Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 971: Zhao Dashao

Sister Yang and Ye Tian have met, and it's not easy to know that this seemingly unbelievable teenager.

At that time, Ye Tian had a phone call to help Bai Xue win the advertising endorsement of two popular cosmetics by Beiming Pharmaceuticals, which shocked Yang's jaw.

Later, she knew Ye Tian ’s identity. She was known as Jiangnan Ye Master, and she had great martial arts. She was the guest of many big names.

However, after all, she is only a mixed-entertainment circle. What she really means to the name "Master Jiangnan Ye" on the rivers and lakes is not particularly clear, only she looks very powerful.

It was because I knew Ye Tian's identity, so I met Ye Tian now, and she followed her honestly, letting Bai Xue and Ye Tian walk together. If it was another boy, she would go away early, because if it was photographed by paparazzi, the impact would be very bad.

At this moment, Zhao Zhenghao dared not to utter a word in front of Ye Tian. She wanted to remind her in kind, but was choked back by a word.

She knew that Zhao Zhenghao was interested in Bai Xue, and she must be very upset to see Bai Xue walking with other boys.

Depending on the situation, the two might fight.

Ye Tian is a master of Jiangnan Ye. He has a lot to offer, and Zhao Zhenghao's ability is not small.

Zhao Zhenghao's father, Zhao Donghai, is a big boss of a well-known entertainment brokerage company. He has won a lot of stars, not only in Tianhai, but also in Jiangnan, Jiangnan, and even across the country. He has a wide network of people. To scary.

"This is my friend." Bai Xue said with a calm face.

Ye Tian also glanced at Zhao Zhenghao, frowning slightly.

"Oh, friend, I thought it was your cousin from the countryside. If I guessed right, my dad invited you, not you and your friends. What is the occasion of Fairview Villa and you are not You know, non-upper-class people can't enter. Isn't it inappropriate for you to bring your friends in so brightly? "Zhao Zhenghao said in a weird manner, smiling contemptuously.

He has a noble temperament, and sees how Ye Tian, ​​who looks like an ordinary dress, looks like a hoe, so he deliberately digs Ye Tian from the countryside.

And Ye Tian was able to enter the villa, in his opinion, it must have been stained with white snow, otherwise the security would not let go.

"Zhao Zhenghao, don't talk nonsense. My friend came here to eat, and I met him by chance." Bai Xue said angrily, calling Zhao Zhenghao's name directly, with a strong voice.

Ye Tian is her best friend. Because she has great kindness, she doesn't want Ye Tian to be wronged. Even if she completely offended Zhao Zhenghao and set her own career, she would not hesitate.

Sister Yang was startled. Bai Xue even dared to talk to Zhao Zhenghao in this tone. She was looking for a way out of her own life, so she didn't want it. Even her may be affected and lose her job.

So she reprimanded Bai Xue and said, "Bai Xue, how can you talk to Master? Apologize to Master!"

Zhao Zhenghao waved his hand and asked Sister Yang to shut up. He didn't seem to be angry. He even laughed and said to Bai Xue with a slight tone: "Because I am anxious for a friend. It seems that you have a bad relationship with this friend In general, is it a boyfriend or a boyfriend? "

"Master, it's not what you think. They are just ordinary friends, chance encounters, purely chance encounters. His name is Ye Tian, ​​the legendary Jiangnan ..." Sister Yang kept busy and departed for Bai Xue.

However, she didn't finish this sentence, she was interrupted by Zhao Zhenghao and shouted at her: "Just because you talk so much, do I let you talk? From now on, shut me up!"

She was almost pointed at her nose and scolded. Sister Yang suddenly turned black, but dared not to speak, and closed her mouth honestly. Zhao Zhenghao is the young owner of Huahai Entertainment and has a respected status, which is what she can offend, although she is known as a gold medal agent.

"Your name is Ye Tian?" Zhao Zhenghao glanced at Ye Tian with a slight glance. Where did he seem to hear the name, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Yes," Ye Tian replied lightly.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Zhao Zhenghao, Huahai Entertainment is my family's, Bai Xue is an artist in my family. I don't care what relationship you have with her, and what **** things have happened. From now on you will stay away from her, most Fortunately, never again. There is also this Fairview Villa, our top private club in Tianhai, but not everyone can come in. If you consciously leave now, I can not call the security guard. Road.

After saying a few words, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Bai Xue's arm, and turned 180 degrees with a smile, and said with a smile, "Let's go, Bai Xue, my dad is still waiting for you. All tonight's dinner party is all about Top celebrities, you represent Huahai Entertainment, you must perform well. And the mysterious big man, tell you the truth, my dad knows, and I can introduce you to you when the time comes. "

Seeing Zhao Zhenghao grabbing himself, Bai Xue dodged instinctively, his figure was as flexible as a bird, and he hid behind Ye Tian.

Ye Tian only taught her a set of martial arts last night, and now comes in handy, although she just dodges.

If it were to fight, ten Zhao Zhenghao would not be her opponent.

Suddenly, Zhao Zhenghao's face turned dark, both awkward and angry.

"Give me away!" He shouted to Ye Tian, ​​his eyes almost bursting into fire.

"What if I don't?" Ye Tian stood still, with a touch of anger on the calm face.

"Dead ground, you're looking for death. I'm useless, believe it or not?"

Zhao Zhenghao immediately became furious, and actually wanted to do something to Ye Tian.

He looked at Ye Tian's arms and legs, without him, he thought he could take advantage. As a result, before Ye Tian was encountered, Ye Tian slapped the fan on the ground with a slap flushing on his face.

Of course, Ye Tian was just a fluttering slap, and did not use much force, otherwise Zhao Zhenghao would not fall down, but would be fanned.

At the level of Ye Tian, ​​there is no point in thinking about ordinary people, unless it is anxious for being bullied, such as now.

Sister Yang was frightened, so she went to help Zhao Zhenghao.

Bai Xue was also scared. ~ I didn't expect the two to do it.

However, no matter what, she will always face Ye Tian.

Zhao Zhenghao was so angry that when he stood up, he picked up a stone in the hand from the side of the road and tried hard with Ye Tian. He was a grand young man who had never been so humiliated and could not tolerate it.

"Master, forget it, you can't beat him, he can martial arts, he is a master!"

As soon as Sister Yang said this, Zhao Zhenghao's arrogant arrogance was extinguished for a moment, and the stone in his hand was thrown to the ground, and he did not dare to throw it out.

However, he was still not afraid and made another call to call someone.

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