Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1081: Make sense

"Mr. Ye, I want to ask you a question first. The military sub-helm of the Great Empire in East Ryukyu was destroyed, and the tens of thousands of people in the air, sea, and air forces died. Is it yours?"

Ambassador Stewart was very strong. He asked Ye Tian a very tricky question.

This shocking news about the ghosts and gods has just begun to spread, and only a few people in the field know.

Once he asked this question, the entire audience was exclaimed, as if a stone was thrown into the calm lake, ripples rolled around, and the waves rolled, making everyone very calm.

"It ’s too cruel. It destroyed a military sub-helm, and killed tens of thousands of people. They created evil, evil, and the executioner is just like that!"

"How can this be allowed to happen in times of peace?"

"Is this something that people can do? I used to have a little sympathy and a little affection for the young demon king. Now I feel that he is too hateful, and hope that he will be stunned."

"How many swords and swords are enough, the soul must still **** forever, and it will perish forever, and there will be no redemption."

"Yeah, when it does. Even if someone bombs you with nuclear weapons, bombs you with intercontinental missiles, summons all nations to siege you, all means are used, and everything is done, but you can't retaliate like this! Not to mention people are not Didn't kill you. The beasts still have a hint of conscience. "

"The great empire of the world was too kind. At the beginning, it should not have put in millions of tons of small nuclear weapons. Instead, it should put in 10 million tons of equivalents, or even billions of tons of super nuclear weapons. In addition, a lot of dumplings were usually put in one shot and killed And never suffer later. "

"Amitabha, good and good!"


Uh ...

There was a burst of discussion, and most of them expressed indignation and condemnation of Ye Tian's actions.

Although Ye Tian hasn't acknowledged it yet, everyone seems to think he can do it.

After all, Ambassador Stewart will not be targeted.

Only the young demon king has this ability, and only the young demon king has this motive.


The camera and the camera's flashes kept flashing, and the lens was locked on Ye Tian.

I was a few reporters who followed and seized this rare opportunity to shoot Ye Tian for a while. The techniques were very professional. There were no dead ends at 360 degrees.

In a nutshell, reporters have never filmed Ye Tian at such a close distance. The reporters are frightened and hard to hide their excitement.

Moreover, today's occasion is worth a big book and special book. The related news will surely blow the whole earth and dominate the headlines.

There was a radian in the corner of Stewart's mouth, and there was a strong sense of slyness.

His mind is quite deep, he wants to make Ye Tian smell, and he is in the name of the young devil. At the same time, it can also send a message to the world. The young devil is not only the enemy of the great empire in the world, but also the common enemy of the world.

At the same time, the great empire of the world was able to be whitewashed. Although it used nuclear weapons in violation of regulations, the killing of such a ruthless person had more merits than excessive nuclear weapons.

"Can't shoot, stop me all!" Mengyao froze with a yell, and reprimanded several reporters.

She didn't scream. Fortunately, the camera turned over to her, and she kept shooting wildly.

The young girl was traumatized, her hair was messy, her clothes were a little disheveled, and she was still beautifully suffocated.

Even if she is angry and shows murderous demeanor, she still has a kind of feeling.

"Beauty is a beauty, how to shoot are all photogenic." A reporter sighed.

"Witch, is your relationship with your Master Devil innocent? Many people on the rivers and lakes are optimistic about the two of you, thinking that you are a wolf with a tiger and leopard. What's your opinion? "

Another reporter was very daring and asked a very gossip question with a very wry expression.

Suddenly, there was a laugh in the audience.

I met in serious political events, and everyone is more interested in gossip!

"Shut up for me, don't challenge my bottom line." Meng Yao was furious, the purple electric thunder knife in her hand was buzzing and trembling, could not help coming out of the sheath.


A fierce electric light burst out, breaking through the brow of the wretched male reporter and penetrating into the skull.

In the shocking and terrifying eyes of everyone, a large living person disappeared and was killed by the thunder town. There was only a stack of flying ash left in the place and it was scattered by the wind.


Ye Yetian shook his fingers, and the cameras and cameras of the remaining reporters all burst. Although all their lives were saved, they all burst out of blood, and the unlucky hand bones shattered.

In a stunned moment, the audience is thrilled!

Da da da!

Many people trembled and straightened to Hanako.

He is the head of the military of a small neutral country, and General Harris is scared to speak.

虽 Although he is expensive as the head of a country's army and commanding the three armies, he is still a cricket in front of Ye Tian.

"You ..." Stuart was resentful, his forehead was green and his breath was panting.

"What did you ask me just now?" Ye Tian flicked his fingers, a blaze of thunderous light around his fingertips, suddenly looked at him, his tone was calm, his face was harmless like a big boy next door.

However, Stewart almost scared the urine, a drop of cold sweat on his forehead went down, for fear that the thunder light from Ye Tian's fingertips burst out, letting him disappear.

"You young devil, do you want to overwhelm people? Do you want to cause world turmoil? I may not be afraid of you as a great empire!"

Suddenly, a figure beside Stuart stood out and asked Ye Tian loudly ~ ~.

This is a woman, blonde, slender and petite, but very strong in character.

Her name is Christina, and Stuart's assistant.

As soon as she said this, everyone's heart suddenly mentioned her throat.

"Christina, come back!" Stuart called to her.

However, Christina turned a blind eye to Ye Tian, ​​leaving her blue eyes like two sapphires, emitting sharp light.

"Now I am asking you on behalf of the forty million people of the Great Empire in the world. My military sub-station in Dongliao has been destroyed. Is it yours?" She asked Ye Tian sharply.

可能 She may claim to be a woman, thinking Ye Tian dare not treat her.

In the end, she was overwhelmed. Ye Tian didn't do anything, but a big slap was drawn over.


I heard a sharp, crisp sound, and Christina fell to the ground with her forehead, her entire face was pumped and deformed, and her teeth were almost clean.

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to my teacher like this?" Meng Yao's face glowed with cold light, her eyes flickered with cold electricity, as if a goddess of war, so powerful that it made people tremble.

"Damn woman, dare you hit me? If you don't make sense, you will definitely pay the price, and there will be no good results."

"No reason? The knife in my hand is justified!"


A blade of light flashed, like silver piercing.


The blood water gushed, and a head rolled far away.

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