Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 983: provocative

Ye Tian chaos Jinguang Shenzhang slaps out with his big hand covering the sky, and the divine power is shocking. He slaps the eight-kid-style **** against the sea and falls away.

The huge Yagi-style demon snake was distorted a bit under Ye Tian's palm, crackling, black scales falling like snowflakes, but the body did not collapse.

Ye Tian's palm can shoot a main battle tank into a discus, but he couldn't break the Haki-style god. It can be seen how firm the Hagi-style **** condenses, which is comparable to fine gold steel.

Roar ...

The eight snake heads roared loudly, and their voices were harsh and harsh. It was clear that they felt pain and were traumatized.

They are different from other gods. They are almost condensed into the body of Amber Shengming. They have part of the thinking and wisdom of Amber Shengming. They can really feel the pain.

On the opposite side of Ye Tian, ​​Ambei Shengming, who stood in the void, flickered, and a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"Is Amber Shengming going to lose?"

Many people in the field exclaimed, all feeling incredible.

After all, in the legend, the two are a very good match. They are both masters of the gods. They ca n’t stand upside down, and the sun and the moon have no light.

The spectators of the East Rim brought their hearts to their throats one by one. This battle is not trivial, it is about the entire East Laos nation, honor and disgrace.


At this time, it was seen in the field that a large snake tail slammed out of the electric light flint falling from the Yaki-style god, and the tip of his tail touched a finger on the palm of the chaos golden light god, and then died Entangled in it.

Eight snake tails became one, and one snake tail gained momentum, and soon the other seven snake tails also stood up, entangled in the palm of the chaos golden light god.

Eight snake heads, eight snake tails, and a large snake body, like a giant octopus squid, entangled Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm with a strong body.

"Dead!" Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm of God continued to press down and patted against the sea.

His chaos golden light palm is nothing more than a mana, what about the death net of Hachi-style **** fish.

However, the Hachi-style **** is really strong, brute force is like a dragon, and eight thick snake tails are like eight wire ropes. They are indestructible, and they have deformed Ye Tian's chaotic golden **** palm.


Just when the chaos golden light **** palm took the Haki-style **** to shoot down on the sea, the **** palm was finally unsupported, and it burst into pieces, turning into a sky of light and energy and a storm of energy.


Although the Hachi-style **** finally fell into the sea, it didn't matter much.


A water column soared into the sky, as thick as a mountain, and Hachi-style gods rushed up, with eight huge mouths opening, bursting into waves of roaring waves, shattering the dark clouds in the sky, fierce and evil, and swooped on Ye day.


"how come?"


As time went on, countless people were stunned. It was unexpected that Ye Tian ’s always-unfavorable chaos Jinguang Shenzhang great magical power was broken. The situation suddenly reversed.

"After all, Amber Shengming is a master of the gods. He is only one step away from the earth fairy. How could he lose so easily?"

"Yes, it's because we are so impressed with the invincibility of the young demon king. The preconceived youngsters defeated Abe Shengming's combat power."

"This battle is fraught with uncertainties.


In the onlookers, there was a burst of discussion, and there was even more support for Amber Shengming.


Above the cliff, a tiger howl came out, shaking the deafness and shaking the earth, shaking the voice of the eight snakes.

It was the White Tiger-like **** roaring, seeing the host in distress, can't wait to join the battlefield, and have a shocking battle with the Yaki-style god.

Uh ...

The Suzaku-style **** also made a tweet, the voice was loud, as if Jin Ge was chanting, the whole body of fire was dazzling, the war was full of vigor, and the spirit of killing was pervasive.

Everyone around was frightened backwards, and felt a terrifying coercion from the two gods, all of whom could not help changing colors.

"Animals, shut up! I am shocked!"

Suddenly, one person roared, and it was Watanabe Watanabe, the first person of the evil yin and yang division.

The deity of the Yasha-King God behind him was manifested as if it were substantive, with blue-faced fangs and a height of three feet, like a giant, with red hair, holding a black sharp steel fork, covering his hands and feet. With a layer of hard scales, the ferocity was astonishing, as if a demon king stepped out of hell.

Compared to the White Tiger-style god, it is clear that this Yasha king-style **** is more terrifying.

The Yasha king-type **** stared at the white tiger-type **** tiger, two blood-red bronze bells with big eyes almost staring out, and the steel fork in his hand was eager to try.

"What did you say? How dare you say it again?" Zhao Tianlong was furious.

The white tiger-like **** body has Ye Tian's ray of spirits. He will condense into Ye Tian's avatar in the future. How can he tolerate others calling the white tiger an animal.

"What the **** are you? Are you looking for death? How dare you yell at me?" Watanabe was also angry and yelled at Zhao Tianlong.

Think of his status, his status, his seniority, and Zhao Tianlong was just an apprentice of Ye Tian, ​​who dared to yell at him.

"Are you trying to pick something? Thought I was afraid you wouldn't be able to do it?" Zhao Tianlong was not afraid, he yelled loudly, and opposed Watanabe.

He was holding a large black war halberd in his hand, and, inspired by the warfare, it gradually turned into a fiery red, lingering in flames just like the armor on his body.

"Damn, this black steel halberd belongs to my Zheng family!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd.


Accompanying the sound, several figures rushed towards Zhao Tianlong.


At this moment, the Yasha king-like god's figure moved, and the steel fork in his hand trembled suddenly, leading to a sky full of blood, and suddenly broke into trouble and stabbed Bai Hu in the past.

Suddenly, the crazy killing was like a tsunami, rushing out from the Yasha-type god, making the world tremble.

"Take me a ride."

That night Yasha-style shrine smiled, and a human voice was made in his mouth.

Yasha's king-like **** is as tall as three feet, which is comparable to the white tiger-like god, and it is just right when it comes to driving.

"Stop it, White Tiger is the style **** of my Ambe family. How dare you hurt it?" Abe Meiji roared. Holding a short knife in her hand, she tried to stop it, but it was too late.

"Senior Watanabe, do you really want to break the net with my Anbe family?" Abelong sighed.

However, Watanabe ignored it. He has been holding on to the two tiger gods of Baihu and Suzaku. If he gets the hands and refines it, his Yasha king **** can go one step further and be promoted to a more terrifying Raksha god, or even a Shura god.

Zhao Tianlong was being disturbed by a group of uninvited guests, and he couldn't take any action to stop the Yasha king-type god.

"court death!"

Zhao Tianlong screamed angrily, and Chi Yan's halberd waved out in his hand, a ray of fire reflecting in the void.


A figure was split by force, flesh flew, and died instantly.

Zhao Tianlong is wearing Chiyan Battle Armor ~ ~ Holding Chiyan Battle Halberd, splitting up and down, his eyes are cold and terrible, his head is dancing wildly, like a battlefield killing god.


War halberd pierced, a figure was penetrated. Zhao Tianlong's arm trembled again, and the dead body was shattered into **** mud, even his bones shattered.

Puff puff!

The halberd cut off the sky, every figure was split, and the original sharp halberd was dyed red.

All of a sudden, several masters from Hanjing were completely killed by Zhao Tianlong. They were descendants and disciples of Zheng Dongao, the state teacher. When they saw Zhao Tianlong holding the spear that Zheng Dongao had used, they couldn't help but win.

By this time, the battle between the Yasha King-style gods and the White Tiger-style gods was over.

With only two moves from the White Tiger God, Yasha King lost.

The white tiger-like **** first opened his mouth and vomited, a gengjin sword overwhelmingly spread the Yasha king-style **** to the outer focus, and then stepped on a hoof, and then the Yasha king-style **** became a dead dog.

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