Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1116: Sword world explodes

As Ye Tian's sword hacked out, a hazy little world suddenly appeared, traversing midair.

In that small world, there are mountains and water, birds, beasts, flowers, grass, insects and fish. It looks like a real world in a reduced version.

But if you look carefully, you will find that this small world is unusual. Everything is composed of a whirl of extremely subtle sword qi, which is inserted into the buckle, flowing out of the rhythm, and the peerless killer.

The small world gave birth to everything, but it can also destroy everything. It seems that the birth is for better destruction.

This is a sea of ​​sword gas, smelting the avenue, and evolved into a small world.

The sword realm is the fruit of swordsmanship, and it is a manifestation of enlightenment. Only the best of swordsmanship can be cultivated, at least it must be an earth immortal, and it must have a high enough talent to be the crystallization of hard work.

Ye Tian's sword sword fruit is not his own, it is a Dacheng Dixian, maybe even a relic of a quasi-Jindan, which he obtained.

At the moment when the sword world appeared, not far away, the decapitation of the Titan war slave, the intact eye, the pupil shrank sharply, it seemed to see the power of the sword world's destruction, and there was a big depth in the eyes Dread.

Then, a message was sent out, causing the decapitated body of the Titan war slave to suddenly become violent, and the body's murderous surging, surging like the tide, and the sound of thunder and thunder.


Suddenly, a thick chaotic air column rushed out of the fracture of his neck. Like a spear of war, he tore the interwoven light curtain of copper columns again, and broke two copper columns.


Above the forbidden array of copper pillars, the four arrays of lore of the four spirits dropped a five-element extinct divine light, and they confronted the chaotic air column of the titanic slaves.

This is the fighting spirit in the Titan War Slave, surging and rushing out of the body, there is such a destructive power, it is unbelievable.

He was squeezing the divine power deeper in his body, and he was about to burst into shock.


His body was cracking, densely covered with cracks, and many bones were deeply visible, like the dry and cracked ground, shocking.

But he has no worries, because he knows the danger is coming, and the final blow may be the winner.


The big mace in his hand was swept out again, turned into a fiery awn, incredibly fast, from the bottom up, the track of the road was drawn, and the sky was slashed, not only to destroy the large array of copper pillars, four Spirit Great Formation, but also torn sword world.

Kills the sky, fierce and fierce, as if this is not a big mace, but a heavenly sword, splitting chaos, tearing the sky, and eclipsing everything. It has become the only one between heaven and earth.


In the loud noise of star collision, the taboo of copper pillars burst like a bubble. The remaining few copper pillars did not have time to fly out, and they burst into place and shattered into powder.

The explosion of each copper pillar, the destructive power of the explosion, is not inferior to the heavy artillery blow, it is simply terrifying.

As if the sky dome was torn open a large hole, a burst of breath swept out instantly, boiling like a sea of ​​ocean, sweeping the world.

If there is no space law here, there is a road ban, the entire bronze temple will be wiped out.

The bronze temple is also shaking, and the onlookers can guess that there is a war in it.

The gate of the Bronze Temple has been closed, and many powerful people rushed to the sky, trying to open the gate, go in and see, all returned without success.


The mace of the mace is still moving, bringing a storm of tyrants and taking away the might of all things.

Immediately after the "Second Heavy Sky Dome", the Four Spirits made a massive battle and ushered in a terrifying crit.

Swish swish!

The four corners of the large formation, four spirit beast-style gods rushed out at the same time, to protect themselves, they dare not attack the front.

Of course, this is Ye Tian's will.

However, they rushed out a bit slower.

Under the mace of the mace, the image of the Four Spirits Array was torn like a piece of paper, and the power of destruction swept in all directions in the form of a shock wave. In a blink of an eye, the Four Spirits God who had just fled out was swallowed, and another blink It was shredded into powder.


Blasted two major battles in succession, the mace of the mace remained undiminished, and it was still as powerful as a dragon.

Of course Ye Tian couldn't let the Titan war slaves succeed, pinch out a sword tactic, point out, the sword riots, the torrent of blazing sword gas washed down, if a hang from the galaxy hanging down from the nine days, straight down Titan War Slave.

Flying straight down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days!

This is a very horrifying scene. The indiscriminate attack is comparable to the effect of the **** thunder. The big mace in the hands of the Titan war slave suddenly lost its color, and a silver waterfall became the only one in the world.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian held the Sun and Moon Excalibur, chopped out a shocking sword, and slashed the mace of the Titan War Slave.


In mid-air, Ye Tian and later the frightened Jianmang, the sword torrent that broke out in the sword world first confronted the Titan Warlord's mace.

This is a terrifying collision, smashing the void and terrifying to the extreme.

Saw a very shocking scene. In the glistening and tyrannical torrent of sword gas like a galaxy, a spiked mace seemed like a mainstay, which was more stable than the mountains and could not be shaken.

And, this big stick is still upstream, rewinding the sword gas torrent and rushing towards the upper enchantment.

