"Sister Yang, how can you say Sister Min, I think she's fine. It must be Zhao Zhenghao who wants her to come here, so she came here." Bai Xue said.

"You silly girl, there are so many artists in the company, the biggest threat to you is this Li Miner, don't you see that? If she is good with Zhao Zhenghao, the company will definitely cultivate her in the future, and the resources allocated to you can be It's less. One tiger can't tolerate two tigers. If she becomes popular, you are bound to plummet. "

"Even if she doesn't get along well with Zhao Zhenghao, the company should cultivate her vigorously. She has made her debut for many years, has accumulated a high popularity in Gao Ling, and is very capable. She sings well and dances well. I Learn more from her. "

"You look at her too high. She didn't get mixed up in Gao Ling before returning to China. She is just a third-rate artist in Gao Ling. It is not as popular as you think. I saw that this woman is very Mind-blowing, you have less contact with her, or you don't know if you sold you. "

Sister Yang's eyes were very spicy, and she saw that Li Miner was a deliberate woman. But Bai Xue was too simple to believe.

In Hanjing, Li Miner was next to the master Jin Shixian of the Jin family. After Jin Shixian was shot dead by Ye Tian, ​​he went to the owner of the Jin family, Jin Donghai, and even got two hot cosmetics from Beiming Pharmaceutical.俪 Advertising endorsement. Later, after Jin Donghai was also killed by Ye Tian, ​​she lost her backing and lost her way, and returned to China.

Therefore, she returned to China to develop and has a great relationship with Ye Tian.

Both she and Bai Xue endorsed Beiming Pharmaceutical's cosmetics, one was Gao Yan's spokesperson, and the other was a domestic spokesperson. Naturally, she noticed Bai Xue, got to know Huahai Entertainment, and finally signed this company.

毕竟 After all, she has made her debut in Hanjing. She can sing and dance, she has a good looks. After signing the contract with Huahai Entertainment, she has made several moves and the popularity soon came up, chasing Baixue.

Now at Huahai Entertainment, Li Miner and Bai Xue are two new little flower buddies. In fame, Bai Xue temporarily prevailed, but Li Miner's momentum was very fierce.

At this moment, Zhao Zhenghao and Li Miner are walking together, and it is not easy for Sister Yang to let Bai Xue apologize. Because she took Li Miner as the object of vigilance.

Bai Xue was brought by Zhao Donghai to Zhao Donghai. With this big boss, she can easily integrate into the banquet and meet many celebrities.

On weekdays, Zhao Donghai took care of Bai Xue so much that there was rumor that the relationship between the two was unclear.

In fact, there is no such thing at all, giving Zhao Donghai ten courage to dare not condemn the rule Bai Xue.

Bai Xue's background is unknown to others, but Zhao Donghai knows it, there are people behind, but not ordinary people, Master Jiang Nanye, the young demon king.

Everyone had a meal together. He and Ye Tian had met. At the time, Uncle Qin was also there. At that time, Ye Tian was just a master of Jiangnan Ye. It was a quake in Jiangnan and Jiangbei. Now he is a young demon king and he is famous all over the world. Zhao Donghai didn't dare to disagree with Bai Xue.

晚上 Zhao Donghai brought Bai Xue here tonight, mainly because Bai Xue and Ye Tian knew each other. She wanted to use Bai Xue and Ye Tian to climb the relationship. As for Bai Xue to contact high society, it was just a pretext.

"Zhenghao, who is that Master Jiangnan Ye in the end? Is it so famous that so many big people come to hold him?" Li Miner asked Zhao Zhenghao in doubt. She was stunned as she watched the car in the parking lot.

When she first returned to China, her hometown was not in Tianhai, and she didn't understand the situation here.

She is the name of Master Jiang Nanye. She also just knew it. Zhao Zhenghao told her when she came.

Zhao Zhenghao also just returned from studying abroad and didn't know much about Master Jiang Nanye, but he had more than Li Miner.

"You haven't heard of Master Jiangnan Ye, but you should have heard of the young demon king." Zhao Zhenghao said, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, giving a sense of unpredictable depth.

His waist stick is very straight, outstanding in temperament, very stylish, at first glance, he is the elder brother of the famous family.

"What are you talking about? This Jiangnan Ye master is a young demon king? Are you kidding me?" Li Min'er was stunned at once, as if he heard a heavenly night, and couldn't believe it.

The existence of the Juvenile Demon King is so famous that one person can rival the country, and it is said that it is a character that is scared by the great empire of the world.

The existence of such an extreme is Master Jiangnan Ye, she can see immediately, it is just like dreaming, unreal.

"I still lied to you? It happened that my father and Master Jiang Nanye knew each other, and they would introduce me to me at that time."

"Really? Let me know by then, will you?"

"Of course you can, just follow me."

敏 Li Miner couldn't hide his excitement, and pulled Zhao Zhenghao's arm tighter.

Xishuiyue Pavilion, one of the classical detached buildings in the Fairview Villa, has a simple and elegant appearance, but the decoration inside is brilliant. It was the building of choice when Qinghan held a birthday party.

