Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 973: Half life

Zhao Zhenghao suddenly hit a spirit, and was scared by Ye Tian's eyes.

"Dead soil, do you think I'm scared? Would it be great to have a little martial arts? I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

After returning to God, Zhao Zhenghao was so bold again that he continued to provoke Ye Tian.

"Shut up!" Bai Xue shouted loudly.

Others don't know, but she knows, Ye Tian has always said that she can do it, how dare to kill!

"You bitch, what qualifications make me shut up? You have been a lady in a nightclub, don't think I don't know. I will post this news online to let the whole world know that you have been a lady and make you laugh Stink for thousands of years. "

"You, you, you **** it, you dare!"

Bai Xue's face stiffened stiffly, and she almost became angry, her whole body shaking.

"Dare? What am I afraid? I will post it online now, believe it or not?"

Zhao Zhenghao was like a madman, and he wanted to break the net with Bai Xueyu. Speaking of taking out his mobile phone, it seems that it is really going to be released now.

"Master Ye!"

At this time, a voice came suddenly:

Accompanied by this voice, there was also a rush of footsteps. It was Zhao Donghai who was running to this side, panic-looking, and ran fast, and the sweat of the brain was flowing on a cold day.

"Dad, why are you here?" Zhao Zhenghao said unexpectedly.

However, Zhao Donghai ignored his son and rushed to Ye Tian for a while, and said, "Master Ye, I haven't seen you in a long time. I am so happy to see you tonight."

He humbled and stretched out his hands, but Ye Tian didn't even look at him, his face was cold.

Suddenly, Zhao Donghai had a bad hunch.

"Dad, do you know? This grandson is not a good thing, digging for our company's entertainers." Zhao Zhenghao was righteous.


Zhao Donghai was desperate, his hands were raised and lowered, and a big slap came to Zhao Zhenghao's face, shouting, "This is Master Ye, blind your dog's eyes. Have you offended him? Are you still apologizing to him?"

Zhao Donghai's slap was so full of strength that he shook Zhao Zhenghao a bit.

Sister Yang looked around and was startled. I couldn't believe the tall and mighty boss Zhao in her mind humbled into an ant in front of Ye Tianmen, just like a dirt dog seeing a tiger .

This boy, Master Jiang Nanye, what is it?

Could it be that the top son of Yanjing City, who came from the four major families?

"Master Ye, Inuzi has just returned from studying abroad. He doesn't know Taishan. He doesn't know how to offend you. Your grown-ups don't remember villains, don't care about him. I will give you a compensation first." Zhao Donghai begged Ye Tian again.

"Your son is terrible. He said he would kill me and ruin my family." Ye Tian said lightly, his face was calm. However, Zhao Donghai burst out of the spine, his head was a little faint.

"Dad, what is Master Ye? Isn't it just martial arts, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm going to Nima, you're going to kill me! Master Ye can also offend you? I owed you something in my last life, and you've come to harm me."

Zhao Donghai was just as crazy, punching and kicking Zhao Zhenghao for a while, his nose became swollen.

In the process, Zhao Zhenghao's mind flashed and he came to understand.

Ye Tian, ​​Master Ye, Master Jiang Nan Ye, chewed a few words, and he suddenly woke up.

The one in front of me is to kill without blinking, and the guide will not die. One can be a young demon king against the country!

Suddenly, Zhao Zhenghao was ashamed.

"Animal, please kneel down and apologize to Master Ye!" Zhao Donghai shouted loudly.

With a thump, Zhao Zhenghao knelt on the ground.

Then, with another thump, Zhao Donghai also knelt on the ground, scratching his head like pounding garlic. Because he knew that Ye Tian really dared to kill his son, and even to make his family ruin.

Sister Yang also had weak legs, and some of them were unstable and pale.

This is a young demon king. Although she doesn't know very well, she heard that she was a demon king. Her hands were stained with blood, and she was murdered like a dog.

How can she not see that the relationship between Bai Xue and the teenager is not ordinary, even if it is not a boyfriend or a girlfriend, it is a lover relationship.

And she had forced Bai Xue many times to do what she did not want to do, which indirectly offended the young demon king.

After a plop, she still failed to stand still, and collapsed to the ground, shaking like a sieve.

Ye Tian was unmoved, and Zhao Donghai begged Bai Xue again, crying.

"Ye Tian, ​​count ..."

After all, Bai Xue was soft-hearted, and usually Zhao Donghai took care of her again, so she asked Ye Tian for an offer.

"The death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is inescapable. It takes half of your life as punishment." Ye Tianshen said.

When he didn't know what he did, he saw a flash of glory in his eyebrows. Zhao Zhenghao suddenly became crazy, like a fool, giggling, his body twitching, and his mouth drooling.

The half-life in Ye Tian's mouth was to make Zhao Zhenghao a fool. This half-life is better not to be cruel than to kill someone.

Zhao Donghai hugged his son and wept loudly, and his voice spread almost throughout the villa.

When the big men at the gate of Shuiyue Pavilion wanted to go and see, Ye Tian appeared and the mysterious big man arrived.

"Juvenile Demon King, oh no, Master Ye is here. Come and greet me."

A group of big brothers suddenly turned into avid fans and ran over to meet them.

"Willn't you be the protagonist of the banquet tonight?" Bai Xue opened his mouth in an o-shape in surprise.

