Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1547: Broke out

The entire back mountain of Yao Shenzong was almost blown up. More than half of the Danta collapsed, ruins were everywhere, and countless casualties. The blood stained the earth and the sky, accompanied by the scattered stars, a chaotic cloud.

   Sacrifice the White Tiger Dharma Body, and all the seven stigmata of the Sun Moon Divine Sword have recovered. What a destructive power, not to mention the peak of the immortal, even the condensed pill will not dare to smash the front, it is almost a golden pill.


   The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and under the sword's edge, a large rift valley spread to the distance, even the mountain blocking the way was split.

  The five stigmata of Wang Xinghai's God-killing Spears can't be smashed at all.

   This is an extremely bloody, extremely powerful, and extremely shocking scene. Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it was true.

   "Damn little beast, you have ruined my medicine godzong pill tower, take your life to bury it!" Qiu Xuanhe roared, his anger to the extreme, his whole body stood in the air, controlling the sun **** furnace.

   All the elders of the Medicine God Sect are cooperating with him, blasting out the heavenly mana to activate the sun **** furnace.

   I saw that some elders were pale and trembling. They were very exhausted and their spirits fell sharply.

   This time, the Yao Shenzong suffered a heavy loss. I don't know how many people died. The back mountain was almost razed to the ground. It was really badly injured and it would take at least a few years to recover.


   Suddenly, a terrifying qi that made people horrible and smashed appeared, and the infinite divine light fell from the sky, flooded a large area, and rushed towards Ye Tian.

   The Sun God Furnace is shining to the world, the mouth of the furnace is wide open, and it hangs down, gushing out infinite divine light, permeating the suction power like a black hole, and it is obvious that the void is distorting.

   Ye Tian didn't even have time to resist, and was swallowed into the Sun God Furnace under the coercion of the Great Dao Divine Light.

With a bang, the stove lid was closed, and the world was clean.

"it is good!"

   Everyone shouted, extremely excited.

   "It is worthy of a world-famous artifact. There is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth. In one fell swoop, the eight-armed Gorefiend and the young thieves were captured."

   "I waited for the shot together, and quickly refined them so as not to rush out."

   "Yes, the artifact is lacking, it's better to be careful."


   Not only the elders of the Earth Immortals of the God of Medicine Sect, but also the elders of the other sects of the Earth Immortals have also taken action and practiced together.

   The sun **** furnace contains sun fire essence, which can also be understood as fire, which is the real sun fire.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The ancient golden core and Yuanying great energy, go to heaven and earth, omnipotent, and can come and go freely even in the sun.

   According to legend, this sun **** furnace has been sacrificed in the sun, so it can obtain the sun fire spirit.


More than a dozen earth immortals shot together, and the mana like mountains and seas poured into the sun **** furnace, and the furnace exploded in a short time, and a raging flame, rumbling, the temperature was terribly high, that is, the steel can be melted instantly, and even gasified. .

   This is the first time that the God of Medicine Sect has really used the Sun God Furnace in hundreds of years. This is the first time many people have seen it. While in awe, it is also exceptionally novel.

   I saw that the furnace body was crystal clear, like some kind of sacred gold, cracked one after another, the breath of the years was long and ancient. On the surface of the sacred furnace, there is an engraved picture of a big day, and a few three-legged firebirds fluttering in flight, expressing an inexplicable charm, seeming to have bred gods.

As the flames in the furnace burned out, the engraved map of the big day burst out with divine light, like the real sun. Several three-legged firebirds actually flew out from the furnace wall, the flames of the whole body surrounded the gods. The furnace flew around.

   It is not difficult to see that this is the legendary three-legged golden crow, also called the sun bird. Don't look at the small one, it can burn the sky and boil the sea.

   Everyone was horrified and dumbfounded.


   Suddenly, a huge sound came out, the Sun God furnace shook violently, and the furnace cover was almost lifted out.

   Obviously, someone in there is breaking the furnace, trying to figure it out.

   "Suppress!" Qiu Xuanhe made the first shot and sacrificed a large circular seal. The red flames were overwhelming, and after it expanded to the size of a house, it was placed on the furnace cover of the gods.

   This is a large seal of fire, which is made from a very rare flint stone in Kunxu.

   At the same time, Wu Wentian, the lord of the Temple of Heavenly Secrets, also took action, throwing six golden flags and laying down a large array of Liuhe, just in case. This large formation can not only attack and kill, but also trap.


   Suddenly, a section of the sword body pierced out of a crack in the wall of the God's furnace. The tip of the sword was broken, and it turned out to be a broken sword. It was incredibly dazzling and filled with a breath of excitement.

   "Damn it, he's coming out." Everyone was shocked, armed with swordsmen, ready to fight.

   And a group of elders from Shen Medicine Sect are even more vomiting blood, because their sect treasure may not be able to keep.

   Click, click!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   the divine furnace cracked, and finally a hole was pierced by the broken sword amidst a deafening roar, two figures, one after another Rushed out from inside.

   The monstrous fire surging out from the broken sacred furnace, like a volcanic eruption, with astonishing sound and terrifying temperature, the earth and rocks on the ground were instantly melted and turned into magma.

   Fortunately, Wu Wentian set up the Liuhe Array in advance, and blocked the Sun God Fire in the Array. Otherwise, I don’t know how many Earth Immortals would burn to ashes.

"Boy, give me Broken Sword. I'll kill them all for you, how about it? Using your mana to spur Broken Sword, it's too difficult." A figure behind said is one foot tall Many, with a broad waist and a round waist, with two horns on the top of the head, you don't need to guess that it is an eight-armed bull.

   With the help of the secret treasure of body protection, he persisted in the furnace for a while, but the blood shadow clone was burned to death by half, and the loss was also very heavy. Fortunately, Ye Tian saved him, otherwise Xiaoming would really be over.


   In the shout of anger, Ye Tian's five fingers slammed the hilt of the sword. As the stream of light flashed, the overwhelming sword energy surged out, slashing straight towards the eight-armed bull demon.

  The ordinary broken sword, at this moment, suddenly bloomed endlessly, flashing a dazzling magnificent glow. With only a slight shock, there is a certain kind of vitality that contains the heaven and the earth, which makes the heaven and the earth cold.

   "Mad, we are in a group, do you dare to do it to me?" the eight-armed bull demon roared.

   His vision was instantly filled with sword energy from the sky.


   A series of blood shadow clones rushed in all directions, but they flew less than ten feet away, and under the strangulation of the terrifying sword energy, they were all wiped out.

"Heavenly magic body!" The eight-armed bull demon was finally afraid, suddenly bursting out of his body, his body was inflated like an inflated body, and his fingers became three feet high, with a disheveled hair and muscular knots. .


   The eight-armed Bull Demon spreads its five fingers apart, slaps it out with one palm, and hits the overwhelming palm power to face Ye Tian's broken sword.

   But everything is in vain and it is useless.

Under Ye Tian's sword, the world was shattered, and the power of the palm was instantly shattered, and then the eight-armed bull demon mountain-like male body was also chopped in half, and finally shattered by sword energy. .

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