Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 937: What is your aspiration

When Yaping met Zhang Bang for the first time, it was the first machine they produced when Kumho was under construction in 1995. He then learned from this 17-year-old boy. The charming charm of business talent.

Of course, none of the men who can sit in this room today will have doubts about their abilities, IQ and talents, and there is no innate self-confidence. How can they be able to walk before the age of forty? At the pinnacle of life, become a member of the eye-catching elite group in this world? Take Xiao Jincheng as an example. When he was only able to invite his girlfriend to eat soup while studying in the United States, he solemnly proposed to marry him as a future billionaire. Such a character is still willing to be driven by the twenty-year-old youth in front of him. Open up Kumho's overseas market. w Novel chapter updated fastest

Seeing Zhang Ke walk in, Zhang Yaping stood up with Su Jindong, Dong, Xiao Jincheng, and said with a smile: "Just come over and sit at will, but I will disturb the beautiful beauty of Ke Shaoliangchen..."

"It doesn't matter, I spend a lot of time in my free time. I like sitting and chatting with old friends..." Zhang Ke smiled and asked Zhang Yaping and the others to sit down together. Tang and Zhai Danqing sat and listened to them.

At this moment, Chen Xinsheng also rushed back from Delfasi's banquet, plus Su Jindong, Dong, Xiao Jincheng, plus the scientist Tan Yunsong, most of Aida's core management are in this room. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"At this electronics exhibition, Kumho should still come out with new products that surprise the world," Zhang Yaping said with a smile, "In the past few years, I have become accustomed to this kind of expectation."

Regarding the things that will be publicly exhibited tomorrow, there is really nothing worth keeping secret. In front of old friends, there is no need to keep the suspense until the last minute. Zhang Ke smiled and said: "Now Kumho can get it. Only a few stand-alone digital radios will be launched, and two radio-functional batteries will also be launched, one with a dry battery," he turned his head over and said to Zhai Danqing, "Zhang is always our old friend, and we always have to give some gifts. For old friends..." said to Zhang Yaping again, "our mobile phone products are a bit trivial, so I won't show them up for ugliness."

Kumho does not have much brand awareness in overseas regions. It is convenient to take advantage of the electronics exhibition\clothing new products. However, the electronics exhibition is usually a stage for many electronics manufacturers to display the latest technological achievements, and it is more for professional manufacturers or agents in the same industry. However, excellent products and industrial design will not receive special attention at the electronics show. If you compare technology, Philips' digital mobile phone technology is several levels higher than Kumho.

Zhai Danqing took the latest model of Kumho Yaping to open the box, looked at the simple and bright brushed aluminum chassis, and said with a smile: "Aida's products are always elegant and elegant, and the design of product functions is also Very good-I have heard that you acquired a company with digital FM chip technology in Japan last year, and I was wondering when I would see you have a product that integrates this technology-Philips is very good at this. Too conservative."

"Each has its own strengths, Kumho has such a technical background as Philips, why bother to do such small work?" Zhang Ke said, this is not true, he has the intention to compliment Philips, Philips in the consumer electronics market There is never a particularly outstanding result in Shanghai, just because it is too conservative.

There is no shortage of Philips’ technical accumulation. Zhang Yan remembers that Philips was the first to launch a mobile phone with a digital radio function. Zhang Ke also wanted to integrate digital frequency modulation technology into his mobile phone——

Since Nokia launched its first mobile phone with games at the beginning of the year, it has been very popular in the market. Even if there is no past world experience. The entertainment functions of mobile phones should also be highly valued by mobile phone manufacturers.

But adding the radio function is not simply a matter of entwining the digital radio that has already begun to come out with the mobile phone with tape. Add a digital frequency modulation chip. The performance of the audio processing chip of the mobile phone will be greatly improved. However, only relying on the computing power of the mobile phone baseband chip will be insufficient. You need to add an additional microprocessor chip. The energy consumption is additionally increased. In order to maintain standby time. The performance of the power management chip also needs to be improved. It is not possible to control the volume and weight of the mobile phone to allow the product and industrial design capabilities to be improved.

Because for a long time has been focusing on the research of heart technology. Kumho has strong technical strength in audio processing chips. The complete technology of embedded microprocessor is also obtained from Deutsche Instruments. But when it comes to integration, it is much more difficult than building blocks. Kumho wants to independently solve the difficulty of the baseband chip and microprocessor hand mechanism. \\First, we must understand the technology of the baseband chip.

