Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1144: Sealed Blood Ancestor

The Heaven Hall is not a simple hall. The whole is a fortress of war. After some transformation, it can even become a spaceship or a star warship.

Ye Tian deliberately returned to the world of cultivation of immortals in the previous life. If he could not find the ancient path of the starry sky on the earth, that is, the starry sky teleportation array, and return with the help of the spaceship, it might not be an option.

Although, some are not reliable.

Because the starry sky is boundless and vast, the spaceship will fly at the speed of light, and it will take thousands of years to travel through an ordinary galaxy.

Therefore, with a spaceship, it is still necessary to travel through the galaxy and the world, and it is called the wormhole in scientific and technological civilization.

Or, instead of transforming it into a spaceship, bring the main hall of paradise back to the country and put it in Penglai Fairy Island, it can be used as a peerless guardian artifact.

The destruction light cannon of the heavenly palace can kill even the earth immortals, truly sweep the stars invincibly, and hang all the technological weapons of the earth.

A single artifact is enough to ensure the safety of the Northern Sect Immortal Sect, and even the elders of the guardian do not need anything.

Or, if you give this thing to the country, what kind of cutting-edge high-tech technology can be developed to help me ascend to the top power in the stars.


Chaos God Territory shrinks sharply, a small world is collapsing, it looks nothing from the outside, but it is terrifying inside.

It was only after the thirteen blood ancestors that the Chaos God Realm was completed. He was trapped inside and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

He wanted to tear the chaotic membrane of Chaos God Realm, but he couldn't do it. He was forced to chase in a chaotic manner, like a headless fly.

"Ah, let me go! Little brute, do you really want to die with my blood clan? Believe it or not, I am anxious and burn with you and jade?" The thirteen blood ancestors roared repeatedly, really afraid.

Just now he was thinking about asking for the flesh, and now he found that the soul of the gods also fell into extinction. One accidentally, it is really possible to explain it here today.

"Jade all burned? With you? Also worthy?" Ye Tian sneered, suddenly found a big hand, grabbed the spirit of the thirteen blood ancestors, and quickly threw it into the chaotic furnace for refining.

"Ah, **** little beast, you dare to kill me, don't you? Don't think it's great that you can beat me. My blood family has thirteen blood ancestors, and I rank thirteen, the weakest one. I If it is dead, my twelve elder brothers will immediately perceive it, and then come out to help me get revenge. You have 100 lives to watch, and you ca n’t escape to the end of the world. ”Thirteen blood ancestors Crazy, threatening loudly.

The blood ancestors of the twelve ancient **** levels all have the Daxian Dixian cultivation practice, and the absolute threat is full, that is, the current great empire faces only the crushed part of the capital, and no one can attack.

However, Ye Tian was not scared, but said: "Is there really twelve blood ancestors? Rest assured, even if they don't come to me, I will go find them personally."

But I do not know that the thirteen blood ancestors to Ye Tian are 13 nourishments for Chaos God Realm!

A thirteen blood ancestors alone has allowed Chaos God Realm to evolve to a small level. If the other twelve blood ancestors are also captured, the evolution of Chaos God Realm is definitely more perfect.

The blood energy contained in these ancient demon gods should not be too strong, especially the blood demon family, which was born by devouring human blood essence, is superior.

The blood gas in the thirteen blood ancestors can be comparable to hundreds of gods, it is simply a walking blood gas bank.

Moreover, they are blood demon, full of evils, full of sin, and killing them is also for the way of heaven, it will not make people feel guilty.


A golden giant palm manifested, the palms were chaotic and turbulent, terrifying and boundless, coming out of the sky, like an eagle grabbing a chicken, grabbing the spirit of the thirteen blood ancestors.

"Ah!" The thirteen blood ancestors gritted their teeth and suddenly lost their face. Leng Sensen said: "Little beasts, you forced me. I am dead, and you can't live."

"Blood burst Dafa! Let's all die together, little beast!"


Accompanied by this bleak roar, a terrifying monstrous breath erupted from the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors, the original deified spirits became concrete, and a ray of blazing blood glowed like a blood The magic lamp is on.

Then, the soul began to collapse, shrinking sharply, the brightness of blood light was increasing in geometric multiples, and the energy of terror was also skyrocketing.

A great burst, a terrible breath, swept across the entire chaotic world.

Bloody Taboo Mystery, God Soul Blasting Dafa!

The thirteen blood ancestors were really pressed, and they had to die with Ye Tianyu's death net.

"I can't think of a great immortal in the old thirteen halls, the ancient demon **** that has never been worn down, and there will be a day when the soul will explode."

"Ah, I'm not willing!"

"Children of the blood clan listen, the ninth clan that slaughtered the young demon king avenged me. And, from now on, Middle-earth will be the number one enemy of my blood clan."

The thirteen blood ancestors roared loudly while urging the taboo secret method.

There were vampires at the scene, all of them were splitting their eyes, filled with indignation, and the back molars were all bitten.