"This ...?" Miyamoto Taro was stunned, his eyes almost did not stare out.

"Hahaha!" Pope Francis laughed and said, "Youth demon king, you can use all means, dare to fight against God, and eventually you will not escape."

Ye Tian ignored it. It seemed that everything was as expected and not surprised.


At the moment when the torrent of sword qi was reversed, a heavenly swordmang hacked over and chopped a solid on the mace of the mace.

This sword is vast and terrifying. A sword is a galaxy, rolling the sky and tearing the cold universe.

The big fangs of the mace clank and blaze, bursting out a string of splendid sparks, chopping a big gap, but nothing more than that, it has not been cut off. The Tongtian Jianmang broke.

An anti-seismic force was transmitted to the Sun and Moon Excalibur, which made Ye Tian's tiger's mouth painful.


Seeing this scene, the pope laughed again.

Ye Tian remained quiet, shrouded in dignity, like a golden **** of war, watching quietly.

The Pope smiled but couldn't laugh.

The Titan War Slave reversed the torrent of sword gas, but was exhausted when there was a few feet away from the sword world.

Ye Tian's sword seemed to be ineffective, but it also consumed a lot of titanic power of the Titan War Slave, so that the Titan War Slave would be defeated.

The mace of the mace fell very weak, and the torrent of sword gas washed down, making it more surging.

Saw that in just one finger, the torrent of sword gas flooded the Titan slaves.

Tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of sword qi strangled his body frantically, and followed the cracks of the body surface, rushed into his body, more crazy fighting, bursting out a series of gorgeous sparks .

This is a very cruel scene, as if a large living person fell into the ant colony and was bitten by the ant colony.

If the Titan War Slave is a complete body, without any loss of body, the sword world has limited damage to him, and it is likely that even the copper skin cannot be torn.

Now he not only separated his head, but also had bruises on his body surface, and he was covered with cracks. Sword Qi could easily rush into his body, strangling inside and outside at the same time, he was a great hero, and he was about to fall.

In his body, a streak pattern was stripped out, and was slashed by Jianqi, and disappeared like a dream bubble.

And the function of his body is also declining.

Of course, the Titan War Slaves could not be put to death, raising the mace of the mace, and slashing to the sword world above many times, but each time it failed to work together.

And, no matter where he evades, the sword world is like a shadow.

Eventually, he gave up his resistance, holding the mace of the mace in both hands, and let the torrent of sword gas wash away, tearing his body apart.

The sword spirit in the sword world is limited, and it is impossible to last for a long time, and it takes a long time to brew for the second time after the explosion.

Saw that the Titan War Slave was indeed an immortal Xiaoqiang, and most of the sword world broke out, strangling him to almost a skeleton, and he had not fallen.

"Will he not be alive?" Taro Miyamoto worried.

"The servant of God will not die, because he has a great mission. Young demon, you are finally poor, don't you?" The Pope sneered.

What he said is good is that there is only one skeleton left, and none of the Titan war slaves have died.


The huanghuang gas in the space came violently, and countless huanghuang particles shone brightly, and he was going to help him rebuild his body.

Sword world is like the end of the strong crossbow, which was originally image and concrete, but it is getting darker now. The sword energy inside was almost exhausted, leaving only a stream of fine light, swimming like a thin snake.

If you can't stop the Titan war slaves from reuniting their bodies, all efforts are in vain, and the consequences are unimaginable.


Miyamoto Taro hacked out a hundred-footed sword and cut it on the metal skeleton of the Titan War Slave ~ ~ Only a spark splattered, hurting nothing.


Ye Tian also hacked a sword, the skeleton of the Titan war slave moved, and he raised a spiked mace to stop it.

"What should I do?" Taro Miyamoto was horrified.

Ye Tian looked serious, suddenly took a deep breath, looked at the sword world that almost disappeared in the air, and sighed: "After all, what I picked up will still have to be returned. The loss is great this time."

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slammed his five fingers, and the sword realm in the air was drawn, suddenly contracted, collapsed, and finally condensed into a marble energy ball.


The space around is also changing. As the sword world shrinks, it twists, as if absorbed by an energy sphere.

The energy of the light ball can see several small snake-like sword qi, sparkling, and swimming.

This is the essence of the sword world, the mother of sword qi, where the true Dao fruit lies. It is like the five little snakes of the five elements Chaos God Thunder.

If these motherhoods are gone, Dao Guo will be gone.

Yes, Ye Tian is going to explode the sword world Daoguo, the same as the five elements Chaos God Lei Daoguo exploded just now.

Not far away, the decapitated eye shrank again, sending a message that the big skeleton stepped forward to escape.

But it was too late.

The energy ball fell to the heart of the big skeleton, suddenly expanded and exploded, and the energy of terror surged, as if a supernova burst, the power of destruction was swept in all directions.


In a drama that was enough to tear the world and the world apart, the large metal skeleton of the Titan Warlord instantly shattered into powder, and nothing was seen.

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