Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 972: Nonsense, shoot you

Ye Tian unexpectedly martial arts, unexpectedly Zhao Zhenghao. He didn't dare to shoot anymore, so he quickly called and called out.

At this time, the atmosphere suddenly became active because of the appearance of a beautiful girl at the entrance of Shuiyue Pavilion.

Li Miner did not stop at the place waiting for Zhao Zhenghao, but came to the door of Shuiyue Pavilion and found the big boss Zhao Donghai.

This is a fairy-like woman, **** and charming, with a variety of styles and natural social flowers, good at walking among men. As soon as she appeared, it attracted the attention of many big names.

"Boss Zhao, this beauty is an artist from your company, please introduce."

"Envy Lao Zhao, I can deal with beautiful women every day."

"Is it just so simple to deal with? It must be more than that."

"Hahaha, talk about life, talk about ideals, talk about scripts."


A group of big brothers are out of control.

Li Miner didn't feel anything at all. He didn't need Zhao Donghai's introduction at all. He was already familiar with a group of big brothers. He played fiercely and behaved both decently and generously. He also said everything and made the big brothers very useful. Soft hands. Even Uncle Qin seemed to be overwhelmed by her personality charm and gave her a business card.

"Old Zhao, this artist in your family is very good and promising. If you cultivate well, you will definitely become a big star."

After Li Miner's operation, the effect was soon achieved, and some big men began to blow hair in Zhao Donghai's ear.

Zhao Donghai also had light on his face, clearly becoming one of the focus of a group of big men.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Donghai pulled Li Miner aside and asked her, but his face was a little displeased.

Originally, his girlfriend tonight was Bai Xue, and Li Miner suddenly appeared alone, and some of the noisy guests took the lead, which would make everyone mistakenly believe that Li Miner was his girlfriend tonight.

Although Li Min'er is also very good and can do things better than Bai Xue, tonight's occasion, Bai Xue is more suitable than Li Min'er and can give him a long face, because Bai Xue knows Ye Tian.

But I don't know, Li Miner just wanted to win the show and make her debut, so that the top celebrities will remember her.

After all, Zhao Zhenghao is just a brother-in-law. She doesn't have much real power in the company. She doesn't bother to conquer. Zhao Donghai is her goal.

"It was the young master who asked me to come here. Mr. Zhao, did I not do well enough to make you unhappy?" Li Miner said timidly, looking pitiful.

"That's not true. What about Zhenghao others? Why aren't they with you?"

"Oh, this is the case. The young master saw Bai Xue walking with her boyfriend just now and asked me to go first. He went to find them. It should be over soon."

"Bai Xue? Boyfriend? When did Bai Xue make a boyfriend? Why didn't I know?" Zhao Donghaidun frowned, his face unbelievable.

"Don't you know? Bai Xue is so deep in hiding that you have concealed it. I took the picture just now and show it to you now." Li Min'er said very earnestly, very thoughtful, and said he took out his mobile phone. Reveal the photo for Zhao Donghai.

According to her understanding, the reason why Bai Xue was able to grow so fast was all supported by the big brother Zhao Donghai. And Bai Xue is a stumbling block on her way to success.

As Sister Yang said, one mountain can't accommodate two tigers.

When he saw the photo, Zhao Donghai laughed and said, "He, it's not Bai Xue's boyfriend at all."

Although the photos were a little fuzzy, he recognized Ye Tian at a glance. He knew that Ye Tian's girlfriend was Qin Qinghan, the eldest daughter of the Qin family, and Bai Xue was just an ordinary friend. When they first met, Ye Tian and Bai Xue appeared together.

However, suddenly his face changed suddenly, panicking.

His son has never seen Ye Tian, ​​and does not recognize the young demon king. If he mistakenly believes that Ye Tian is Bai Xue's boyfriend, he doesn't know what moths will come out, and it is possible to offend Ye Tian.

Thinking of this, he chuckled in his heart and said, "No, I have to go and see."

Then he ran away quickly, and a big guy ignored him and ignored him.

Human life is off, if his son offends Ye Tian, ​​he may be killed. The young devil kills people like hemp.

He knows his son's character better than anyone else, and he likes Bai Xue, and it is likely to offend Ye Tian.

Li Min'er was inexplicable for a while.

Over there, Zhao Zhenghao hung up the phone, glaring at Ye Tian and said, "Boy, no wonder you are so arrogant that you would martial arts. If I guessed right, my two bodyguards were hurt by you last night, right? You and Shirayuki were eating together. "

"Yes, it was me."

"Okay, you have a species, wait for me, wait for the brother I called, and see if you dare to be arrogant, you have to doubt your life."

Zhao Zhenghao said, looking at his watch, suddenly anxious, because the banquet time began immediately.

The banquet was a top priority, and he didn't have time to entangle with Ye Tian.

So he said again: "I'm in a hurry right now and don't care about you first. There is a kind of don't go, wait for me here and wait for me to come back and repair you.

After speaking, he looked at Bai Xue again, and then said, "Bai Xue, now I have two choices for you, either follow me or leave the company."

"Bai Xue, you are not ready to go with Master. Do you still want to be a star?" Sister Yang shouted to Bai Xue quickly. Naturally, she could see that Zhao Zhenghao was really angry and very nervous.

Ye Tian didn't say anything, let Bai Xue choose for himself.

"My own bright future, and a local male friend, I think as long as he is not a fool, he knows how to choose." Zhao Zhenghao calmly, thought he had eaten Baixue, gave himself a cigarette, and calmly inhaled.

Let the goddess in the eyes of a man bow down to his feet in front of the man, he likes this feeling very much.

"Zhao Zhenghao, do you think you are great? You said that my friend is a soil turtle, and I think you are the biggest soil turtle." Bai Xue scolded Zhao Zhenghao. Without thinking, she had a choice in her heart.

"Sister Yang, I'm sorry." She said to Sister Yang again.

With that said, she felt relieved.

"Bai Xue, you are confused! To this day, how much effort did UU read, have you forgotten it?" Sister Yang was distressed and then quickly said to Zhao Zhenghao: "Master, Bai Xue didn't mean that. She I was deceived, deceived ... "

Where Zhao Zhenghao could hear, his nose almost crooked. I did not expect that Bai Xue would dare to offend him for a local friend, and he would not even work, saying: "Okay, you better not regret it! I will let my colleagues across the country block you , From now on, there will never be a place for you to stand in the entertainment industry. It is no use just to kneel down and ask me. "

"And you." He looked at Ye Tian with another glance, and said fiercely, "Dare to deceive the artists in my company. I don't care who you are, you are dead. I must kill you and make your family ruin." "

"Really? If you say one more nonsense, believe it or not, I shot you here?"

Ye Tian was so angry that a murderous anger was released, so that the temperature in a void fell suddenly, making people fall into the ice cave.

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