Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1145: Life and Death 1

The Vatican City, originally a sacred city, was turned into a Shura field because of a battle. The blood stained the earth, a muddy, broken bones piled up, the injustices were everywhere, and the blood mist was very terrifying.

No one thought the battle would be so tragic, it was simply a catastrophe.

This battle is destined to be recorded in history!

The culprit that caused a large number of casualties, the thirteen blood ancestors, had been captured by Ye Tian, ​​exploded the flesh, and sealed the soul.

But the battle did not end, and another heroic man rose up and joined the battlefield.

In this situation, it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong, and has its own position.

In a word, defeat the king!

The messenger Misia was just scared by Ye Tian from the hall of heaven, and even fell down from the air, as if the mouse saw the cat. It was so scared that the fart was peeing, and it was not too embarrassing.

In addition, the following battle between Ye Tian and the thirteen blood ancestors was so thrilling that many people temporarily forgot him, or regarded them as a loser and a transparent person.

Unexpectedly, Misia suddenly broke out and sent trouble to Ye Tian's relatives and friends in a thunderous situation.

The Blazing Battle Halberd was urged to the extreme by him, and he went out as a big iron bar, struck in the air, and the momentum was so great that he almost penetrated the void.

He seemed like the golden monkey stood up with a thousand sticks and wanted to sweep across the heavens and the world with one blow, making him palpitated.

This is an absolute strongman, holding the legendary Paladin's blazing battle halberd, and the thirteen blood ancestors have the power of a battle. It was everyone who looked down on him.

But I don't know. The reason why he was scared just now was that he was embarrassed to fall from the sky because he felt the breath of the Supreme God from Ye Tian and mistaken Ye Tian as the Supreme God.

Ye Tian meditated on the nine-story Taoist platform, realizing the Word of the Supreme God and imprinting it into his body. So the angel would have such an illusion.

Now that the emperor is in pain, he has come back to God and will not make the mistakes he just made. He will definitely kill Ye Tian. In order to achieve this goal, he did not even say morals, and started to Ye Tian's friends and family.


Void riots, blazing battle halberds are shining brightly, exploding hundreds of millions of rays of sacred glow, filling the world, like a huge wave, like a sea of ​​clouds.

Although it is Sheng Hui, gorgeous and eye-catching, it does not have the slightest aura of peace, but is filled with the breath of great destruction, great terror, and death, killing all life and devouring all vitality.

In Shenghui, a mountain-like thick war halberd fell into the air, shrouded in hundreds of millions of strands of Shenghui, and all the chains of order swayed in the air, collapsed Tianyu, broke the void, with the power of world-wide attention Several people, Mengyao and Gu Xiaoman, fell down.

The battle halberd has not yet arrived, but the mountain-like heavy pressure has arrived, solidifying the void into an iron plate, and locking everyone into it.

This is almost an indiscriminate attack, the coverage area is too large, in addition to a few meng Yao, at least more than 100 onlookers are unfortunately within the scope of the attack. Most of them are ordinary people, without a strong body, and even without a protective body. Under the general pressure of mountains, their bodies are like watermelons, bang, bang, and the fragmentation of the cannon canopy. Spread blood mud.

Even Meng Yao, they are also uncomfortable. If they are in a quagmire, they are difficult to make effective resistance.

Among them, Gu Xiaoman, Ning Haifeng, Long Xiaoyun, Liang Fei, the four of them only had the strength of the inner strength level. They could not bear the coercion. The seven qiaos all bleed, and the body has a feeling of breaking up.

This blow by the **** has the destructive power of Dacheng Dixian blow, that is, the thirteen blood ancestors are here, and they dare not dare to attack the front easily.

However, everyone did not sit back and die, and they rebelled one after another.

Sima Xuankong and Meng Yao teamed up to shoot a long river of ice waterfalls, trying to condense an ice wall in the void. But it was found that the long river of ice waterfalls could not reach the void, and even Bingtuo could not be condensed, it was washed away.

Xiao Qingtian hurriedly took out a stack of seals from his arms, gold and purple, all of which belonged to high-level seals and were rare in the world. Not many.

Just like not asking for money, Xiao Qingtian took a stack of worthless seals in his hands, spit out his tongue and blood on it, and then shuddered against the wind, all the seals burst into flames and turned into countless Tao runes form a golden or purple light curtain above the head.

Every light curtain protection can block the god's blow.

There are more than ten light curtains in total, and the protective power is amazing. It is difficult for heavy-duty ground-drilling missiles to penetrate all at once.

"A bunch of **** seals, but also want to stop me?" The angel said contemptuously, almost couldn't help but smile.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Sure enough, the angel's voice had just dropped, and more than ten light curtains were shattered one after another. Only the pressure of the halberd could not bear it.


In the electric light and fire stone, Taro Miyamoto, holding Xuantian War Soul Sword, made a peerless blow.

A hundred-foot-long azure knives, splitting the holy glow that was falling in the blazing halberd, slashing the might of the sky and slashing towards the angel.