Cheng Hanzhang has been looking for suitable candidates for the research of mobile phone baseband chips for Kumho in the United States. It was not until early this year that Xu Shengzhi, a Chinese American, was removed from Sembcorp.

Lead the mobile phone chip research department in the lower area. Xu Shengzhi is one of the most outstanding people in the circle of T3 scientists who research baseband chips. However, few people think that Kumho has anything to do with baseband chips when Xu Shengzhi joins.

Since the digital world. Almost all large-scale semiconductor manufacturers try to develop baseband chips. In the end, only seven companies have lost twice. Intel has failed twice and failed once. Samsung failed three times...

Aida’s 1998 budget invested over 400 million U.S. dollars in the research system, and more than 160 million U.S. dollars was allocated to Zhang Ke as pure research funds. He was determined to this.

With such a large investment, even if it is unable to develop independent mobile phone baseband chip technology, it can greatly enhance Kumho’s ability in mobile phone function scheme architecture and product design. Nokia has never mastered independent baseband chip technology. However, its ability in solution architecture and product design is the key factor for its ultimate achievement in the global mobile phone market.

In the past life that Zhang Ke has experienced, there was a glorious period in 2003 and 2004, and even overwhelming the position of imported mobile phones in the domestic market, but overseas mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia and Motorola have an absolute advantage. The mobile phone development and design capabilities of China's mobile phone tactics, with hundreds of new models in a short period of time, forced domestic mobile phone manufacturers to be exhausted, and it only took more than half a year to completely submerge domestic mobile phones. Because of this. Domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been slow to act, and old models have been stockpiled too much, causing a large backlog. The subsequent losses have wiped out all the profits generated during the first two years of prosperity.

Kumho’s mobile phone design capabilities at this time are still limited to the existing functional modules, and the existing functional modules are spliced ​​for mobile phone design. The design cycle of a new Kumho mobile phone does not need three months. Kumho is located in Beijing and Tokyo. , Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong and other places have product development and design departments, and 20 or 30 questions are launched a year, but there will be a lot of duplication in so many mobile phone models. As of this year, Kumho has only deployed six new mobile phones, and it is also considering dividing three new mobile phones around New Year's Day. This is almost the best performance of Kumho mobile phone design capabilities.

At this time, to add new functional modules, such as the addition of FM radio functions, it is necessary to rely on the technical strength of Texas Instruments or other baseband chip manufacturers. Kumho ranks fourth in the domestic mobile phone market, but the sales volume of mobile phones in 1998 will not be less than 1.6 million. This result should be converted to the global mobile phone market, and it will probably not account for a share, which is really nothing. Not to mention whether Kumho’s requirements will be valued by Texas Instruments and other baseband chip manufacturers. Even if the cycle of the program is less important, it will take six months to one year, and the cycle of launching new mobile phones will be longer.

The domestic mobile phone market is extremely profitable for large-scale mobile phone manufacturers. It has just entered the golden age and fierce competition has not yet arrived. Otherwise, Kumho’s technical strength at this time is still unable to cope with overseas mobile phone manufacturers such as Motororto and Nokia. The "machine sea" tactics.

Zhang Ke’s mind is racing, considering so many and so far issues from the digital frequency modulation technology. Fortunately, Zhang Yaping is carefully appreciating the digital radio function that will be released at the Electronics Fair tomorrow. Pay attention to Zhang Ke’s After wandering, I said with emotion: "Kumho can always be ahead of other manufacturers in developing high-end products. I believe that the future global electronics industry will have Kumho's due status... "

"Don't say the past, it is now, maybe for a long time in the future, in overseas markets,'Made in China' is simply a label for inferior products. Needless to say, this is the image that our national industry gives to people," Zhang Ke’s hands propped on his knees and let out a sigh of relief, “To completely change the image of the national industry is an extremely difficult task with a long way to go. I have a dream. I want to think of Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong, Dong, Xiao Jincheng, and Tan Yunsong. They also have this dream, which is to do what they can to achieve this goal. One day, Aida will become a national brand that makes the Chinese feel proud and proud. Only then can we say that we have achieved some success-Mr. Zhang, your dream What is it?"

"..." Zhang Yaping certainly knew what he was talking about when he came over, but he didn't expect Zhang Bang to start the topic of discussion with such passionate words.

Tang, who was sitting on the side, looked at Zhang Ke obsessively. After a while, he carefully smiled to Zhai Danqing and said: "I like the appearance of Zhang Ke at this time, especially domineering, especially charming... you like it. What is he?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please go to Section 6 for more, support for \\, support for genuine reading!)

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