In an instant, the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors condensed to a minimum, and became a very small and extremely bright light spot, like a miniature little sun, containing horrible monstrous energy, once burst, it will flood like the Yellow River, A round of irreversible attack, almost a small nuclear weapon, or the destructive power of a heavy missile, propped up the Chaos God Territory without saying, and might even cause Ye Tian a heavy blow.

The spirit of Dacheng Dixian contains powerful psionic energy, that is, it loses its flesh and can survive alone. It travels between the world and has no fear of scorching sun and fire. Once it explodes, the consequences will be catastrophic!

"Want to explode in my field, shouldn't I ask for my consent?" Ye Tianchi laughed.

A wave of horrible coercion fell, accompanied by a rule of law, which solidified the space and stagnation of time. Everything in the Chaos God Realm seemed to become eternal.

This is Ye Tian's realm, which belongs to a space realm, and the laws of space inside are controlled by him.

Time and space are inseparable. You can control a space and naturally control a little time. But it is only a glimpse, because the law of time is more advanced than space, and it is more difficult to control.

But only a trace of time is enough for Ye Tian.

In an instant, the Chaos God Territory became eternal, and only the Chaos Golden Light God Palm was still falling. A handful of thirteen blood ancestor gods condensed into a light spot were grabbed into the hand and squeezed violently, imposing heavy space prohibitions and turning into Amber sphere.

Without effort, the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors were sealed by death!

Ye Tian's eyes flickered and his heart turned like electricity. He did not throw the thirteen blood ancestors' spirits into the chaotic furnace.

As soon as time is running out, the great horror of heaven will come.

Secondly, once the thirteen blood ancestors died, the other twelve blood ancestors could be immediately aware.

Ye Tian is no longer capable, and he can't do it alone with the 12 Dacheng Dixian.

Moreover, he has many rivals, it is best to break one by one.

Therefore, it is better not to lead the twelve blood ancestors for the time being.

Three times, with the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors, you can inquire about the whereabouts of the Nether Blood Sea, and when you have a strong ability in the future, go and explore for yourself. It's a mystery, maybe there will be big gains.

"Damn, he sealed the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors."

On the ground, countless people were angry, their eyes red, and they yelled.

Several vampires made a bold attack, intercepting Meng Yao, and Gu Xiaoman's escape from several people, to avenge their thirteen blood ancestors.

Of course, they cannot be opponents.

The current blood race is really out of touch, and the masters have suffered heavy casualties. The rest are all crooked melons, and even a godland is difficult to find.

And Meng Yao not only has several gods among them, but also two earth immortals, Miyamoto Taro and Pope Francis.

However, when God made Misia shot, the consequences were much more serious.

"Want to leave and asked if I agree?"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar on a sunny day rang through the world, shaking the sky.

A tall figure appeared suddenly, holding an euphorbia, blocking the way.

It is the messenger Misia, who is shrouded in the gorgeous holy glow, and every pore on the whole body is glowing, just like a deity Ling Chen.


He stepped forward step by step, with a rhythmic pace, which seemed to resonate with the heavens and the earth, and made the sound of the drum beat, making everyone feel physically and mentally shocked.

What's even more horrible is that the halberd made by the Seraph rib sacrifice in his hand was urged to the extreme, not only a ray of sacred marks recovered, but also manifested in the form of a chain of order, like a true truth The dragon, wrapped around the halberd pole, filled with peerless killing opportunities, shocking all directions up and down.

The Pope knew what it meant than anyone else, and his face was pale and scared.

To seduce the sacred mark and manifest the chain of order, the legendary sacred soldiers can be regarded as a real recovery, in order to play the most powerful combat power.

Even in the hands of the **** knight, in the hands of the pope, it is impossible to make the holy mark manifest the chain of order.

Although the messenger Misia blocked the way of Meng Yao and others, his eyes looked at the sky and locked on Ye Tian. The sharp eyes radiated two bright lights, like two torches:

"The young devil, the murderer, the constant killing!"

"Although you are arrogant and arrogant, you are destined to become a sorrow, destined to be imprinted on the stigma of human history."

"Your biggest mistake is to control the power of your age that cannot be controlled. UU reading uses the wrong place and stands on the opposite side of humanity."

"Stop killing by killing is not what I thought. The big demon is close to each other, I have to open the killing ring, please God atonement!"


After a few words, Misia shot abruptly, a halberd smashed into the sky, and the sacred brilliance filled the heavens and earth, and the sound of mountains and tsunami broke out.

This is a peerless blow, and even a blow to extinction. The blazing halberd becomes extremely huge, like a mountain, like a pillar of heaven, as if it has a weight of hundreds of millions, and it has penetrated the sky dome. The radiance fell, and the heavens and earth turned into the ocean of sacred radiance.


The chains of order that the sacred marks have turned into become extremely thick, crystal clear, and blaze with a vigorous light, dancing in the air, containing a peerless killer.

Several people in Mengyao had no time to escape, and they were all locked up, and they were instantly shrouded in the ocean of Shenghui, in danger.

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