晚 Tonight, Grandpa Qin and Uncle Qin invited Ye Tian and his family to choose Shuiyue Pavilion. The whole house was packed.

But now, there are many people standing at the gate of Shuiyue Pavilion, each of them is a big man with a head and a face.

"Zhicheng, is it really appropriate to do this? Would you like to inform Ye Tian first, what if he is unhappy?" Father Qin worried.

He also stood at the door of Shuiyue Pavilion, looking forward to the distance, waiting for that figure to appear.

Qi Yetian has set off, and it's time to see. But he came alone, and none of his family came to participate. He was not interested in this occasion.

"Nothing should happen, it should be a surprise to him. He is going to the Dongying battlefield tomorrow. We have set up a feast to practice it and wish him a triumphant return." Qin Ershu said.

The news that their Qin family banquet invited Ye Tian didn't know how to spread it. Jiangnan Jiangbei came with many big brothers, which was unexpected. With so many big men coming from Ye Tian, ​​he couldn't take everyone away, and he didn't have the ability. In front of many big men in the field, he still called a senior.

As a result, he took a different approach and thought of a way to turn the small feast into a big feast, bringing all the big brothers together and giving Ye Tian a surprise.

The nonsense said that Uncle Qin could not even think about this kind of treatment of the stars.

老 Father Qin was worried, fearing that Ye Tian was unhappy, but Uncle Qin was complacent, without this worry.

"Father Qin, your Qin family found a ride on the dragon, or do you have a vision!" A big brother complimented Father Qin.

Xie Yetian and Qin's granddaughter are male and female friends. It is an open secret that many people know.

"Now we are in Jiangnan, the Qin family is the only one. I think in a few years, the entire Jianghai province will belong to the Qin family as the first family, and even the whole country is one of the top families."

"The rise of the Qin family is like the rise of Master Jiang Nanye. It is unstoppable."

Uh ...

He complimented the words one by one, and made Master Qin's calm face bloom with a smile, a smile on his face, and he couldn't help himself.

At this time, Zhao Zhenghao and Li Miner were almost walking to the Shuiyue Pavilion, and they could see many big men standing at the door, with red carpets on the ground, and the big men stood on both sides, looking forward to each other, waiting for the big man to come.

敏 Li Miner glanced for a while, and even found the figure of big boss Zhao Donghai among a group of big brothers.

At this time, Zhao Zhenghao stopped suddenly, looked inadvertently behind him, and found Bai Xue.

Bai Xue originally walked with her agent, Sister Yang, but now she has become three people, one more young. Bai Xue and the teenager talked and laughed, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

After a short pause, Zhao Zhenghao was unhappy.

He has expressed goodwill to Bai Xue many times, but he all got a grey nose. If it wasn't for his father who took care of Bai Xue, and Bai Xue was a little famous, and became the company's new little flower dan, he would have been strong.

Now seeing Bai Xue talking and laughing with other men, he couldn't tolerate it, and his heart burst into flames.

Lu Fei Shui still does not flow outsiders' fields, how can a female artist in his company let an outsider get his finger?

"Oh, isn't this Shirayuki, who is the man next to him?"

敏 Li Miner turned around and saw the scene. The corners of his mouth seemed to smile but there was something strange.

"Wait for me here."

正 Zhao Zhenghao looked cold, pulled away Li Min'er's arm, and took a strenuous walk, walking towards Bai Xue.

Li Miner was just thrown away like this, his face changed immediately, his eyes stared at Shirayuki, a flash of fierceness in his eyes.

She took out her mobile phone, took a picture, turned around and left again. Without listening to Zhao Zhenghao, she stopped and waited for him.

She walked and looked at the picture she had just taken. Suddenly her face changed again. The teenager in the photo made her a little familiar.

In her mind, she suddenly remembered an unbearable look back, but also an unfortunate past.

"Is he? Impossible, I must have read it wrong." She said to herself, looking back violently, looking at the teenager.

It was too dark, and people were a little far away, so they couldn't see clearly. The pictures she took were also blurry, so she wasn't sure.

And at this time, Zhao Zhenghao came to the teenager ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and blocked people again.

She shook her head, dispelled the doubts in her heart, and continued to walk towards the door of Shuiyue Pavilion.

"Bai Xue, who is this handsome guy?"

正 Zhao Zhenghao put his hands in his trouser pockets, and he was dressed in precious clothes against the Yushu. He was handsome and handsome, with a faint smile on his face.

"Couldn't it be your cousin in your rural cousin's house?"

Then he said, this sentence is obviously ridiculous.

The intense scent of fire suddenly rose.

"Master ..."

As soon as Sister Yang spoke, she was sent back by a word.

"Did I let you speak?"

Suddenly, Sister Yang's mouth closed. Her high toe in front of Bai Xue was a complete failure in front of Zhao Zhenghao.

少年 The young man is naturally Ye Tian, ​​and happened to meet with Bai Xue.

I came here, he was also very puzzled, thinking that tonight there will be an underground black boxing match. Later, I heard Bai Xue said that there was a big man coming tonight, and I did n’t know who it was.

He came to a private dinner at the Qin family. Where can you think of, this big man is him.

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