Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 936: Ambition for the throne

Shiba took up 40% of the global market within two months of its launch, but the market space of T9 Kumho and Skopje was not squeezed out at all. On the contrary, Toshiba’s franchise promotion camp took a big step forward. In September and October, the volume in the Japanese market achieved a strong increase, driven by Toshiba.

Similarly, if Kumho's products can successfully enter the markets of Europe and North America at this time, it will also promote the sales of Toshiba and Skoper in the region.

Emmer guessed that Kumho’s "vicious" plan, gritted his teeth to express his inner anger, but Zhang Ke's appearance that he was not afraid of boiling water for a dead pig also made him quite helpless. Only one month before Kumho can accept the flash memory order from Skobo. He rather helplessly said: "Aren't you worried that Toshiba has an opinion on this?" The novel chapters are updated the fastest

"What opinion can Toshiba have? No wonder they hope that what they sell to users in late August will depreciate by one-third or more in three months?" Zhang Ke smiled and said, "I think Toshiba needs more During the buffer period of three to five months, we will also communicate with them on this issue. Scooper will wait patiently for three to five months, not too late-we are facing a powerful enemy like Sony together, and good communication is a must ."

Emmer shook his head and smiled. Skobor does not have the initiative. Everything can only follow the steps of Kumho and Toshiba. Taking into account the goodwill carried by the brand, Toshiba does not want the price to drop sharply in a short period of time—— Often when new products come out, it is the best time to discount old products. Toshiba will need a three- to five-month buffer period to introduce new products. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

At this time, Toshiba, Kumho and Skobo do not have a substantial competitive relationship in the domain. For a long time to come, they will still unite and compete with Sony.

Emmer looked back and saw that Sony’s Watanabe Keiichi and Samsung’s Lee were dining in another corner of the restaurant. It happened that Watanabe Keiichi and Lee Jae were also looking at them, probably talking about them.

Emmer put his hands on his knees like a Japanese, and said with great pride: "Then let us lift Sony from the throne together."

Sony is the real king of the global portable player market. In order to realize the creative business concept of "put the music player in your jacket pocket", Sony succeeded in putting the first cassette type The Walkman was introduced to the market. So far, Sony’s cumulative sales of Walkmans have reached 150 million. In the 1990s, the annual sales of Sony Walkmans in the global market were all 10 million. Although affected by the Asian financial turmoil in 1998, the annual sales volume of Sony Walkman is expected to be no less than 14 million units, which will bring Sony not less than US$5 billion in sales revenue.

Who will dominate the portable music player market in the future is still the focus of attention of Toshiba, Skober and Kumho executives.

"Sony should also take action against us this time?" Imer asked uncertainly.

"We, together with Toshiba, are enthusiastically trying to knock Sony from the throne of the global portable music player market." Zhang Ke said with a smile. "For such an important classification of the market. Of course Sony will not take it lightly..."

Zhang Ke doesn't know if Sony will follow the historical path. Maybe because of Kumho some changes. But Sony is such a huge thing. Its endogenous inertial force cannot be ignored. The key to this is that Sony’s audio-visual product department still lacks a strong leader like Okamaki who dared to betray tradition.

At this time, it is necessary to say that Sony feels the threat of a Chinese electronics company. I'm afraid that people in the industry will find it incredible.

Two years ago. Keiichi Watanabe works in Sony's component department. When Sony gave Kumho and Philips jointly drive out the market for machine cores. I also think that all of this is due to Philips geography; as of today. Kumho's technical strength in the fields of optoelectronics and micro-machines has extended its production cores to computer optical drive products. certainly. It can also be said that Kumho relies on Texas Instruments Optoelectronics technology; but even if Sony is standing still and recklessly proud. Nor would it be assumed that Kumho Kaishu will have no impact on the portable music player market in the future.

To say that Sony has strong confidence in the market for portable music players. Prospects for the floppy drive market. Sony's high-level confidence was shaken.

As the planned standard configuration of the floppy disk drive by Sony, Kumho officially exhibited its instant storage technology at the Russian Electronics Show in June. In late August, Toshiba launched its instant storage product flash disk, and the industry has gradually realized that the technology and Flash disks may eliminate floppy disks.

Kumho’s instant storage technology

The first generation of flash drives on the previous generation is different. After more than two years of fully quasi-TF real-time storage technology, it has been able to directly boot and start under the system. In terms of function, it is ready to completely eliminate the floppy drive. The current disadvantage is probably A price of more than one hundred and sixty dollars prevents the large-scale application of flash drives.