Ye Tian frowned, which is why. He clearly saw Father Qin and Uncle Qin in a group of big brothers.

"Ye, Ye, Master Ye, ..." Father Qin shivered and saw Ye Tian's solemn look, terrified. Ye Tian's identity and status far surpass him, and he doesn't know what to call.

"You are my elder, just call me Xiaotian." Ye Tian said.

"Dad, let me do it. My God, it's like this ..."

Uncle Qin explained the situation briefly.

A 100-meter-long red carpet runs straight from the entrance of Shuiyue Pavilion to the deep part of the lobby, to the location of the main seat.

At the scene, there were nearly a hundred dignitaries from Jiangnan and Jiangbei, inside and outside the province. They were standing on both sides of the red carpet. One by one, their eyes were hot.

"So young!"

"Why not call him Tian Tianjiao."

"Don't be like that."

"Good-looking, kind-faced, approachable, not at all like a devil."


Among the big brothers, there are no lack of his true fans who praise him.

With the attention of so many big brothers, Ye Tian set foot on the red carpet, accompanied by beautiful women. Father Qin followed the other side. Uncle Qin led the way in the front and entered the lobby of Shuiyue Pavilion.

"It's him!"

Li Miner hid among a group of big guys, and when he saw Ye Tianzheng, he recognized it at a glance.

"It turned out that he was Master Jiangnan Ye, the young demon king. No wonder he dared to kill Jin Donghai and make the Jin family make a chicken and a dog jump." She was horrified and panicked.

"No, I have to go. I offended him on the cruise ship, and he has also seen my funeral. And Bai Xue, even if I found such a big backer, how can I fight it."

Thinking of this, Li Miner walked away.

Uncontrollably, a voice called to her: "Miss Li, all come, come back after dinner."

Hearing the sound, she was almost scared to death, and Ye Tian was calling her.

Stepping into Shuiyue Pavilion and revisiting the place, Ye Tian felt a lot like another world, with a lot of emotions.

The first time he came to Shuiyue Pavilion, he was obstructed by a group of male sons from Tianhai, ridiculed, and ugly in public.

No wonder, because at that time he had not gained fame, just a little prince with a little known name.

This time, he entered the Shuiyue Pavilion in the name of the young demon king and enjoyed the admiration and worship of the big brothers.

"Master Ye, long-awaited name, such as Lei Guaner, seeing today is really a blessing for three lives. I did it, you are free."

"Master Ye, my admiration of you is like a torrent of rivers, endless."

"Master Ye, tomorrow's battle for Dong Yan, kill the spirit of the little devil well. Tomorrow I will cheer for you."


Ye Tianduan couldn't sit still, the big brothers came to toast one after another, and various compliments were endless.

Mr. Qin is also full of scenery. After all, this god-like existence is his granddaughter, and the Qin family's ride on the dragon is fast.

Uncle Qin was also full of joy, walking among a group of big brothers, called brothers and brothers.

The Qin family, originally the first family in Tianhai City, grew rapidly because of Ye Tian. Now it is the first family in Jiangnan. In a short time, it will be the first family in Jianghai Province. Supreme glory, Supreme glory.

The different ways are not the same. Ye Tian and these big brothers have nothing in common with Ben. Fame and fortune are like clouds to him, optional. If it weren't for Qing Han's face, he might have left.

"Mr. Ye, my body was suddenly uncomfortable. I went back first, I'm really sorry." Li Miner said suddenly. She was sitting next to Ye Tian, ​​very anxious.

"Sister Miner, it's not serious, or should I take you to the hospital?" Bai Xue nervously.

"It's okay, it's not serious, it might be too tired, I'll just go back and take a rest."

"Let me see you!" Ye Tian suddenly got up.

"Ah, no need." Li Miner was startled.

"Let's go. I'll go out."

Ye Tian insisted on sending it, and Li Miner couldn't help it.

It was cold outside, and Li Miner wrapped her fur tightly.

"Mr. Ye, it's all right here, you can go back." Li Miner said.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" Ye Tian said lightly.

"Afraid of you? Are you there?" Li Miner said unnaturally.

"Why Bai Xue?" Ye Tian stopped and suddenly looked at her.

"What do you mean? How could I harm Bai Xue?" Li Miner was startled.

Ye Tian's gaze made her feel creepy, as if she could see everything through her, leaving her without any privacy at all and uncomfortable.

"Bai Xue's ghosts, can you get down?"

"I don't know what worms are."

"I'm a young devil, do you think you can deceive me? Or do you think I dare not kill you?"

Under Ye Tian's sharp eyes, Li Min'er quickly collapsed, and he threw himself on the ground and admitted everything.

"I know I'm wrong. Would you please let me go? Let me do everything. Even I can withdraw from the entertainment industry. As long as you don't kill me." Li Miner knelt on the ground, begging hard.

"If you kill you, it won't be ~ ~ You can also stay in the entertainment industry. As long as you promise me a condition," Ye Tian said suddenly.

"What conditions?"

"I will set up a studio for Bai Xue, you can be her agent and take care of her."

"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

After breaking the star path of Bai Xue, Ye Tian couldn't bear it and wanted to help her and set up a job.

Li Miner is a woman who has the means, the will, and the ability to be a celebrity mistaken child, and an agent is more suitable for her.

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