Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1151: Snatch the magic weapon

"what is that?"

Thirteen old vampires came to the deepest part of the ruins and saw a thick pillar, which stood abruptly in the pit, and they were all stunned.

The rod of God broke out, and a huge pit centered on the city of Brahma was formed on the ground. The depth of the core was 100 meters. The bottom of the magma was surging, like a deep abyss.

Near the center of the pit, a solitary column stands a hundred meters high, flush with the original ground, about ten feet in diameter, extremely thick, like a "stalagmite".

If you look closely, you will find that the column is not stone, but a pile of mud, but the surface layer has turned into glazed crystals under high pressure and high heat. It looks like stone, and it should be called "mud shoot". .

The big bang slammed the ground into a hundred meters, but left only a "mud shoot" column, which is very unreasonable. Because according to common sense, it is a "iron shoot" of the same size, it is impossible to exist, and it will be blown into iron filings.

At the top of the column, a pyramid-shaped nine-story pagoda stands steadily, only ten feet high, but gives a sense of majesty. At the first time, it was seen by the thirteen old vampires.

It is not difficult to see that this pillar was formed because of the existence of this pyramid platform.

In the Pyramid Daotai, endless heavy pressures and the mysterious yellowish air not only survived in the nuclear explosion-like shock wave, but also guarded the soil underneath, forming a thick pillar .

"This pyramid is extraordinary, it contains magical powers, and it is a powerful magic weapon." An old vampire said, his eyes scorching, and he spontaneously leaned forward to lean forward and seemed to have some ideas.

His name was Theodore, and he was the patriarch of the Remuir family. He held a large axe with a strange shape, a broad waist and a round waist, and a height of more than a foot. It seemed to be a ruthless stubble.

At this moment, the aura of the nine-story Daotai does not appear, and the gods hide themselves. The original black color turns to earthy yellow, which looks unremarkable. But it can stand here, it is enough to show that it is not ordinary.

If you look closely, you will find that there are no traces of charring in the track, and the edges and corners are sharp and the surface is smooth without any damage.

"If I'm right, this is the pyramid where the young devil smashed the fiery halberd at the last moment." Said another old vampire.

"Yes, it was the pyramid thrown by the young devil at the last minute that smashed the flying celestial halberd. The celestial halberd was a legendary paladin, but it was smashed, indicating that this pyramid may also be a legendary paladin."

"The young demon robbed my holy weapon of the Ramuur clan, and killed the old patriarch Joseph of my clan. I will use this pyramid magic weapon to repay it. Please ask the patriarchs to help me to collect this magic weapon. "Theodore Theodore, the Patriarch of the Ramuels, said.

It is not difficult to hear that there is something in his words, and the pyramid magic weapon should be taken as his own, because the murder key is the holy weapon of his Ruimuir family, which was robbed by Ye Tian.

"The Patriarch Theodore made such a difference. My thirteen blood ancestors of the Reverno tribe died in the hands of the young devil, and his magic weapon should be used as compensation for my Reverno clan." Scott, the head of the Reverno tribe He said that he is also determined to win the nine-story Taoist platform.

The thirteen blood ancestors who had just died were the ancestors of the Reverno family, and it was not excessive that he made this request.

"No, my blood king of the Gangaro family also died in the hands of the young devil, and the family holy weapon butcher knife was also destroyed by the hand of the young devil. The pyramid magic weapon belongs to my family of the Gangro family."

"My Setet family ..."


"Don't argue, I think whoever robbed it will be." Scott, the patriarch of the Ravenau tribe, grinned, seeming to be excited about his wit.

As soon as the words fell, he slammed two huge bat wings, and flew across the nine-story tower with a whine.

"This old thing is too cunning."

Theodore, the Patriarch of the Ramuel family, scolded in his heart, and then rushed past.

Then several old vampires rushed out, all wanting to get the pyramid platform.

The thirteen clans of the blood tribe seem to live in peace, but in fact there are open battles, sometimes even fierce, causing the blood tribe to split into two large camps.

If you can get the Pyramid Daotai, this legendary paladin-level magic weapon, you can definitely improve the strength of the clan.

"Don't go, there is danger." The Bruni patriarch of the Lesenbra said.

His two pupils were blood red, and the red light was blooming, like two magic lamps, sometimes staring at the pyramid platform, sometimes staring at the column below, it seemed to find something, his eyebrows were solemn, and he quickly hedged out Cried the old vampire.

However, several old vampires have already rushed out, and they all want to get to the Pyramid Daotai, which is willing to listen to him.

After all, he was just a temporary blood king, without that prestige.

"Hey, I grabbed it first. This thing belongs to my Raveno family." Scott, the patriarch of the Raveno family, laughed. He rushed out first, and was also the first to approach the pyramid platform. He found a large hand with a large grinding disc. Five fingers, like five iron hooks, grabbed the pyramid platform.

"Not necessarily."

Behind Scott, Theodor's voice suddenly sounded, revealing a conspiracy breath.

Sure enough, with this word, Theodore's strangely shaped big axe suddenly lifted high and slammed out. With a loose hand, even the big axe flew out like a saw. Instead of slicing to the pyramid platform, it was slicing to the column below.

He abruptly cut off the column and let the pyramid platform fall.

At this moment, he didn't seem to realize that the post was safe from the nuclear explosion-like shock wave, and he could not be cut off at all.

The big axe in his hand was a peerless murderer. After drinking the blood of unknown creatures, both axe faces were impregnated with blood red.


The big axe cracks into the air, sounds like thunder, and the blood at the edge of the blade kills and spits out, forming a thick ring-shaped knife, which seems to be able to cut the world.

No one thinks that Theodore's big axe can cut off the column, even a gap is difficult.

Theodore seemed to realize this, and his face changed suddenly as soon as the big axe was thrown out.

"Hahaha, Patriarch Theodore, the pyramid belongs to me, and I won't grab the post with you." Scott laughed.

However, his voice just fell, his face suddenly stagnation, and some black.

Just listen to the loud noise, UU reading www. Theodore's big axe chopped on the column, and then I saw a horrifying scene. The column that could not withstand the nuclear explosion-like shock wave was cracked. Become countless pieces, smoke and dust.

Under the influence of gravity, the pylon platform fell down below, and its volume was shrinking.


In a flash, the Scottish **** flew down into the chaotic smoke and grabbed the platform.

Theodore was also shocked, and chased.

However, their speed was one beat slow. In the dust, under the abyss, a figure rose into the sky, first they grabbed the platform in their hands.

"You want to steal my magic weapon?"

That figure spoke, it was the voice of a teenager.

When he heard this voice, the thirteen old vampires were all cold and frightened.

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