As the vice president of Sony’s product development department, Keiichi Watanabe came to Hong Kong to participate in the Electronics Fair this time. He also wanted to have a close contact with Kumho. It’s funny to say that Keiichi Watanabe first came into contact with Kumho. Three years ago, if it wasn't for Lee to point out that the young man sitting across from Imo, the CEO of Skobor, was the soul behind the scenes of Kumho, he really couldn't recognize it, and he had never had a chance to contact him before.

Seeing Emmer looking back, Li smiled slightly and said to Keiichi Watanabe: "They may still be delusional to challenge Sony's position in the portable player market..."

Keiichi Watanabe also smiled slightly, and did not respond to Li Zai’s words. As a senior in the Sony product development department, he should have a correct assessment of the forward-looking market. At this time, he was thinking about Toshiba’s June Who benefits more from Kumho’s technology exchange: Kumho needs Toshiba’s flash memory technology to improve its own industrial chain, and Toshiba needs Kumho’s product technology to restore its declining market position.

After dinner, Li Zai saw Zhang Ke and Imo sitting there chatting happily. He and Jin Nanyong said goodbye to Keiichi Watanabe and left the restaurant. There is no one else in the elevator of Novosibirsk, and the blushing face after being reflected in the bright stainless steel elevator, Li is asking Jin Nanyong: "Is it appropriate for me to suggest that the headquarters acquire Shiyu Electronics at this time?"

Sewoo Electronics is an unknown Korean electronics company, but Sewoo Electronics obtained Kumho's product technology authorization in mid-August.

To obtain product technology, Samsung must either obtain a direct license with Kumho, or acquire a company that has been authorized by Kumho.

Jin Nanyong thought in his heart: What is the difference between these two \\? Maybe you don’t have to worry about Kumho’s hype about Samsung and be convinced by their surgical skirts, right?

Jin Nanyong nodded and said, "I think it is appropriate to join the camp sooner rather than later. It is in the interests of Samsung Electronics. Otherwise, Samsung's interest in the future flash memory chip market may be squeezed out by Toshiba and Kumho."

Li nodded and said, "I have decided. You will draft a formal report for me. I intend to hand this report directly to the chairman..."

Although Samsung Electronics also manufactures and sells md walkmans, the core interests of md have always been in the hands of Japanese electronics manufacturers with Sony as the \\.

Although Samsung has to pay patent fees to Kumho to join the camp, Samsung’s interest in the future flash memory chip market should not be ignored.

Emmer also left the restaurant before leaving the restaurant. Zhang Ke accompanied Tang to order coffee in the restaurant, enjoying the beautiful night view of Victoria Bay through the thick glass curtain wall. He didn't know that Samsung was about to fall into the camp.

Drinking coffee with the beautiful scenery on such a good day is really enjoyable, but the mobile phone placed on the corner of the table vibrates uninterestingly, and it is still quite amorous.

Zhang Ke picked up the phone and looked at it, and said to Tang, "Su Jindong's phone... is really a headache, or should I ignore him?"

"Actually, I really like to see how you look when you talk about things. Although it's a bit rascal, but it's very manly," Tang smiled indifferently, and he was still holding his chin in his hand and intending to stare at Zhang Chi's phone intently. "Others can't. Gives me this feeling..."

Zhang Chi called later, and Zhai Danqing went into the restaurant to pick them up.

"President Su met Philips' Zhang President Ding is also there, I hope you can take time to pass."

"What?" Zhang Ke stood up, and in front of Zhai Danqing, he didn't take Tang's shoulder intimately.

"President Chen went to Deyi's banquet, and he has not returned to the hotel." Standing in front of Zhang Ke and Tang, Zhai Danqing will feel confused no matter how strong his heart is, but the work is still to be done, and there is no way to find it. An excuse not to come to Hong Kong together.

Let's go down. "Zhang helped Tang take the jacket from the waiter and handed it to her to put it on.

Zhang Yaping, President of the Greater China Region of Philips Components, is an old friend of Kumho. Four years ago, the Philips Shanghai factory managed by Zhang Yaping controlled the market for disc drive movements. At the beginning of 1996, it was also the time when movement control was most in short supply. Only Kumho obtains a sufficient amount of movement supply from Philips' Shanghai factory, which is a key factor for Kumho to establish its dominant position in the disc player market in one fell swoop.

To say that someone from outside helps Kumho the most, Zhang Yaping should count as one. The key is that the employment contract between Zhang Yaping and Philips will expire in one month. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please go to Section 6 for more, support for \\, support for genuine reading!)

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