Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 897: Beauty temptation

Donghai United Steel Group itself is a large-scale state-owned enterprise. The group’s net assets are over 3 billion, and its operation and profitability are in good condition. It is in the early stage of the boom. It is too difficult for Kumho to directly hold shares in Donghai Iron and Steel. The province agreed that this transaction also needs to be approved by the State Council before it can be approved.

Dongshan Iron & Steel is only an enterprise under Xinting City, with a small scale and average benefits. Kumho's investment in Dongshan Iron & Steel only needs to be approved by the Jiangnan Provincial Government. After that, Donglian Iron & Steel will acquire Dongshan Iron & Steel. There is no procedural violation of the steel holdings. w Novel chapter updated fastest

Nanyang Shipping's investment in Dongshan Shipyard is also a roundabout way of holding shares in Yangpu Shipbuilding, which has the largest shipbuilding scale in Donghai Province.

So-called, Liang Weifa listened to Zhang Ke's smile on his face and said the two conditions for Kumho to participate in the port construction, only to realize that his main goal is Xinting and not Jinshan. In addition, Kumho's participation in the port construction of Dongshan Island is bound to participate in the construction. Operation of Houhai Port.

Xu Xueping shook his head and laughed, Liang Weifa also sighed slightly, and said: "As long as it is reasonable and legal, the provincial government will support it!"

In any case, Kumho is only using reasonable business rules to carry out large-scale basic industries such as ports, shipbuilding, and steel. Kumho cannot be said to be private capital. The gradual liberalization of basic industries to non-public capital is also the general trend. Jiangnan Don’t mention the mess right now. Even before the flood, he rejected Zhang Ke’s proposal. Presumably Zhang Ke had communicated with Li Yuanhu on these conditions. Dan Qing smiled and said, "Perhaps it will grow out after one night." w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Zhang Ke looked up at Zhai Danqing’s face that was as bright as a bright moon. At this time, the sun was rising and Zhai Danqing stood behind his back. Zhang Ke watched the round corridors of her cheeks give birth to a finely fluffy golden red light. Her face was dazzling, and she couldn't see if there were subtle crow's feet in the corners of her eyes, and said, "You lower your head and show me..."

Zhai Danqing leaned down slightly, still not forgetting to hold the neckline with her hand slightly, Zhang Tuo's eyes were smooth and white, where could she have crow's feet? I stretched out a finger and slid it gently over the corner of her eye, and said with a smile: "Where do you have crow's feet? You can't look in the mirror with a smile. I also have crow's feet when I look in the mirror with a smile. Sometimes there are also forehead wrinkles."

The glass table was supported by a three-pronged foot. When Zhai Lai showed Zhang Ke the crow's feet in the corner of her eye, he held the glass table in his hand, and Zhang Ke slid his fingers across the corner of her eye. On the ground arm, seeing the glass table tilted to fall, Zhang Ke was not going to help Zhai Danqing at the moment, but holding the hot coffee cup on the glass table in his hand.

Zhai Danqing fell into Zhang Ke's cup, and the glass was shaken several times, but it didn't fall over.

After the body stabbed Zhang Ke with a finger that night, everyone thought that nothing happened in advance. After all, the relationship was ambiguous. When Zhang Ke was tired, Zhai Danqing wanted to be an assistant to help him knead twice. It’s nothing, even this kind of physical contact will make the mind very sensitive. After all, it’s contact, but it didn’t fall into Zhang Ke’s arms like this, Zhang Ke holding a hot coffee cup in his hand. I didn't dare to move.

Zhai Danqing stood up on Zhang Kedi's lower abdomen, blushing, and said embarrassingly: "Unexpectedly, you still have abdominal muscles..."

"Then do you have abdominal muscles?" Zhang Che's coffee cup was placed on the glass table.

"Where do I have abdominal muscles?" Zhai Danqing said, thinking that such a conversation was really stupid, but couldn't help but respond to Zhang Ke's words. He pressed his hand to his abdomen and let the soft abdomen sink slightly, and said to Zhang Ke ,"look."

Zhang Ke said, "Let me touch it."

