Things that are not yours will still be lost after all!

Following the explosion of the Five Elements Chaos God Lei Daoguo, Ye Tian blew the sword world Daoguo.

In the explosive sound comparable to the explosion of a supernova, the large metal skeleton of the Titan warfare was turned into powder, and even the strong and immortal spike of the mace was broken into several sections.

Miyamoto Taro and the Pope had all kinds of body protection supernatural powers, but they were still spitting blood, and even their eyes were bright and blind, and their eyes were white, and they could not see anything for a while.

Just now the five elements of Chaos God Lei Daoguo exploded and destroyed some prohibitions.

Now the sword world explodes, and I do n’t know how many heavy bans have been destroyed.

The prohibition is weakened, and the suppression of energy is also weakened.

It can be seen that the chaotic mysterious yellow gas in a large space has been swept away, showing a grand and prosperous world, and a world ruined.

Part of the remaining energy rushed into the lobby of the bronze temple, and then rushed out of the bronze temple from a gap.

From the outside, the Tongdian suddenly evaporates a large area of ​​light, which is gorgeous and dazzling, so that the sun in the sky is overshadowed.

The peaceful and pure belief is inseparable, lingering like fog and flowing like light rain, making the bronze temple look like a city in the sky, where the real heaven is, standing in the sky, the eternal light is shining The world is gorgeous and sacred.

The moment when it rushed out of the surface from the bronze temple, it became the focus of the planet, and it is still the focus now.

The word "Heaven" engraved on its lintel is too eye-catching and intriguing.

Countless people prayed on their knees, countless people looked up, and countless people came to the city of Fan, in all directions, all over the world, pilgrimage-like fanaticism.

"What the **** happened in the bronze temple? Isn't the teacher okay?"

Above the ground, Meng Yaoxiu frowned, worried.

The water of the Holy See is too deep. Judging from the few ancient emperors who rushed out just now, there must be a more terrible existence.

Many people think that the one who is supreme and omnipotent in the legend is inside.

"Relax, sister, the teacher will be fine. Even if the emperor is inside, the teacher can abuse him thousands of times." Zhao Tianlong comforted, his eyes firm.

"Let's watch its changes!" Xiao Qingtian sighed, but his face also had hidden worries.

He was keenly aware that after this incident, the situation in the whole world would change.

Then there will be a more terrible storm.

"A magnificent sky city, is it really heaven? Is God really in it?" Kailis murmured, shocked and frightened in her heart.

"I really hope that God is inside, slap the young devil to death."

When the Bronze Temple appeared, even Barov, who had always been with the old god, could not remain calm.

The Imperial Divine League has a lot of information about the Holy See, but it does not include this bronze temple.

This is clearly a fortress of war. Beyond the current technology, no war killer of the great empire can match it.

He didn't pin his hope on God, slap Ye Tian to death.

He was worried that the Bronze Temple was taken by Ye Tian to deal with the great empire, or be handed over to the great powers of the East to develop a terrible war weapon.

"Destroy the Bronze Hall when necessary!"

He dialed the phone and delivered a message.

When was established, not only did the great empire act in the world, all the allies were also full of horsepower, and they just regarded the young devil as a common enemy.


This is a violent sea, with dark clouds rolling and big waves.

Ren Helicopter has advanced performance, can't help being destroyed, shakes, feels out of control at any time, planted in the sea, and torn by huge waves.

The Bermuda Triangle, the sea of ​​the devil, has always been well-deserved.

Here is the secret of Tianda.

"It's here!" Balov whispered.

The door opened, and he stepped out of it in one step. Assistant Kellys followed.

The helicopter left without stopping.

"Are you here?" Kai Lisi was very excited.

This is a young and beautiful woman, wearing tight armor, outline a perfect body, crystal skin, beautiful eyes, bright red lips, like a heroic heroine.

She is Barov's assistant, and is also an apprentice, the most trusted person, all she learns is taught by Barov.

"If one day I am gone, keep this secret for me and pass on it." Said Barov, mysterious and unpredictable.

"God lord, don't say that, you are a god, immortal." Kelly bit her teeth.

"Oh, God, I'm not yet, at best it's just a gatekeeper of God."

Balov smiled bitterly, holding a staff in his hand.

One end of the staff is decorated with an agate-like crystal, and Barov is infused with mana to urge it.


The spar trembles, bursting out a rich light.

At the time he exhibited at Dongying and Ye Tian, ​​the magical power of the Yongye Realm he used was also based on this staff.

But this time he is not a great magician in the field of Yongye.

As his mana urged, a thick beam of light exploded from the spar and blasted above the sea.

In a short time, a sea of ​​riots formed a huge vortex, like a black hole, which continued to spread deep.

Soon, the vortex touched the sea floor thousands of meters deep.

On the bottom of the sea, a pyramid-shaped golden object could be seen faintly, more magnificent than the tallest pyramid in Egypt.

Above the top of the pyramid object, a golden beam of light suddenly burst out.

As soon as Barof and Kelly were irradiated by this golden beam of light to ~ ~, they disappeared in place instantly and were led into a strange space.

And the huge vortex that touched the bottom of the sea soon disappeared, and everything was like nothing happened.

At this time, Ye Tian was looking deep into the Chamber of Secrets above the Brahma City, and the remaining part of the energy dissipated the chaotic mist here, vaguely showing a gate, magnificent and tall, comparable to a large tower.

However, there are only door frames and no door panels.

Looking around, the door frame was white and blank, like a whiteboard, deep and terrifying, not looking at all.

It was a series of light curtains intertwined by a heavy ban, which acted as a door panel, keeping the door frame tightly closed, like a golden soup.

Dong, Dong, Dong!

There is a heartbeat coming from inside, which is much slower and deeper than the heartbeat of normal people, but there is an inexplicable Dao rhythm, as if it can resonate with the hall, resonate with the heavens and the earth, and it sounds like Ye Tian, ​​like The sound of Tiangu thunder let him burst into blood, and his heart throbbed.

There was a voice in the depths of the soul admonishing him: "Leave, leave quickly. There is a lot of horror inside, you can't go in."

His expression slightly changed, motionless, as if demon-stunned.

"Master, where is ...?"

Suddenly, Miyamoto Taro's voice sounded.

He restored his eyesight, rubbing his eyes vigorously, seeing the door, stunned, and dazzled again.

"Damn, do you think the power disturbance interferes with your way."

Ye Tian awakened abruptly, and quickly ran the **** thunder kung fu, refreshed his spirit with Zheng Fa Lei Yin, and cleared his mind to keep himself awake.

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