"..." Zhai Danqing opened her eyes and stared at Tang Jing for a moment. No matter she was so sophisticated, she was frightened when she heard Tang Jing ask what she liked Zhang Ke. When she saw Tang Jing's gaze seemed to stick to Zhang Ke. She didn’t pay attention to her gaffe, and realized that this was just the way she talked to people. Maybe a man sitting next to him would also ask him what he liked Zhang Ke. To be precise, it should be to ask them no matter what. Why do people who can be called elites willingly gather under the banner of Kumho?

"What can I like him?" Zhai Danqing concealed the inner waves and smiled lightly. "It's not easy to find a boss who pays me such a high salary these years..."

When Tang Jing heard Zhai Danqing's words, she turned her head and chuckled, and said, "This guy is so fat, watching him go around all day, and let you help you do things, but you can't make him all the money. "

Zhai Danqing was thinking that Tang Jing's affection for Zhang Ke still had some adoration factors, and she subconsciously lowered her status in the relationship between the two. Thinking about Wan Qing and Xu Si, they probably didn't dare to expect too much. With this guy's complete emotions, she was thinking again: Does Tang Jing know about Wan Qing's existence? But she was also a little guilty.


What Zhang Yaping said to Zhang Ke was very emotional, and he couldn't think of any clues to respond to Zhang Ke's questions. To do a career requires passion, otherwise how can I make a greater breakthrough in my career?

For the old friend who has always been Kumho, Zhang Ke doesn’t need to talk to Zhang Yaping about the current situation of Kumho, and there is no need to go around with him and then turn to the topic, saying directly: "In the past year or so. In time, Aida should say that all departments have grown rapidly. We have achieved a self-production rate of over 80% of components on low and mid-end iplayer products. This goal will also soon be in mobile phones and other products. I have made great progress in absorption, digestion and innovative technology. I am not dissatisfied with the work of Aida. It took less than a year to successfully put into production. Everyone is not very satisfied with the yield rate. The yield rate can reach 27% just after the production. I am very satisfied. The domestic foundation is very weak and I need to provide Microchip A process of improvement. On the Aida side, the production technology and conditions are worse for us. It takes a certain time for the recruited workers to become skilled. The factory can only maintain the image of the Aida brand by strictly controlling the quality of the products. Compared with overseas companies, the yield rate is slightly worse, and the production efficiency is also worse. I have nothing to be dissatisfied with. However, Lao Chen and Lao Su often self-examine and say that more efforts should be made in fine production. Minimize quality accidents and improve production efficiency. To this end, a "precision manufacturing" plan is proposed. A team must be organized to implement this plan, and all existing processes of Aida will be refined and standardized. They all praise you as China Electronics. The first person in manufacturing management, saying that you are the most suitable person to organize and lead this team; In addition, Aida will also plan to set up a component department to strengthen the management of its component production and sales business. I also hope you can come over Lead this department together..."

The contract between Zhang Yaping and Philips is about to expire. Philips also hopes that he can continue to stay at Philips. In addition to the position of President of the Greater China Region of the Components Department, he also added the bargaining chip of the Senior Vice President of the Components Department. He has made great contributions to the business development in the Greater China region, and he himself is also in his prime of life; there are also many large domestic electronics companies who have paid him to serve as the president or chief executive officer, but in the past few years, the domestic electronics industry only has Kumho’s business the most conducive People are enthusiastic and Zhang Yaping has a deep understanding of Kumho through long-term contacts. He knows the advantages of Kumho and what needs to be improved. The personal friendships with Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong, Ding Huai, Lu Qingsheng and others are also quite good.

Zhang Yaping is eager to join Kumho in his heart, but Kumho needs to put forward it and arrange a space in which he can use his fists and talents.

From the end of 1995 to the beginning of 1996, the domestic disc player business was restricted by the supply of movement. Zhang Yaping, who holds the power of the Philips Shanghai factory, can be said to directly determine the market share of the disc player company at that time. The basis for decision-making is to see which disc player company has better management and more development potential.

Su Jindong was able to manage factories and manage production at a very high level. At that time, Aida was also favored by Zhang Yaping and immediately received nearly half of Philips' supply.

Over the years, Su Jindong, Lu Qingsheng and others have always had strict requirements for factory management, which are prominent in the domestic industry. However, Su Jindong, Lu Qingsheng and others have their own shortcomings. On the other hand, the expansion of Aida's production department It is also extremely fast, which makes the production management level of Aida's factories and overseas electronics giants still have a big gap.

