Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 967: plan in advance

I know which nose of the uncle smelled himself or his mother when he came back to Haizhou, and watched the screen for a few seconds; he asked Fu Kong’s family to reunite with his wife and daughter, but the other security personnel accompanying him and the workers who came to take care of life temporarily They all lived in the villa next door, and after a few seconds someone walked out of the building next door and appeared on the screen to question the uncle. Bar professional provides mobile e-book e-book download

"Who is here?" Liang Gezhen asked Zhang Ke strangely when he saw Zhang Ke standing in front of the access control screen and not opening the door for a while.

"Uncle here..." Zhang Ke pushed the button of the remote control yard gate and sat back on the sand. w Novel chapter updated fastest

After a while, Zhang Zhi stood outside the door with his back slightly, hesitatingly looked in, and did not dare to step in. Zhang Ke glanced at his feet and did not speak. When Zhang Ke looked at him like this, Zhang Zhiwei was even more imaginary. The ability to observe appearance and color in officialdom for most of his life was of no use at the moment, and he was screaming. I don't know how to speak well; besides, there is a man in a suit staring at him vigilantly, as if rushing up and dragging him out by the neck if something goes wrong, making him feel very awkward.

To blame, this kid from the second family is too enchanting, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands into rain, and in four or five years, a big promise came out. Even if no one tells him about Kumho in these years, Zhang Zhiwei is not a blind man. From the few words and subtle expressions of others, we can see that today's Zhang family has power and status in Haizhou that are hard to describe in words. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

In the end, Liang Gezhen wanted to take care of Zhang's family, and didn't give Zhang Zhiwei an ugly face, but she didn't mean to stand up and take the initiative to greet him. Zhang Zhifei's wife asked, "Why did the eldest brother come here?"

Zhang Zhiwei then moved a step into the living room, speaking a little incoherently: "Auntie was going to come here too. It's not easy to hear the cold wind blowing on this snowy day. I thought that my second child was coming back together, so Ge ​​Zhen Here comes Xiaohe, Zhang Yi’s marriage, you are Zhang Yi’s aunt, you still have to listen to your opinions about marriage matters..."

"What do we do with this kind of thing? If you have anything to discuss, you should talk to Sun Ting and her family..." Zhang Ke spurned abruptly, stood up, ignored his uncle, and talked to his mother. Said, "I have something to go out, don't leave me the door at night." Grabbing the jacket on the sand and walking out. As soon as she was about to go out, Wan Qing walked to the door and almost ran into it. Wan Qing stretched her head and looked inside, followed Zhang Ke two steps down the steps, and said with a soft voice, "What kind of temper is this? Take the opportunity to escape the golden cicada?"

This cautious thought was easily pierced by Wan Qing. Zhang Hetou looked at the uncle in the living room who was still trembling with fear, and smiled with Wan Qing with a shy face, and said, "I promised to invite Xu Si and you to eat supper. ...Why don't the three of us sleep in the house in Danjing Alley at night?"

"Go, don't get involved with me, don't disturb you, go happy..." Wan Qing's pretty face was slightly reddish, thinking of things that day, she felt ridiculous. Isn't it enough to be ridiculous once? He uttered Zhang Ke and didn't stop him from seeing Xu Si.

Zhang Qian handed all the security personnel standing on the steps back to rest. He got into the car. Back up the car. Did not leave immediately. Press the window glass. Chao Wanqing beckoned.

Snow is still floating in the sky. There is a layer in the flower shop. Wan Qing didn't know what happened to Zhang Yan. When he approached, he opened the door and sat in. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ke would kiss himself after holding it in his hand. Wan Qing was so scared that she dodges again and again. Can't avoid giving him a kiss. Cai's heart bounced and cursed; "You're going to die. What should I do if someone sees it? Go and harm Xu Sina's hooves. Don't mess with me."

Zhang Ke laughed. Let Wan Qing get out of the car. Waved goodbye. Drive towards Xu Si's house.

Kumho New Town, a new industrial zone, has entered the peak period of construction. Xu Si stayed in Haizhou a lot of time. It's just that Zhang He Haizhou has fewer opportunities. And Zhang He Haizhou. It will be big. If only to cheat, let Xu Si build it. She was so wronged again.

The snow has been falling, the road has not yet accumulated, the headlights of the car have been swept, and the vegetation and branches that can illuminate the curbs have accumulated a thin layer, like hoarfrost, and large swaths of snowflakes are like black butterflies in the night sky. Floating, Zhang Qian went to Xu Si to buy some food and went straight to the mansion in Danjing Lane. He hugged him in the bedroom on the second floor and watched the snow falling on the terrace through the French windows.

"What excuse did you find for slipping out?" Xu Si deliberately didn't turn on the air conditioner. The two of them sat hugging the quilt. There was a feeling of looking around the stove and watching the snow. She didn't expect Zhang Ke to get out so early.

