Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1548: Confrontation

The eight-armed blood demons who had harmed Kunxu for hundreds of years and slaughtered countless creatures were smashed to death by Ye Tian's sword. It was dramatic and unreal.

   This is an eight-armed blood demon, known to be immortal, it is the Nine Li **** who presides over the tiger soul magic weapon, but he has not been able to kill it repeatedly and let him escape.

   The young man is brave and has an invincible posture, which makes people awe, and the broken sword in his hand attracts everyone's attention.

   Among the crystal blades, a purple-golden chain of the gods of the Great Dao stretches and shrinks, and is faintly visible. The pure Dao **** pattern is condensed. It is the crystallization of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth and the heaven and earth.

  Because the scar is purple and gold!

   and the stigmata, it is golden color.

   Next, as the divine mark of Broken Sword was revived, Ye Tian slashed out again with a light sword. The golden banner of Liuhe Killing Array was shattered, and the entire Immortal Killing Array was instantly disintegrated.

  The terrifying Shenyang and Shenhuo surging out, the entire back mountain of Shenyang Medicine Sect was plunged into a sea of ​​fire. The magma on the ground was hot and flowing in all directions, like flooding Yellow River water, which could not be cleaned at once.

   The fire of the sun **** is really terrible. It has the power to burn the sky and boil the sea. Nothing will not burn, and nothing will not burn. Even the immortals dare not easily provoke them, so stay away.

   Qiu Xuanhe had to urge the sacred furnace quickly and put the sacred fire back into the furnace to avoid serious trouble.

   After activating the furnace for a long time, his face turned pale, surprisingly because of the heavy consumption.

   Had it not been for a group of elders to help him, he would have been sucked into a corpse long ago.

   The Great Dao Shenbing is really not something ordinary earth immortals and gods can play around.

   "You have a magic weapon, and I also have a magic weapon. Don't force me, or you and I will die, and everyone will die." Ye Tian said coldly, holding a broken soldier and scanning everyone in the field.

   Above the broken soldiers, there are mighty powers, crushed into the void and trembling, the avenue roars, and the divine glory is thousands of times, extremely mysterious.

   A group of earth immortals were not calm, they all retreated to a distance, and surrounded Ye Tian in all directions.

   They never expected that in addition to the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, Ye Tian also had a Dao Divine Soldier in his hand.

   You need to know that there are only three Great Dao soldiers in the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate. There is one in the young man's hand. It's really a ghost.

   Even the purple and gold scars appeared, and no one doubted the authenticity of the gods.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is both a magic weapon and a broken sword, and it is worthy of everyone’s awe. No one dares to underestimate it.

  Because the magical soldiers of today are handed down eternally, they will have some defects in some ways.

   More sharp-eyed people saw the word "Shushan" engraved on Broken Sword.

   "Who on earth are you? Why do you have the sword of Shushan? Does it come from the hidden fairy gate?" Wu Wentian asked.

   Neiyin Xianmen, everyone thought of it.

   Only the hidden fairy gate can create such a peerless genius and have so many magic weapons.

   And Shushan Sword Sect, according to some people's understanding, it does exist in the Immortal Gate of Inner Yin, and it has been the number one sword gate in the world since eternity.

"Where I come from is not important, the important thing is that I have no intention of being an enemy of you. You are asking for everything. Don't force me, or I will kill all of you!" Ye Tian's eyes were shining, standing tall There, motionless, there is a look of the world.

   While speaking, Ye Tian took out the Xuanguangtai.

  It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is better to leave first.

   "He killed so many of us, and he must not let him leave like this. Even if he comes from the Inner Immortal Sect, this is a great enmity that cannot be shared." The elder of the land immortal shouted, his eyes red.

"I don't believe it, how could he mobilize the magic weapon alone? This broken sword must be deceitful. Or, it is a real magic weapon, he must have been mobilized once, his body must have been sucked up, and his energy has been greatly increased. Falling, now I’m holding on, I’m actually strong outside, and I can’t wield the magic weapon anymore. I will be able to kill him easily when I take the shot together.” Another land elder said, it seemed very reasonable.

  The artifact, it's really not a small **** that can be played.

   But when the Sun Moon Divine Sword was activated just now, Ye Tian had already consumed a lot.

   If he has a special physique, his true essence is like the sea, he can't bear such a consumption.

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. My ugly words are ahead. If I fight again, I won't be soft-hearted. You will all become the dead souls under my sword." Ye Tian said coldly, raising the broken in his hand. Bing pointed to a group of big earth immortals in the field.

   Where the broken soldier pointed, the great power of the road was like a mountain like a sea, and the void rumbled, suppressing everyone's trembling.

   The whole body of the boy exudes immeasurable light, and the man and the broken sword are faintly one.

   But the raised arm was trembling slightly, and the blood vessels were bursting. It seems that the broken sword weighs tens of millions, and it is very difficult for the young man to hold it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   And the divine light on the broken sword suddenly became dim, as if returning to the basics.

   Finally, the broken sword pointed at Qiu Xuanhe and the sun **** furnace controlled by Qiu Xuanhe.


   didn't really fight, it was just the clash of the auras of two divine soldiers. The heaven and the earth shook abruptly, the void ripples surging out like a tsunami, and the aura of great destruction and great terror instantly filled the space between the heavens and the earth.

Under the awe-inspiring shock, the two divine soldiers have undergone great changes. The sun divine furnace is blazing and extremely It is as if thousands of suns are gathered together, and the great power of the avenue is tens of thousands. Oppress the world.

  The Broken Sword in Ye Tian's hands, originally Guanghua dimmed suddenly, suddenly burst out infinite divine light, the sword's edge was cold, the sword energy was soaring, and the sky was shattered, and the chaos was surging.

   All the people in the audience were shocked, and they couldn't help but sacrifice their body protection qi, and some of their body protection magic weapons were stimulated.

   Qiu Xuanhe coughed up blood and retreated. Ye Tian also stepped back.

   This is the battle between the gods and soldiers, and under the interaction of Qi and Ji, they burst out without requiring magical power to urge them.

   If it were not for eternity, the gods in the gods would be wiped out, otherwise they would be able to fight if they were thrown out of the gods.

   Click, click!

   The cracks on the Sun God furnace are spreading, and a hole with the size of a fist is very eye-catching.

   There are also cracks on the Shushan Broken Army, but they are not as obvious as the Sun God Furnace.

   This is thanks to a piece of Shen Tiezhen that Ye Tian got before, which repaired the broken soldiers.

   "I don't want to kill, don't force me!" Ye Tian stared indifferently, and at the same time began to urge Xuanguangtai.

  Qiu Xuanhe's expression was also cold, and he said, "Leave the Nine Revolving Great Pill, I will let you go."

"You persecuted me to be a Dannu. You tortured me so unnaturally, and you still have the face to ask me for a great Dan? These great Dans are regarded as an apocalypse, you and I do not owe each other, and I will not blame each other." Ye Tian said in a low voice. , The pupils are like torches, bursting out two golden flames.


  Xuanguangtai was urged, and a gate of time and space was quickly formed, like a black hole, diffused with suction power, leading to the unknown distance.

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