Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 974: Before the decisive battle

Sunrise and sunset, and another day passed, and finally the day when Amber Shengming fought against the young demon king.

On this day, hundreds of thousands of eyes around the world have focused on Dongyu.

This will be a world-famous showdown with far more influence than the battle between the young demon king and the Tianmu Fawang a few days ago.

In today's world and the last age of law, the limit of the power that a human monk can reach is the pinnacle of Divine Realm, which can approach the immortal infinitely, but cannot break through.

And Amber Shengming and the Juvenile Demon are two monks who are at the top of their divine realm, both standing at the top of the pyramid, representing the strongest fighting power of human beings.

Ambe Shengming became famous forty years ago and was hailed as the most accomplished master of the yin and yang division's magic after Abe Qingming. Today's first yin and yang master has once raised the banner of the entire Dongzhang country in the field of law-making.

He once led Dongxun's most outstanding practitioners to go to my Central Plains to study techniques, and almost hit my invincible Zhongyuan Damon.

It was the most glorious time in the field of law-making for the East, and it became famous and won the attention of the whole world.

Prior to that, my generation of Chinese swordsman swordsmanship returned to the world, and the sword tried the world, crossing the east, defeated Taro, the Holy Emperor sword, and no one was able to compete.

Amber Shengming shuddered before shame!

Forty years ago, Amber Shengming was so powerful. Forty years later, I dare not imagine.

Although he is extremely old, Shou Yuan will be dead, and he is about to die, but no one dares to belittle him. The first few in the holy list still have his place, and his legend has been circulating on the rivers and lakes.

However, the afterlife is terrible, the Yangtze River's rear waves push forward, and the young demon king, the rising star, is even more terrible!

This is an arrogant man, a wizard of the world, who can be called a millennial one, and it is almost a lightning rise. He grew up before the world responded. When the world reacted, he was almost invincible and almost invincible.

Each of his battles can be entered into the annals of history, making the younger generation worship.

In the Golden Triangle, he destroyed the Aung Lai Legion and caused many poisonous blood to bleed.

Yu Gao Nan, Hanjing City, let the four-star Jin family bow his head, and beheaded a generation of national teacher Zheng Dongao.

In the small country of Aurora, he is an enemy country and has no one in the army.

At the top of Yanshan Mountain, he fought against Tianmu Fawang and won a great victory.

And the most incredible thing is that he went to Longhu Mountain alone, overpowering the heroes, and finally retired.

And Longhu Mountain, that is the first ancestor of Huaxia Daomen! He swept across Longhu Mountain. To a certain extent, the entire Huaxia door was stepped on by his own feet.

What a thrill! What an incredible! What a terrible crying ghost!

Forty years ago, Amber Shengming swept invincibly in our country. In the end, the first battle was in Longhu Mountain, which was defeated with Dongfang Crane.

Now, the young demon king is smashing Longhu Mountain, and he has to make people think about it: can the young demon king's combat power also be able to cross the Anbei Shengming?

Unfortunately, in Dragon Tiger Mountain, the young demon king failed to fight the oriental crane. Otherwise, from the combat strength of the Oriental Crane, you can more accurately measure the combat strength of Shengbei Ambei, after all, they have been quite good.

Regardless, the battle between Amber Shengming and the young demon king will definitely shock the world. No matter whether he wins or loses, it will be recorded in the annals of history, leaving a strong stroke in the history of human cultivation.

Dongyu, Kyushu Island, somewhere along the long coastline, there are cliffs, strong pines, howling winds, rough rocks and empty shores.

Today's weather is very bad, the cloud is bleak, the scorching cold wind is as cold as a knife, the sea waves roll up several meters high, and slap on the reefs, cliffs, making a burst of rumbling sounds, as if the devil's roar.

A snowstorm is brewing and may come at any time.

This is a barren land with few people. The nearest town is a hundred kilometers away. Usually only some adventure lovers will come here for hiking.

However, today, there is a lively crowd here. Thousands of people flock here, coming from all over the world. Not only are martial arts, magicians, masters of the power world, but also many ordinary people and people.

The battleground between Amber Shengming and the young devil is here!

I thought it was a very remote place, not many people came to watch it, but I still underestimated the enthusiasm of the people.

I saw that on the cliff, the head was moving, and the shoulders were back, as if in a big rally.

Needless to say, most of them are Dongdai people, and Dongdong people naturally support Ambe Shengming.

Although the war has not yet begun, solidarity has already begun, either by pulling banners or shouting slogans, one after another, the sound of chicken blood is soaring.

The momentum fell to one side, almost all in favor of Amber Shengming.

"Come, we also shout and cheer for Ye Tian!" Uncle Qin rolled up his sleeves and said to a group of Jiangnan big guys around him.

This battle is very big. Both Uncle Qin and Father Qin are here. We must witness this battle with our own eyes.

If Ye Tian is left, their Qin family can take advantage of it and take it to the next level.

If Ye Tian loses, their Qin family will lose power and will go downhill for a period of time.

The Qin family is now the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River. The old Qin is a veritable first person. He gathered a large number of forces and formed a stake alliance.

The group of Gangnam gangsters surrounded by Uncle Qin at this moment belongs to this stakeholder alliance. There are more than 20 gangsters, and each gangster carries a bodyguard and a female companion. Add up to nearly a hundred people.

"Forget it, be careful to be stung." A five-status big man responded, wrapped in a mink coat and holding a telescope in his hand, looking out at the sea.

Through the telescope, he can clearly see a figure from a kilometer away, on a reef on the coast, a figure sitting cross-legged and facing the east.

Ren Feng Gao Langji ~ ~ This figure has remained motionless, more stable than the reef.

Behind him, the sky was full of light and haze, and eight snakes protruded from the sea, each with a bucket as thick as the head of a snake, larger than the door, and it seemed to be as long as eight ancient dragons. The whole body is covered with black scale armor, roaring in the sky, fierce and horrifying.

Seeing these eight serpents, the identity of this figure has been clearly revealed. Dongbei's first yin and yang master mage, Shengbei Shengming.

These eight big snakes are actually one, called the Eighth Great Snake, a kind of ancient beast in the myth and legend of the East, with eight snake heads and eight tails. They share the same body and are considered to be the embodiment of disaster.

Of course, the Hachigi snake behind Ambe Saint-Ming is not the real ancient beast, but his destiny.

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