Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 984: Dragon Elephant Fist

However, it was said that above the sea and in the void, the decisive battle between Ye Tian and Amber Shengming had just begun, and some of the onlookers were fighting.

Watanabe 隼 觊觎 Baihu and Suzaku, two gods, found an excuse to provoke and attacked.

He stunned the White Tiger so that his Yasha King-style **** lost two moves and was stepped on by his foot, almost to be trampled into a dead dog.

The white tiger-like **** now has the combat power of the divine realm, and after being infused with a ray of **** soul from Ye Tian, ​​he has a very high intelligence and can distinguish right from wrong.

To some extent, it is a **** beast, and has its own subjective initiative. So I just saw Ye Tian ’s chaotic golden light palm was broken, and he roared, and took the initiative to fight.

For the first time, Zhao Tianlong showed his true combat power in front of the world. Several martial arts masters from the Zheng family of Hanjing tried to **** his Chiyan War Halberd, and he was slashed with blood and blood. It's full of sky, broken bones and flesh all over the wilderness, gorgeous and bloody.

Suddenly, many people were stunned. It was unexpected that the young demon king was strong, and his apprentice was so strong. In front of everyone, killing people was like killing dogs.

"Are you looking for death? Dare to kill in the realm of my east!"

The captain of the Shenfeng Men's War Police, Fujita Mayo, stepped forward, aggressive, and yelled at Zhao Tianlong.

He is responsible for the security of this decisive battle. Some people are killing people under his eyelids, and he is provoking him.

"Disarm and surrender, accept the legal sanctions of my country, don't force me to act with divine wind!" Fujita Masao's eyes jumped, his blood was surging, holding a sword and a sword in his hands, and it seemed that he really wanted to do Zhao Zhaolong.

Behind him, he was followed by a group of Kamikaze men, all staring at him.

刚才 His face was slapped by Xiao Qingtian just now, and it is still swollen now.

This lost face, he wants to find it, from the apprentice of the young demon king.


Suddenly, a cold hum came over.

"If only the young demon king, you are just his apprentice, and dare to kill my people with a strong force, do you really think I am high?"

I saw two old men wearing robes and with white hair walking into the field, full of energy like dragons, fluctuating with horror, and their eyes were as fierce as knives, terrifying, terrifying, and staring hard. On Zhao Tianlong's body.

These are two Gai Dai strong men, who have revealed their identity, from Gao 俪.

They have nothing to do with the young demon king, but out of national feelings, they have to take action to kill Zhao Tianlong and restore dignity for Gao Chengguo.


I have no more words, and two Gai Dai strongmen from Gao Yiguo took the shot and slaughtered Zhao Tianlong together.

Although they are old-fashioned, their energy is as terrifying as the mountain and tsunami.

"It's the peak Wuzong!" Shoji Fujita shrank his pupils, and from the eruptive momentum, he evaluated the fighting strength of the two old men.

Master Feng Dingfeng, he himself is only at this level.

At this moment, it is equivalent to two Fujita Masao to Zhao Tianlong.

Although Gao Ling is also a small country, it is very close to my eastern big country. In history, he has not been influenced by oriental Mandarin, martial arts, and arts. Therefore, there are many monks. Bizarre. Zheng Dong'ao, the state teacher who was beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​didn't just think that he was a god.

The two old men adjusted uniformly, each shot a palm, aggressive, fierce as a tiger and a leopard. There were green flames burning in their palms, like ghost fires, gloomy and aggressive, exhausting the air and making thunderous sounds.

"Poison Flame Palm! I know who they are, the second poisonous flame in Gao Gaoguo's legend. It is said that the poison flame they sacrifice contains a hundred poisons and will die, even the spirits can poison and burn into ashes. Someone suddenly exclaimed in the field, recognizing the two old men who shot.

"Master, be careful." Su Mengyao reminded.

She was holding a purple electric Yindao knife and was preparing for the defense, but she did not plan to take it, because Ye Tian brought them here, just rushing to sharpen the martial arts.

"Two dead dogs, let me die!" Zhao Tianlong's eyes widened, and a thunderous growl was made in his mouth.

He held Chiyan War Halberd in one hand and did not wave it out, but simply punched a punch.


Void riot, on top of his fist, a surging war spirit divided into two shapes of dragons, swept the world, burst out.

Taikoo Dragon Elephant Gong, Dragon Boxing, Elephant Boxing, Dragon Elephant Unity!

Under the blessing of Chiyan Battlegear, although he was a Emperor Wu Zong's cultivation, he played the power of Divine Realm, combining Dragon Boxing and Elephant Boxing into a real Dragon Elephant Boxing.

I saw what a shocking fist this was. In the turbulent warfare, the dragon roared, the giant elephant rushed, as if a wild world, containing all power.

When a dragon fists like a **** fist, the fist evolves the world, and the world is destroyed. Who fights?

At the moment, behind Zhan Tianlong, a dragon and two like beasts emerged, making him even more powerful.

Huh! puff!

The two elder masters, the masters of martial arts, were hit by a dragon-shaped boxing and a pictographic boxing, respectively. They were like chickens and dogs, their bodies burst instantly, flesh flew, broken bones shot into countless ways. The blood mist collapsed.

Just one punch, two peak Wuzong die!

Countless people were shocked on the spot, so speechless that they were so surprised!

I even took a breath of breath from Fujita Mayo, and was scared by Zhao Tianlong's fierce power.

"You want to catch me?" Zhao Tianlong stared at him with a glance ~ ~ The eyes were full of aggressiveness, two substantive rays of light shed a few feet in the eyes, captivating, the whole person was full of magic.

At this moment, he has an indomitable momentum on his body, and he is domineering and domineering, almost calming everyone in the audience.


Fujita Mayo swallowed a spit, not even daring to shit.


Suddenly, a cold hum came again.

"What about the disciples of the young demon king, dare to spread the wild in my east, and I will kill them!"

I was the gatekeeper of Feitian Imperial Sword. The first sword sage of contemporary Dongxuan, Ishino Yasuhiro, saw his apprentice eating it again and couldn't help it.

He trembled with his palm, and a bright dagger flying out, like a fine arrow fired by a heavy crossbow machine, tearing the void, breaking through the speed of sound in an instant, and killing Su Mengyao's door.

He was so shameless. When he saw Zhao Tianlong wearing a battle armor, his combat power was bursting, and he was in a state of alert. If he could not deal with it, he attacked Su Mengyao.

At this moment, a crowd of light burst out from the crowd, like a dazzling swordman, half-way interception, and suddenly crushed the black light dagger of Ishino Yasuhiro.

"Shoot with the old and bully, or sneak shots, Ishino Yasuhiro, can you be more shameless? If you want to fight, I will accompany you a few hands!" Xiao Qingtian was furious.

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