan Island requires only 20 billion yuan in infrastructure investment. The 20 billion investment in infrastructure construction is bound to greatly promote the investment in industrial raw materials such as cement, steel, and chemicals.

Liang Weifa has never been very clear about the channel from which the problem of Dongshan Island’s port construction came to Vice Premier Zeng’s ears. Maybe it was Xinting City Party Secretary Dou Weitao who heard the sound of a car engine stopping in the yard, and sat at the same time with Xu Xueping. Looking straight out the window, Zhang Ke and Zhang Zhifei were getting out of the car.

"When did Secretary Xu know Zhang Kedi?" Liang Weifa sat back in the sand and chatted with Xu Xueping.

"It's been more than four years," Xu Xueping recalled, "this kid played a good chess game. I haven't had the time to play chess for a long time, I'm afraid I can't play him more." Seeing Zhang Ke and Zhang Zhifei come in, he said with a smile. "Do you know what we are going to talk about today? Governor Liang and I are a little tired. If you sit down and talk, you won't be shut down first."

"Then I will briefly report to Uncle Xu and Governor Liang. The report conclusions of the Kumho Economic Research Center on the impact of Dongshan Island's port construction on the regional economy in the Xie River Basin are basically agreed by Governor Li Yuanhu, Secretary Luo Jun, and Secretary Zhao Yang Yes." Zhang Tianran said with a smile. "The brief report is over, my uncle and I will go back to the hotel to rest, without disturbing Uncle Xu and Governor Liang to rest..."

"It's not true. You are talking nonsense here, Governor Liang?" Zhou Shuhui brought tea to the living room and scolded Zhang Ke with a smile. Zhang Zhifei hurriedly took over the tea set.

"I won't speak thoroughly today. Where can Uncle Xu fall asleep?" Zhang Ke took the teacup with a smile and sat down with his uncle.

Liang Weifa smiled, did not speak, he and Zhang Wei touched too much, but knew that his relationship with Zhang Ke could not be compared with Xu Xueping's. Seeing that they had a kind of family intimacy. "Xu Xueping picked up the teacup on the short table and drank two sips of tea. "The conclusion of that report can't be denied. Say something we want to know..."

"It's also very simple to say, sum it up in eight words: Participate together, this is the basic attitude of Donghai..." Zhang Ke said.

"It's affirmative that the interests are shared," Liang Weifa said with a smile, "we look forward to participating together..."

Dongshan Island’s establishment of a port is by no means an immediate start by raising sufficient funds. Even if the two prime ministers, Zhao Jidong and Zeng Rusheng, support them, they cannot eliminate all resistance. Zhao Jidong has a strong personality, but he cannot do anything in the prime minister’s seat. A lot. First, all overseas capital will be used to build large-scale deep-water seaports. There is no precedent in China. On the other hand, after the establishment of Dongshan Island, it will compete with ports along the coast of eastern Zhejiang in the south. Industrial clusters form competition.

To build a port on Dongshan Island, we must first obtain the support of the East China Sea Province. At this time, the position of the East China Sea Province in the country is higher than that of the Jiangnan Province. The participation of the East China Sea Province can greatly resolve the resistance to the establishment of the port. On the other hand, the East China Sea Province has ample financial resources. If Donghai Province can put out a portion of the funds to invest in the port construction, it will not be able to bring in all overseas capital. The financial abundance of Donghai Province is also the good foundation Xu Xueping laid when he was governor of Donghai Province.

"To be more specific," Xu Xueping has feelings for the East China Sea envoy, and of course he doesn't mind the East China Sea Province to share the benefits. "How is the interest in the sharing conversation Liang Weifa plays the protagonist, but you have to talk from Zhang Ke's mouth. He has to come in person.

"Co-investment in port construction and operation is a direct joint participation and shared interests; the connection between Dongshan Island and the East China Sea railway line, the high highway line, and the river-sea route must also be given priority. I think these, there is no doubt here," Zhang Ke said, "Speaking of the point, the most important and core interest of Dongshan Island after the port is built is the development of the port industry cluster, such as the port heavy industry, such as the port shipbuilding and repair industry, and the East China Sea Province hopes the East China Sea United Iron and Steel Group and Yangpu Shipbuilding Group can acquire Dongshan Iron and Steel Company and Dongshan Shipyard in Xinting City... Does Governor Liang know Dongshan Iron and Steel and Dongshan Shipyard?"

Liang Weifa nodded and said: "Dongshan Iron and Steel and Dongshan Shipyard are both state-owned enterprises under Xinting City. After Donghai United Steel Group acquires Dongshan Iron and Steel, and Yangpu Shipbuilding acquires Dongshan Shipyard, it can guarantee that Donghai United Steel and Yangpu Shipbuilding is the priority exhibition in Xinting, and the steel and shipbuilding industries are extremely dependent on deep-water port resources..."

" Zhang Ke nodded," Donghai United Iron and Steel Group will rely heavily on overseas iron ore for future exhibitions. The factory site will be moved near the deepwater seaport, and the transportation cost per ton of steel can be reduced by at least two to three hundred. After the expansion of Donglian Iron and Steel's annual production capacity is 3 million tons, only the decline in transportation costs will be 7.8 billion yuan, and the profit of Donglian Iron and Steel in 1997 is only 7.8 billion..."

"This is also a good thing," Liang Weifa considered for a while. "After Donglian Iron and Steel, Yangpu Dongshan Iron and Steel and Dongshan Shipyard, the focus of the exhibition will be on Xinting. What should we refuse?"

"That's also true," Zhang Ke said with a smile, "Said to participate together and share interests. Kumho Corporation intends to inject capital into Dongshan Iron and Steel before Donglian Iron and Steel acquires Dongshan Iron and Steel, and intends to acquire Dongshan Shipyard from Yangpu Shipbuilding Industry. Capital injection into Dongshan Shipyard before..."

Liang Weifa was a little surprised, Xu Xueping shook his head and smiled, and said: "You said for a long time about joint participation and equalization of interests. After all, you are still considering how Kumho will share interests?"

"Of course, you can't spend a lot of effort, you can't enjoy it at all, Kumho is for profit after all." Zhang Ke said with a shy face to Xu Xueping with a smile. Don't forget to vote for anyone who has a monthly pass. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please go to Chapter 6 More,

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