Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1082: negotiation

In front of countless people, Meng Yao beheaded Christina's head in one fell swoop, and she was so strong that she had the style of a young devil.

I used to call her a fairy.

Now she is called her witch.

I used to think of her as a vase.

Now, people see her as a soldier.

This is a transformation and a transformation.

The young girl grew up and could stand on her own. Even without shelter, she could break out of her own sky.

The deathly silence in the audience, many eyes were put on Ambassador Stewart, and he wanted to see how he would react, whether he would be strong, or bow his head.

Seems to have a lot of courage, Stewart finally opened his mouth, respectfully said: "Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry, I have no intention of offending you. Christina's words only represent herself, have nothing to do with me, and have nothing to do with my great empire Nothing. "

After all, he still softened and bowed his head to the young demon king.

Everyone was not surprised, because he had no choice but to serve softly.

Alas, what he said next shocked everyone.

"Mr. Ye, my great empire authorities have done something to you that we should not have done, and we have realized the mistake. Now we have deliberately turned gan into jade, to ensure that similar things will not happen again. I hope you do n’t count on the past, and do n’t blame it.

As soon as Stewart made this remark, the entire audience was exclaimed constantly.

大 The great empire actually bowed his head to admitting a mistake and condescending to a human, this is just like the heavens and the earth, it is not true at all.

That is the great empire of the world. The most terrifying and powerful existence on this star has been overwhelmingly invincible for nearly a century since World War II.

The immortal power of the Great Empire has impressed the world so much that it has become almost synonymous with "invincible". It is invincible, inviolable, and can only look up and worship.

Once there was a peerless power trying to wrestle with the great empire, but the defeat was very miserable. The whole country was fragmented, and now it has not slowed down.

In the past, many countries dared to rebel against the will of the great empire, did not listen to instructions, and did not follow instructions. Life has now been difficult and has been abandoned by mainstream society.

In a word, the will of the current great empire is almost equal to the will of this star!

Who can think of such an invincible country that is so overwhelmingly domineering to a human being?

"Is the young demon king really strong enough to fight against the Great Empire Chamber?"

"Is there really no way to defeat the enemy?"

"Will the world's landscape change as a result?"

"From today, will the great empire of the world be reduced to second-class? Is the young demon king going to the extreme?"

Uh ...

Countless people exclaimed.

消息 This news is like a stormy sea, it shocks everyone's mood and makes people's hearts troubling.

"I don't believe, Mr. Stewart, you are talking nonsense. I am an invincible great empire. How can I be softened to a human being? We have the world's premier nuclear arsenal, throw it down, throw it all down, I don't believe he can't die. "A young man shouted, his eyes were red and he was a little bit enchanted.

He is a national of the great empire in the world and loves this country enthusiastically. Upon hearing this news, he cannot accept it.

In addition to him, there are other sad voices in the field, such as crying.

Not only the nationals of the great empire itself, but also the nationals of other nations, under the same starry sky, they also loved the great empire of the time, and refused to accept the great empire to become mediocre!

"Children, I can understand your mood very well. Actually I am helpless!" Stuart looked bitter.

Then he said to Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye, it's not that my current empire is afraid of you. Really, you just heard that we have the world's leading nuclear arsenal, and there are billions of tons of extinct nuclear weapons. This is the star. If we want to destroy it, we can destroy it at any time. The reason we stop here is because we love peace, cherish every life, and do n’t want this star to be a charcoal. You have to know, if you keep doing this , The Third World War will probably erupt. I have a letter of commitment for peace. Let ’s take a look. We only have one condition. You have to admit your crimes, say sorry to the world, and promise not to Will commit again. If you feel that there is no problem, just sign it. "

He handed a piece of paper to Ye Tian, ​​a promise of peace.

Let Ye Tian admit their crimes is their final bottom line. Each of them gave each other a step down, so as not to make the great empire too shameless.


无 In the eyes of countless people's surprise, Ye Tian had not read the document and tore it directly.

"When you say stop, stop stop. Have you ever asked me for opinions?"

Ye Yetian waved his hand and threw the shredded documents all over the sky.

"We have given up, what else do you want? Do you really want to break the dead net with my great empire? Do you really want the Third World War to happen?"

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Tian's eyes widened angrily and he strode forward.


图 Stuart was sitting on the ground with a fright. is not a threat. I'm talking to you. We have something to say, don't be rough. If you are not satisfied with which clause in the document, we can discuss the changes. Also, if you have other requirements, you can mention it and we will try to meet it. "

"Don't give me **** files anymore. I want you to stop it. You can bring Barov's head to see me. Otherwise, I'll take it myself. Even I will slaughter the entire Empire League clean." Ye God said, every word was killing.

Although the great imperial authorities in the world were also guilty, Ye Tian didn't want to be involved too much. An empire alliance was enough to calm the anger in his heart.

"You, don't go too far!" Stuart was shocked and afraid, and his body was shaking.

恪 Due to his due diligence, he has been trying to salute the great empire of the world, but he never thought that the young demon king did not play cards according to common sense, but made his nose gray.

Barov had an unparalleled position in the great empire of the time, and was an invisible master, how could he have been killed.

"Mr. Ye, the last time I asked you, do you really want to fight with my great empire in the world? Do you know that when a war happens, there is no way back, the whole world will be turbulent because of this, and countless souls will die because of this . "

"If you want to fight, why am I afraid of a fight?"

Ye Tian flicked his sleeves, stomped his feet violently, and stood up, turned into a long rainbow, and flew towards the other side of the Alps.

所有 Everyone in the audience was stunned, all of them trembling for a while.

I am singled out for the great empire in the world, this shocking drama that even the movie dare not perform, may be staged in the near future, attracting much attention.

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