At present, Aida does have a shortage of skilled workers. There are too few experienced engineers and technicians, the production is not fine enough, and the strict requirements on the quality of the ex-factory products lead to a decline in yield, low production efficiency, high material loss and many other problems, which also restrict Aida's production capacity can no longer be increased rapidly, and the high production cost offsets the advantage of domestic human resource costs.

Fortunately, Aida's main mobile phone business in the domestic market can be said to be in a profitable period. As newly developed products, iplayer and flash drives have reserved sufficient profit margins when determining the market price. Therefore, Kumho can form The huge profit scale is enough to temporarily cover up other shortcomings.

However, Zhang Ke and Aida’s management are sober, the profitable period of digital mobile phones will pass, and iplayer and flash drives will not be without competitors forever. The shortcomings of the previous will be exposed-of course, the most current The headache is that the production capacity cannot be increased quickly.

Adopting an extensive model to expand production capacity will ultimately damage the brand's own interests. It would rather let the market be out of stock, but also do its best to control the flow of defective products to the market. This is the bottom line adopted by Aida at this time.

Carrying out refined and standardized management of the manufacturing process, improving production efficiency, eliminating quality accidents, and increasing yield rates, will undoubtedly maximize output while maintaining the existing factory scale.

Just as the design monthly production capacity of Microchip is 20,000 pieces (with a yield rate of 60%), the yield rate of Microcore microchips just put into production at this time is less than 30%. Improve the yield rate and increase production efficiency. Increasing the designed production capacity to 40,000 pieces is not a matter of speculation.

Once there is no profiteering, or even caught in an economic crisis, electronic companies must rely on this ability to survive the cruel competition.

But this aspect of work requires a strong manager to lead. It can be said that Zhang Yaping has always been in the vision of Zhang Ke, Chen Xinsheng and others.

Zhang Yaping himself has enough abilities and qualifications, and with his contacts in the industry, he can quickly organize an experienced team to carry out related work. The long-term close relationship with Kumho makes him the first to Kumho. Even serving as the vice president of Aida Group and the president of the newly formed components department will not cause too much friction within Kumho-the most important thing is to recognize Zhang Ke as the top leader of Kumho. .

People who are not very familiar with Kumho and Zhang Ke have no experience of growing up together. It is hard to imagine that they have to be willing to manage a huge department under the leadership of a young man in his early twenties. For talents of Zhang Yaping's level, high salary is no longer their main consideration. The temptation of career and the personality courage of leaders have become the key factors that determine their stay.

The relationship between Kumho and Zhang Yaping can be described as "satisfaction". This dry wood is only a fire to ignite, and no matter what, Zhang Yaping's term at Philips will end.

For Zhang Ke, taking the opportunity of the electronics show to meet with Zhang Yaping was his main purpose of coming to Hong Kong this time, otherwise it would be difficult for the two parties to get together. Having a midnight conversation, it was early in the morning unknowingly. When Zhang Yaping was sent out, Zhang Yaping's entry into Kumho was confirmed in this way.

Zhang Ke will not be stingy with Zhang Yaping, who once gave great help to Kumho. His position in Kumho must be higher than that of Lu Qingsheng, Yang Yun and others~www.readwn.com~ and Cheng Hanzhang, Xiao Jincheng. Quite, directly entering the decision-making level, the treatment is naturally on the same level as Chen Xinsheng, Xiao Jincheng, Cheng Hanzhang and others.

It was early in the morning, Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong and others all left and returned to the room. Zhai Danqing packed up some materials and documents before leaving. When he went out, he said vaguely to Tang Jing: "Go to bed earlier, be careful to get up tomorrow. There are dark circles behind the eyes that make people look at jokes..."

"Ah, what nonsense are you talking about?" Tang Jing complained with shame. She quickly rushed into the bedroom, holding a change of clothes, and hid behind Zhai Danqing and said to Zhang Ke, "You also want to go to bed earlier. Ah, I'll sleep in Sister Zhai's room..." Before he finished speaking, he slipped out first.

Why is this girl so easily deceived? Zhang Ke was roaring in his heart, but he didn't dare to show his courage in front of Zhai Danqing. He just spread his hands towards Zhai Danqing and said, "You too, go to bed earlier."

Zhai Danqing gave Zhang Ke a triumphant glance. This look flew wildly, making Zhang Ke's bones crumble by three points, but Zhai Danqing regretted it a little when he got out of the room: What on earth was he struggling with? Didn’t you make up your mind not to let this guy get any more money? What do you care about at this time?

(To be continued) ()

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