Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1622: Best partner

"You are looking for death!" Furukawa Jianxian was extremely angry, and slammed back quickly.


A small sword rushed out from the center of his eyebrows, quickly obliterating the mental power that wanted to invade his sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time attacked Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword.

This is his original soldier!

Even the ancestor of Jiu Li Ningdan can cast his own soul soldier, let alone a golden pill.

However, in the instant of the confrontation, his Yuanshen Soldier was defeated, and he was suddenly cleaved by Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao Sword, cracked open with a click, and was almost cut in two.

The same is the Yuanshen Taoist sword, but it is not in the same order at all.

Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao Sword had just been baptized by Lei Jie, and immortal Dao marks were imprinted.

But Furukawa Sword Immortal's Yuanshen Soldier had just passed the baptism of the turbulence of time and space, leaving some damage.

Under the circumstances, Furukawa Sword Immortal's Yuanshen Soldier is no longer an opponent.

"Damn it!" Furukawa sword fairy clenched his teeth, furious.

When he turned his hands, there was an extra artifact in his palm, a big bronze bell with a strange Dao pattern imprinted on it, and it was a good artifact.


With the surging mana perfusion, the bronze bell quickly zoomed in and issued a long clock wave, hanging above the head, which could actually isolate the outside spiritual power from attacking.

Moreover, this Zhong Bo is also aggressive, with supernatural power like a wave, blasting towards Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword.

At this time, on the ground, the purple long sword lost the control of Furukawa Sword Immortal's follow-up spiritual thoughts, and it was flying like a headless fly, chopping it horizontally and horizontally, and the tyrannical bear was able to escape.

The two broken arms and the broken claws were also swept away by it.

At his level, not only can he be reborn with his broken arm, but as long as the broken arm is inserted into the wound, it will soon heal. It is exactly the same as before, and there is no difference.

Now that the Grim Bear is out of trouble, Ye Tian doesn't want to fight, after all, it will take a bit of his thoughts.

"Get up!" Ye Tian exclaimed.


The fifth big dragon broke out of the earth, rushing up into the sky, and its ten thousand-foot-long body was as thick as a mountain, and it suddenly filled the void, with scales and horns, claws and beards, all of which were delicate and clear. It gives people an unparalleled sense of shock, as if a real dragon came to the world.

"Rise again!"


The sixth great dragon broke out of the earth, and there was the sound of the trembling dragon, which shocked Jiu Xiao.

Under Ye Tian's giant palm and the Heaven-shaking Seal, everyone was desperate.

You must know that every big dragon with the earth veins has a power that is close to a blow from a magic weapon, far from what they can contend.

"Old, don't you want to take action? Save me!" Zhenjun Lei Xiao shouted loudly. At this time, he was finally afraid, and he smelled the spirit of death, very strong.

He flashed with immense lightning, and turned into a human-shaped lightning, dashing under the shadow of the sky, performing all kinds of thunder escaping techniques, and trying to escape, but was tightly blocked, and could not rush out.

The same goes for others.

"Young man, so many hidden monks, do you want to catch them all in one go, are you not afraid of being condemned?" Furukawa Jianxian shouted.

At this point, he had to abandon the Grim Bear and join Ye Tian's battlefield to rescue True Monarch Lei Xiao.

At the same time, the purple long sword was also summoned back by him.

"No, he has to deal with the teacher." Mengyao said eagerly and rushed out.

This time, Lan Meng did not pull her, but rushed out by himself.

Immediately afterwards, the old man Jiujue, Fire Cloud Lion, Luo Feng, Zhao Qingyi, and even Li Chundao also started to stop the sword fairy Furuhe from attacking Ye Tian.

As long as you give Ye Tian a little time, he will be able to do meritorious work with one palm, and pat everyone down below.

At this point, if Furukawa Sword Immortal makes trouble, it will fall short.

However, what kind of character is Furukawa Sword Immortal, what can they contend with for a generation of Golden Core Sword Immortal?


Sword Immortal Furukawa snorted coldly, without even opening his eyes. He just glanced sideways, his long dress fluttered, his sleeves swept lightly, and the mighty force rushed out immediately, and everyone who flew towards him was completely covered. Sweep, like ants, vulnerable.

However, what Furukawa Jianxian didn't expect was that he had just solved the group of small grasshoppers in front of him, and the terrestrial blizzard that had been shackled by him just now had not changed, and even attacked him.


The bear roared, shocking and deafening.

It's not a means of attack by the violent bear's breath.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

In the sword forest in the back mountain, hundreds of thousands of corroded iron swords, with the roar of the violent bear on the earth, rose in response, and all rushed to the sky, including 108 sword pillars that passed the sky, densely packed, like Like a thick black cloud, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

It enlightened and proved the Tao in the sword forest, not only understood the sword formation, but also imprinted its own will in every iron sword, so that it could control so many iron swords.

The Earth Grumpy Bear took both arms. Among them, his right arm was holding the Sun and Moon God Sword, and one pointed it in the air, as if the commander issued an order. The tens of thousands of rusty iron swords suddenly turned into one. The torrent of iron and steel, like the magical power of ten thousand swords returning to the sect, overwhelmed the sky, and blasted away from the sword fairy Furukawa.

Bang bang bang!

The violent explosion sound is continuous and continuous, like a series of rolling thunder, it is the sonic explosion of the iron sword breaking through the speed of sound.

Although most of the iron swords are severely rusted, they can't even be called swords, but when accelerated to supersonic speed, it is an ordinary stone that can also explode with terrifying power.

What a concept is that hundreds of thousands of iron swords?

It can be said with certainty that in the secular world, no force can stop, all the aircraft carriers and various warships at the peak of the empire of the world would not work together and would be lost in one blow.

"Damn it!" The Furukawa sword immortal's face changed, and he had to stop, with a hundred thousand points of energy, display the sword field, and at the same time grasp the purple long sword in his hand.

Puff puff!

The sound of shooting like a plantain in the rain rang out, and the sword light that filled the field of vision flew from all directions, stabbing fiercely on the boundary membrane of the sword domain.

In just an instant, half of the sphere of the sword domain was covered with a rusty iron sword, and it became like a hedgehog.


The iron sword trembled, and even if it was blocked, it didn't immediately stop the offensive, but continued to rush inside.


Cracks spread out on the surface of the sword domain.

And this is just the beginning. More iron swords from UU reading www.uukā follow up, and the weight alone is like a mountain.

The sword domain became more and more unsupported, and finally when one hundred and eight sky-reaching sword pillars stab at it, the sword domain finally burst into pieces.

Furukawa Sword Immortal didn't change his face, and at the moment when the sword domain was broken, a sword slashed out, cutting a crack in the steel torrent of the sky.

The boundless iron sword flew by both sides of his body, and he was unscathed in the rift.

However, his pupils shrank suddenly!


At this time, a more violent sound came over, shaking the mountain and even the void trembling.

Ye Tian grasped the earth-shaking palm of the Heaven-shaking Seal, and with the blessing of several earth-veined dragons, he finally took a photo and slammed a solid on the ground.

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