Zhang Ke told her that Zhang Yi was going to marry Sun Ting, and put her in a cup with her soft, warm and charming fragrance, and whispered in her ear: "At this point, I'm going to be far behind Zhang Yi. ."

"I'm not a greedy woman, am I?" Xu Si raised his head to make the fragrance slippery.

Cheeks were closer to Zhang Ke’s scumbag chin, and he looked at Zhang Ke’s cheek with his hand out, "You have a piercing beard, but unfortunately you don’t have a razor, otherwise I’ll help you shave. Today, my mom will shave my dad." Now, just thinking about practicing on your chin."

Zhang Qie slapped Xu Si's cheek twice and said, "Come with me to Beijing this time. It is snowing in Beijing. It is not snowy, and Beijing is gray and gray. It is not beautiful. It should be better when it snows."

"..." Xu Si was a little bit disgusted with Zhang Ke in public appearances in other honesty. He felt that being too risky might disturb the peaceful life at this time. After experiencing too many things, Xu Sisi had only thought to live in such a way that suits his temperament. She has a career that she is doing and happily doing, and people who love can live with her family from time to time. Watching their lives are very stable and content, and she has no thoughts and hopes to make waves. She compares Zhang Ke’s eyes Persevering, I had to say, "Forget it, I don't want to send you to meet that girl Tang in Beijing..."

"Uh..." Zhang Ke was immediately discouraged and stopped insisting on anything, and then talked to Xu Si about bird watching in Jinshan Lake, and then built an ecological reserve in Dongtang, and a moderately demarcated area in the north of the reserve. To build a wetland park in the area, in order to facilitate bird watching, it is also necessary to build some distinctive buildings that are compatible with the natural environment on the edge of the wetland park. Zhang Ke asked Xu Si to go there and see how to plan.

"Then wait for next spring, you take me to bird watching, I don't know if the bird tide is really as spectacular as you said..."

At about ten o'clock, Zhang Wei called his mother and said that his grandmother had just called and said that if Zhang Yi and Sun Ting’s wedding room were not set up in the door of Zhang’s house, but in the wife’s house, it would be necessary How can this work if you count it in the past?

Zhang Ke didn’t know how to evaluate his family’s brains. Maybe the previous generations care about this, and they can’t argue with the old lady. If they don’t follow the old lady’s wishes, the old lady can come from the East Club in the ice and snow. . There is probably an uncle behind this, and Zhang Ke said to his mother on the phone: "Even if you get married in your hometown, you only live for one or two nights. It's meaningless to fight for this status. Why does grandma get involved with it?" He said, "Why don't you ask Sun Ting first? You have to let the uncle go to the Sun's house to apologize, and see what good things he did back then!"

Sun Ting's temper was still soft, and she didn't insist on anything. Instead, Liang Gezhen acted for her. Zhang Zhiwei and his wife went to the Sun's house to help Zhang Yi raise the day. Zhang Ke did not worry about these trivial family affairs, except for Zhang Yi and Sun Ting's marriage, cousin. Liang Wenjiang and his girlfriend Wang Cailing will be in Beijing in two days. The parents here did not intend to invite a big banquet except for Liang Guosheng and his aunt. Zhang Ke just stopped by to take a trip to Beijing to have an engagement banquet.

Zhang Ke's visit to Beijing was mainly concerned with the timing of listing on NASDAQ in the United States.

The Internet is gradually surging. Although there are too many accidental factors in the rise of Quantum Online, Quantum Online has little impact on the global Internet industry, and its history is still advancing along the established trajectory.

The development of the industry has its own laws, and it is not unimaginable that the bubble of Internet-related technology stocks burst around the spring of zero.

The bubble does not Zhang Ke really doesn't care much, but the enthusiasm before the burst is impressive.

After the NASDAQ listing, the stocks held by institutional investment, promoter shareholders, and venture capital funds have a lock-up period of at least six months. If you want to seize this speculative opportunity, Quantum Online’s listing time should not be arranged in the concept of Kewang. During the period when the stocks were the most enthusiastic, it was necessary to postpone at least six months before the most enthusiastic time, that is, to arrange the listing before the fall of next year to catch up with this speculative feast.

Of course, if Quantum wants to be listed on the Nasdaq in the United States, it must follow the rules of the United States and allow financial institutions that have the right to speak in the U.S. capital stock market to share the benefits of Quantum's listing.

In addition to the initial capital of less than 30 million yuan provided by Kumho in the name of a venture capital fund, Quantum Online has also made two important venture financings. However, Kumho holds Quantum Online through the Oak Park Venture Capital Fund. The shareholding ratio of the company is as high as that, together with the management’s 12% shareholding, the holding reaches 64%.

With this equity structure, it is almost impossible to successfully list on the Nasdaq in the United States. This requires the third round of financing, the introduction of more venture capital funds, and the proportion of Kumho’s shareholding. There is no way to further dilute this, any good thing can't be greedy too much.

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