When I left Jinshan in the afternoon, the wind blew up. The wind was blowing yellow leaves outside the car windows, whirled on the oily road, and the wind roared, and the cold air hits. (

Accompanying Tang Xueqian to Xinting this time was to see the preparations for the port construction project on Dongshan Island. Although in 1998 and even in the next ten years, domestic large and medium-sized projects will be constructed while reporting, Zhang Yan insisted on waiting for the completion of the procedures before starting construction. It is not less than two or three months. As long as the construction funds are sufficient and the preparatory work is in place, the construction of the project will be very fast. Think about it in the 1930s that the one hundred and two-story Empire State Building took only 400 days from foundation laying to completion. w Novel chapter updated fastest

Because Xinting City Party Secretary Dou Weitao, Executive Deputy Secretary Tao Shuyi and others were going to meet at the Xinting toll gate on the National Highway, Zhang Xian's car fell behind and let Tang Xueqian's car go first.

Zhang Ke dragged the car for five minutes before reaching the national highway toll station. A black Santana was parked at the exit of the toll station. Meng Xueqing was standing outside the car and blowing in the cold wind. Zhang Ke opened the car door to greet Meng Xueqing to get in the car, and said with a smile: "Uncle Meng, you blow the cold wind for another five minutes..."

"Your schedule is tight and it's inconsistent with Governor Tang and the others, but when you come to Xinting, someone must come forward to entertain you..." Meng Xueqing got in the car and rubbed his hands gently, and in the car, he told the county driver to drive. Santana followed them behind the two cars. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

"Uncle Meng has become an assistant to the county magistrate. I haven't had a chance to congratulate you. I will take the opportunity to offer Uncle Meng a glass of wine today."

"Hehe, still do that stall thing"

Meng Xueqing was appointed by the Beixia County Party Committee Organization Department as Assistant to the Mayor of Beixia County in late November.

In less than two months, Meng Xueqing was promoted from the deputy section level to the deputy secretary-general of the county party committee and then further nominated and appointed as the deputy county magistrate assistant. It can be said to be a promotion miracle in Xinting's officialdom.

Looking at the whole country, it’s not a big deal. In the official career, the real barriers for people are the Zhengxian Office and Zhengdi Hall. Some county and city government deputy positions can be staffed by more than ten people. The example of attracting investment of tens of millions to change a deputy county head. It is everywhere in the country. Besides, in the formal establishment, assistants to county governors, assistants to mayors and even provincial governors all have a gray and very clumsy meaning.

In order to facilitate investment promotion. Some counties and cities are very extreme. Even the appointment of more than ten assistants to the county magistrate at once is not unborn. The assistant to the county magistrate seems to be as worthless as the batch of goods.

Meng Xueqing's assistant to the county magistrate is the envy of many people.

The spin-off of Beixia County and the establishment of the Dongshan Port Economic Development Zone at the sub-prefecture level awaits the official approval of the State Council. The local authority responsible for the development of Dongshan Port has basically taken shape. Xinting Municipal Party Committee and Government will set up a special leading group. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Dou Weitao, acted as the leader of the leading group and party secretary. Tao Shuyi, the current municipal standing committee member and executive deputy mayor, will serve as the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Port Management Committee, and Tian Mudong, the current secretary of the Beixia County Party Committee, will serve as the director of the Port Management Committee. The deputy post of the port area is not only the focus of the competition between all parties in the new pavilion. Even some people in the provincial government committees are actively looking for ways to squeeze into Xinting.

At this time, Meng Xueqing was in addition to the assistant to the county magistrate. He also serves as the deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Preparatory Work of Dongshan Port, Xinting City. Naturally, he will also serve as the assistant to the director of the Port Management Committee.

It can be said. In just a few months, Meng Xueqing has reached a height that others may not be able to achieve even half of his life's hard work. Really want to envy some people.

The preparatory work for the opening of Dongshan Port Co., Ltd. has also officially started. The specific preparatory work is also jointly undertaken by the management team dispatched by the Singapore Port Group.

As the provincial leader in charge of coordinating the Dongshan Port project, after Tang Xueqian arrived in Xinting, the main management personnel of the preparatory location for the establishment of the company were summoned to the city for a meeting.

The opening company only holds 16% of the equity. Zhao Peng is the shareholder representative of the opening company of Kumho. What can Zhang Ke arrest Zhao Peng over and intervene directly in the specific affairs of the opening of the company. He is not here. Staying in Xinting City, he directly followed Meng Xueqing to Dongshan Town, which will also be the seat of the administrative organ of the Port Economic Development Zone.

As one of the contractors participating in Dongshan Port, Hongyuan Industrial, Zhang Zhifei and Zhao Peng went to the city for a meeting, but Liang Jun and Tan Tian stayed in Dongshan. It was also because Zhang Ke was coming, they stayed and waited for him.

In order to catch up with the feast of the Dongshan Port project, Zhang Zhifei spent a huge amount of US$50 million borrowed from Kumho Corporation to acquire several harbor construction companies in Haizhou, Xinting, Xintai and other places in just three or four months. , Purchased engineering equipment, and established Hongyuan Harbor Construction Company under Hongyuan Industrial. In order for the new company to operate normally, Zhang Zhifei not only recruited management personnel from various branches, but also recruited a wide range of people with experience in harbor engineering construction management. Personnel, he and Liang Jun

It was also nailed to the new pavilion as if it were only two days ago.