Zhai Danqing didn't move away. He watched Zhang Ke reach out his three fingers against his soft abdomen, thinking about his waist, and stretched out his hand to touch it elsewhere. The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, and Zhai Danqing was shocked and shrank back, seeming to want to take the initiative to avoid Zhang Ke's fingers. Seeing Zhang Qie withdraw his finger, Zhai Danqing felt a little regretful: Wouldn't he think he was rejecting him again?

Zhai Danqing's cell phone was set to vibrate first and then rang. Zhai Danqing hesitated for a while, the cell phone rang, but had to walk aside to answer the call. But it was the phone number of Zhang Mei, deputy director of the Comprehensive First Division of the Xinting Municipal Party Committee Office. Zhang Mei is also a coquettish woman. She told Zhai Danqing on the phone that Xinting City Party Secretary Dou Weitao and Executive Deputy Mayor Tao Shuyi are now leaving Xinting and will be able to reach Jinshan at about ten o'clock. She asked if Zhang Ke could use it together at noon. Lunch.

Zhai Danqing resented: No one was out, so what do you call in a hurry? Seeing that Zhang Ke had already picked up the tea cup on the glass table and sat outside the window, he turned around and said to her: "Meet the people in Xinting at noon, let my uncle know..." Zhai Danqing and Zhang Mei confirmed on the phone Then I hung up.

This ambiguous mind was like ebb and high tide. When Zhang Ke's fingers were touched in his lower abdomen just now, the feeling in his heart was extremely soft. Zhai Danqing even had the courage to suggest that Zhang Ke would go further, and the tide would come up, and it seemed that it would be natural. But as soon as the call was worried, the thoughts in my heart withdrew. Without the confusion and encouragement of sex, I had to think about how many women this guy has. I really slept with him, and I don’t know if I can stay with him. By my side, these problems came over, and I was afraid of being in the same room with Zhang Ke, and told Zhang Ke that she was a little tired, so she went back to her room to make up for the rest.

How can you fall asleep right away just back to the room? Filled with a bathtub of water, the whole person lay in comfortably, and called Wei Lan for a while. The military training of Dongda was only halfway through. Although the girls participated in the military training more easily, it was also very hard. Listen Wei Lan complained on the phone for a long time. The body was soaked in warm water comfortably, and I wanted to squint to rest, and soon fell asleep.

When he was awakened by the knock on the door, Zhai Danqing slid into the cold water, stood up with hands and feet, and picked up the mobile phone on the dressing table. It was already 12 noon. Ma Hailong told her in the aisle: "The people from Xinting have been here for an hour. Will Assistant Zhai have lunch with people from Xinting?"

I’ll be there soon..." Zhai Danqing slicked his towel to dry the hot water in the bathtub was already cold. Although Jinshan is still in the autumn season, the temperature in these few days is not high. It’s not 20 degrees at noon. My body was already tired. I soaked in cold water for a long time. I felt a little top-heavy. Zhai Danqing knew that he had a cold and didn’t have time to find cold medicine. Zhang Ke, Zhang Zhifei, and Xinting City Those of you are waiting for themselves at the dinner table.

Zhang Ke didn't sleep for the whole night, but looked very bright. Seeing Zhai Danqing's face a little pale, he asked her to sit next to him: "My face is very bad, do you want to continue to rest?"

"I fell asleep in the bathtub, can I walk away again?" Zhai Danqing whispered in Zhang Ke's ear, and then apologized to the others, "Let everyone wait..." Seeing Dou Weitao's return this time Bringing the girl Gao Qing with her, I wondered if these people in Xinting City were going to perseverely set a peachy look and let Zhang Ke jump in? They may not know that Kumho has a deeper interest in the establishment of a port on Dongshan Island. This peachy trap was posted in vain, but they did not know whether Zhang Ke could hold it.

I also think that the world's most trapped people are nothing more than financial rights**. Zhai Danqing has long seen that Zhang Ke is a passionate and greedy guy. Although he has a little more self-control and respects women, he is ultimately resistant. Without the constant flow of beauty, Zhai Danqing thought again: Was he right to him this morning? (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please go to section 6 more,

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