Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1152: Cain's left hand

With a loud bang, the column shattered and the pyramid platform fell.

Amidst the diffuse smoke and exploded gravel, a godlike child born like heaven and earth broke through the shackles, soared into the sky, and the picture of Sun Wukong was released.

This is a human juvenile, not a monkey. The ten-foot-high pyramid platform fell into his hands and turned into a slap-like brick.

The golden glow of the youth is bright, like a flame is burning, and there is an inexplicable charm in the flow, which is not angry and fearful. As he stepped forward, the world and earth shuddered and rumbled, seemingly pulsating with his pace.

His two eyes were as sharp as a blade, scanning the ruined land of ruins, first revealing a trace of pity, and then revealing an endless murder.

"In order to kill me, I don't hesitate to wipe out a city and let tens of thousands of people be buried. In this great empire, you really can't do anything!" Ye Tian's heart tightened, and an angry flame burned in the flames.

He thought that destroying a military sub-helm of the current great empire was enough to wake him up, but now it seems that he has not done enough.

The real skin of this country is thick and rough, and he won't break his bones and bend his bones. He really feels the pain of skin cutting and won't make him fearful.

Of course, not only one great empire in the world, but also some second- and third-rate empire in the West participated in this blow, and they were also blamed.

"who are you?"

Seeing the teenager, the two old vampires Theodore and Scott were shocked.

In fact, they already have an answer in their hearts, but they are instinctively asking questions. It can be seen from their pale face.

"You come to me, don't you know who I am?" Said the boy, his voice extremely cold, and his two sharp eyes as sharp as a blade suddenly looked at them with fierceness.

Suddenly, the two old vampires were in bad health, and their hairs blew up, frightened to death.

The rest of the old vampires also froze all over the body in an instant, the body was stiff, and the fear was extremely extreme.

The first thing they thought of was not war, but escape, because they faced a taboo existence.

"Junior Demon, you, you, you are not dead? Damn, this is impossible." Theodore's pupils squeezed, determined to be the young devil, and his voice was trembling like a ghost.

"I'm not dead, you seem disappointed!"

"No, no, misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding. I just passed by and found it was bombed here, come in and see."

Theodore was scared to pee. He was very close to Ye Tian. Even a black mole on the other's face could be seen. It was impossible to escape.

"Passing? Then you are too unfortunate."

Where Ye Tian believed his gibberish, he directly punched and killed him, punching Theodore's body exploded and blood splattered.

"I have no grievances with your blood clan, everything is what you are looking for." Ye Tian was really angry, punching without mercy.

Since the blood king fell, the hatred between him and the blood tribe cannot be resolved.

Although the Blood King was not killed by himself, but died in the nuclear weapons of the current empire, he was too lazy to explain. Of course, the explanation is unclear.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." Scott escaped, the bat flapping at a rapid speed, rolling up the storm.

"Don't you want the pyramid dome, here you are."

In the indifferent words, the pyramid platform flew out and was smashed by Ye Tian as a brick.

"Patriarchs, save me!" Scott yelled.

At this time, I saw that all the vampires except the Patriarch Bruni were fleeing desperately.

"Don't run away, we can't run away anymore. We joined forces and fight with the young demon king." The Patriarch Bruni yelled, although he was also afraid, but forced himself to calm down.

Only if he sees the situation clearly, Ye Tian can't let them leave.

However, no one listened to him, running one by one faster than the rabbit.

Fighting hard with the young devil, the cliff is a death, and if you escape, there is still a chance of survival.

Bang, Bang ...

But when they flew hundreds of meters away, they suddenly hit a faint light film.

The light film looked like a bubble, but it was as hard as a copper wall and an indestructible wall. Any one of them had a body capable of shaking hard with a tank, but they couldn't shake it for half a minute. All of them were stunned and dizzy.

This is Ye Tianyu's unconsciously unfolding chaotic **** realm, which trapped everyone.

As Patriarch Bruni had expected, they could not escape.


A breath like gods and spirits rose wildly, swallowing mountains and rivers, and shaking the world and the earth. Patriarch Bruni's body suddenly ignited a raging fire, and more red magma flowed out of the gap between the scales.

The white bone sword in his hand also ignited a fire, and the shadows of countless evil spirits appeared, making a breathtaking voice.

In an instant, he rushed out like lightning, slashing toward the pyramid platform, trying to save the life of Scott Patriarch.

This bone-bone war knife is an imitation of the butcher's holy weapon. It is a wicked soldier, melting the blood and ancients of thousands of people, and claiming that the ancients are not bad.

However, when the white bone warrior slashed onto the pyramid platform, it was like an egg hitting the stone mountain, and it suddenly broke and was unbearable.


A loud noise came out, and the pyramid dome smashed a strong body on the Scott patriarch.

Then, in the stunned eyes of Patriarch Bruni, a big golden hand patted him fiercely.

"Junior Demon King, do you really want to die with my blood clan? I talk to you in the name of the blood king, can you accept it?" Patriarch Bruni said aloud.

"Peace talk? Thirteen ancestors are not dead, will you talk to me?" Ye Tian sneered.

How can he not know that once these old things are put back, the first time must be to summon other blood ancestors to deal with him.

There are a total of thirteen blood ancestors. He killed the weakest one. Not to mention that all come out together, three or four out, it is not he can cope with.

Big hands continue to shoot down, UU reading seems to have the weight of a mountain, rolling into the sky rumbling.

"Death, I really think that my blood is a soft persimmon, but can you pick it up?"

Clooney rushed into the bullfights, his fighting spirit was surging, and suddenly he punched the sky, and the sky was trembling, and he had the power to crush the world and smash everything.

The blood mist was turbulent, flooding a large area of ​​the world, a large **** hand appeared, carved like a blood jade, blooming a blazing blood, surpassing heaven and earth, and shattering Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and soon discovered that this was not a fist of Clooney, but a magic weapon.

"My God, Cain, angry left hand, smash everything!"

While **** out, Clooney screamed loudly.

Cain, the father of the thirteen blood ancestors. After his death, his left hand was sacrificed into a magic weapon, which has been handed down to this day as a blood holy saint.

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