It was cold winter, and it got dark early. When I arrived in Dongshan Town, it was already dark for a long time. Without any delay, I received aunt Meng Ledi and my sister, so I went directly to Luyang Port to eat seafood.

When Zhang Ke came to Xinting this time, he was more concerned about the integration of Dongshan Iron and Steel and Dongshan Shipyard. In the future of East Union Steel's framework, Kumho Corporation will only occupy 20% of the equity. At this time, Dongshan Steel is properly integrated. Even if it will only occupy a minority stake in East Union Steel in the future, it will be able to own a larger land through specific management. At this time, the integration of Dongshan Iron and Steel is improper, and Dongshan Iron and Steel cannot be said to have full control. In the future, within the framework of Dongshan Iron and Steel, Kumho's voice will be weaker.

Zhang Ke stayed in Xinting for almost four days, driving the first snowfall in Haizhou to cross the river.

Standing on the ferry, there was snow floating on the river, blurring the edge of the river and the bank, and faintly saw the shadow of the blue-black elephant mountain. In a few days, it will be 1999.

Seeing the ferry terminal just ahead, Zhang Ke was about to get into the car. The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. He took out the phone and saw that Xu Si was calling. At this time, there was no ferry at the ferry. Standing a figure of Tingting.

"Didn't you say you can't answer it?" Zhang Ke said, pressing the call button.

"In the office in the afternoon, I looked up and didn't know when it started to snow, so I just wanted to come out for a walk..." Xu Si's voice on the phone was like snow falling on his body.

When he stepped off the ferry, Zhang Ke raised his head slightly and looked at Xu Si who was standing on a high place, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Xu Si was wearing a black woolen trench coat and a red scarf. She looked like an elf in the snow.

Let Fu Jun and the others drive away first. Zhang Ke and Xu Si went to the parking lot of the ferry and picked up the car. They didn’t rush back to the city. They drove the car directly into the Xiangshan Forest Park and parked the car on the top of the mountain. People were sitting in the car talking, watching the snow falling and mixing the sky and the river.

When it was getting dark, Zhang Yan planned to find a restaurant in the new industrial zone with Xu Si for dinner, but the *** call came in at this time.

"Where are you? Fu has sent your luggage back for a while, so you won't go home for dinner?"

"Ah, why did you go back to Haizhou today?" Zhang Ke knew his mother would go back to Haizhou for Zhang Yi and Sun Ting’s marriage. He didn’t expect that it happened to be today. He didn’t contact his mother in the past two days. Talking nonsense with his mother on the phone, Zhitong's voice suddenly came from the phone again: "Zhang Ke, Zhang Ke, where did you die?" Zhang Ke could hear that Zhitong's tone was completely learned from his mother.

Xu Si pursed her mouth and laughed, thinking that Wan Qing was probably also in Zhang Cheng, with her arms around Zhang Ke's shoulders, her mouth pressed to his other ear and whispered: "You go back; my mother has her birthday today. I originally invited you to my house for dinner."

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand and stroked Xu Sinen's smooth cheeks, smelled the faint fragrance from her, smiled apologetically, and hung up after talking to his mother on the phone, and said to Xu Si: " Choose a good place to have supper that night?"

Zhang Ke first sent Xu Si home, and then drove Xu Si back to Xinjinyuan.

Zhitong listened to the sound of the car and walked out ~www.readwn.com~ Seeing Zhang Ke getting out of Xu Si's car, he looked like Zhang Ke suddenly realized, his eyes were staring at Zhang Ke, his mouth opened wide, but his voice was very small: " You went to Aunt Xu Si..." Zhang Ke hurriedly hushed Zhitong with his fingers.

"Why did you change the car again?" Liang Gezhen walked out of the living room and watched Zhang Ke drive into the yard. The car was different from the car she had seen before. She frowned and asked. She was now worried that Zhang Ke was too extravagant and wasteful.

Seeing Wan Qing following with a smile, knowing that she saw that she had just met Xu Si, Zhang Ke gently spread his hands and did not answer the *** question.

My aunt and my cousin Zhang Mei also rushed over for dinner. The little girl who wiped her nose back then is now a 17-year-old Tingtingyuli girl. After dinner, I talked about the marriage arrangements between Zhang Yi and Sun Ting. As the elders, Liang Gezhen and Zhang Ke and his little aunt wanted to go through the traditional customs, and what relatives and friends to invite to the Zhang family It had to be negotiated and settled. Zhang Ke had to listen to it with patience and patience, but Zhang Mei took Zhitong to Wanqing to play.

When Zhang Ke was dozing off, the doorbell rang. He walked over and watched the video display of the access control system, but he couldn't see anyone standing outside the court door. After the last kidnapping incident, Zhang Ke was also more vigilant about this kind of thing. Just thinking of informing Fu Jun, I saw the uncle Zhang Zhiwei and the uncle Zhang Zhiwei appear on the screen.

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