"The ants are ordinary!" The angel spoke, thunderous and thunderous for nine days.

He just glared at him, wow, la, a thick chain of order swept across, like a whipping.


Baizhang Daogang exploded in an instant, and even the Xuantian War Soul Knife in Miyamoto Taro's hands cracked like glass.

"God ambassador, are you afraid of God's punishment if you act against innocent people?" The pope shouted loudly, his face pale.

He knows more than anyone else that the power of the fierce battle halberd can break out of the chain of order. It is almost a blow from the real god, and he ca n’t compete at all. It is Dacheng Dixian. If there is no equivalent weapon, they are likely to be defeated.

Therefore, he held the cross lightsaber and did not hack out, because he knew that even hacking was useless.

I saw that the whole body of the angel was shrouded in the holy sacred glow, every inch of flesh and blood was crystal clear, every pore was glowing, and the three pairs of bright wings behind had been manifested, but they did not unfold.

Like the **** knight who was slain by Ye Tian in Dongying, he was a six-winged angel and a family of Seraphs.

Therefore, he can urge the sacred mark of the Blazing Battle Halberd to manifest the continuous chain. Because only among the Seraph's ethnic group, the Blazing War Halberd can really wake up and exert its greatest fighting power.

"Innocent? Do you mean you? Or are they?" The angel sneered.

"God, your killing heart is too heavy, and one day you will fall into the devil's path. There will be no good ending."

"You, a blasphemy, a betrayal of God, what are you qualified to say to me? Close your mouth and die!"

God sent a dead hand, without any emotion, there is no room for maneuver.

"you dare!"

In the void, suddenly a thunderous sound from a sunny day came and shocked the whole world.


There was another figure flying at speed, suddenly the speed of sound, the sonic boom roared, like a shooting star flying.

Around this figure, four mythical beasts followed, blue dragon chanting, nine days trembling, Suzaku bathing fire, Lingyu splitting the sky, white tiger growling, roaring broken mountain, basaltic collision, crushing the sky.

It was Ye Tian, ​​who came in a hurry.

Relatives and friends are at stake, and at this moment he is finally unable to calm down and is extremely angry.

He turned into a flash of lightning, pulled out a heavy phantom, and the friction with the air almost burned, and the speed was almost extreme, but it was still too late.

"Don't I dare? Juvenile Demon, do you feel pain now? Really feel powerless?" The angel made anger, and the torch eyes made a vicious light.

At this time, the Chitian War Halberd was only three feet above the top of a group of people. Both Miyamoto Taro and the Pope were bent, their foreheads were violently swollen, and the bones of the body clashed, not to mention a few others. Now, all of them stepped into the ghost gate.

"I will let the whole Holy Church be buried!" Ye Tian shouted, and suddenly burst into a madman's momentum, as if the devil woke up and swallowed the mountains and rivers.

An indestructible will was imprinted into the void, and the utter killing gas made the world suddenly dark, making a sound similar to wailing.

At the level of Ye Tian, ​​it is not easy to promise, and once promised, it will be completed, otherwise, Dao will be unstable, and the idea will be unsatisfactory, which is not conducive to proving Dao, because Tian Dao promises.


During the speech, he flipped his palm, held something in his hand, and then threw it out suddenly, turning into a streamer, hitting the falling sky halberd at a faster speed than him.

But he clenched his fists, various runes wrapped around his fingers, the chaos was turbulent, and the infinite amount of golden light exploded, sending out a terrible sound of heaven and sound, to destroy the power of Nine Heavens, and bombard the body of the angel. go with.

The two haven't yet confronted each other, and the sky dome is in a state of dilapidation.

Shocked by Ye Tian's momentum, the angel suddenly shivered, and in a flash, there was a fear in his eyes.

However, after a while, he recovered and strengthened his will.

The same is Tianjiao, he does not think he will lose to Ye Tian. Not only does he have the legendary Paladin's blazing halberd, but the heavenly palace is also a power he can use.

But again in a flash, he was inexplicably frightened again, this time more serious, and even the soul suddenly shuddered, completely instinctive and uncontrolled.

This time, it was not frightened by the momentum of Ye Tian, ​​but by the light shot by Ye Tian.

That is not a ray of light, UU reading is a magic instrument, because the speed is too fast, it brings a stream of light.

Once this instrument was thrown, it inflated like a balloon, blooming a radiant brilliance, and a terrifying atmosphere burst out.


Void rumbling, heavy and heavy, as if it were an ancient chariot, carrying gods, across the heavens and the world.

"That is……"

The **** shrank his pupils, and in the blazing light, he saw a Taoist platform, which was mysterious yellow, with nine floors above and below.

In an instant, the nine-story Taoist swelled to ten feet tall, not tall, but was seen by the angel as if it had the weight of a vast mountain.

Suddenly, his whole body was bad, his soul was dead, his body was stiff, and even his heart stopped beating.

Because, he felt the breath of the Supreme God from this Taoist platform, the majesty of the Supreme God was very real.

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