Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1623: All out


Ye Tian slapped it down, like a nine-day giant spirit **** king coming to the world, unmatched!

In an instant, everyone below couldn't support it, the weapon in his hand was broken, and the various attacks that he had hit rolled back.

Bang, bang, bang...

The figures exploded, flesh and bone stubble flying across, turning into masses of blood mist.


The screams were endless, sharp, high-pitched, and ear-piercing.

Almost all the land immortals remaining in the outer hidden gate of Kunxu are here, but they can't resist the power of the young man's palm, making people feel embarrassed.

"I'm unwilling! I don't want to die!"

The voice of Jiuli Divine Lord also came out, and the Tiger Soul's sword flew out. He shot out a pair of flesh palms, and slammed into the sky-turning seal with the momentum of the sky.

Ordinary enough to explode a mountain and blast a steel chariot into the palms of iron mud. At this moment, it looks like an worm trying to shake a big tree. It is very weak and ridiculous. , Also very sad.

True Monarch Lei Xiao was the opposite of him. He raised a pair of Lei Guang Zhan palms and patted the ground, not hesitating to damage the origin, desperately squeezing the power of the golden core, the momentum is like a dragon, terrifying.


Under the force of the mighty palms, the earth sank a hundred feet, and a straight pit with a diameter of several feet appeared. Numerous soils and rocks were turned into hot magma, rushing out and rushing in all directions.

True Monarch Lei Xiao used the thunder escape method and jumped directly in.

A huge amount of earth and rocks, as well as billowing magma, immediately covered the big pit again, and True Monarch Lei Xiao hid in the ground just like this.

Jiuli Divine Lord's pupils shrank, and he was suddenly startled, as if he thought this operation was feasible.

However, his pair of iron palms have already been photographed, and they have even shaken with the shadow of the sky.


Without any suspense, his pair of iron palms burst into pieces, and he couldn't shake the half-century seal blessed by the nine dragon veins.

However, two palm print pits were also imprinted on the earthshaking mark.

He didn't care about the injury of his hand, took his feet, and rushed towards the pit that Zhenjun Lei Xiao blasted, and wanted to hide in.

However, he was a shot late after all!


The world shook violently, like an 18th magnitude earthquake.

A loud and earth-shaking noise spread throughout the world.

A blazing shock wave, lightning generally swept in all directions, wherever it passed, mountains collapsed, soil and rocks flied, vegetation turned to ashes, everything was swallowed, swept away, and destroyed.

The Golden Core barrier, which was already riddled with holes, finally couldn't support it, and was torn to pieces in a violent shaking, turning into nothing.

After a large array of destruction, coupled with the fact that Ye Tian had just grabbed the nine dragon spirits away, all the floating mountains lost their support and all fell down. However, he failed to land, and was tumbling and flew into the distance driven by the shock wave.

Bang bang bang!

As it blows and rolls, the floating mountains collapsed on the sky, turning into rubble and sand in the sky.

The shock wave carried a huge amount of soil and rocks, and shattered vegetation, surging out from the enchantment, like a super sandstorm, overwhelming and terrifying.

The spectators who were close to the battle were all suffering. They were too old to flee. They were swept away by the shock wave, like fallen leaves rolled up by the strong wind, and rolled away towards the distance. Most of them would not have time to land in the future and were caught in the shock wave. The raw materials are shredded, turned into flesh and bone stubble, and finally ground into powder.

This is an unparalleled and terrifying power, comparable to the detonation of a nuclear weapon with the equivalent of tens of millions of tons. The shock wave swept hundreds of kilometers away before the remaining power gradually dissipated.

When the violent shock wave swept across, under the golden palms of the chaotic golden light and the seal of the sky-shaking, a group of big earth immortals were wiped out in an instant, bursting into powder, and there was not a living mouth left.

The divine lord Jiuli supported his back, desperately squeezing his divine power, but only persisted for a moment, and his body turned into ashes in the next moment.

Boom boom boom!

The earthquake shook, subsided, and the loud noises continued.

On the edge of the giant palm, the huge waves of earth and rock were hundreds of meters high, sweeping away in all directions, swallowing and destroying everything along the way.

The golden giant palm smashed the ground 100 meters with the earth-shaking seal, and a huge palm-print pit appeared. It heats up rapidly under high pressure, and the deep pit is full of hot and hot magma, turning the shattered bones into ashes, and it is difficult to leave even a broken bone.

"I thought I could just hide in a deep pit?" Ye Tian groaned in his heart, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly.

Under the giant palm, in the pit of one hundred feet, True Monarch Lei Xiao's body was almost squashed, and he was under unimaginable pressure.

But with a golden pill, he continued to provide support for his life, did not die, and still survived tenaciously.

Just when he thought that he had deceived Ye Tian's eyes and ears and was about to escape a catastrophe, suddenly a khaki thunder followed the gap in the mud, not knowing how far it traveled, and blasted him over.

Sadly, he was like a mosquito sealed in beeswax and amber, watching the thunderbolt and killing him, but he couldn't resist effectively.


The earth-yellow thunder exploded, and True Monarch Lei Xiao suddenly felt that a Taishan mountain was crushing severely on him, and the golden core body could not bear it, and cracks appeared.

Following the earth-yellow thunder, a golden thunder blasted down, and the real monarch Lei Xiao suddenly felt as if he had been shot by ten thousand swords, with thousands of swords, his skin opened and fleshy, and the golden core body was riddled with holes.

Only then did True Monarch Lei Xiao know that he had been discovered, and Ye Tian was attacking him, quickly trying to break through the soil and escape. But another crimson thunder blasted over, blasting his battered golden core body to a scorch, and even the golden core was cracked.

The last thing that was blasted down was the pervasive chaotic guishui divine thunder that was good at penetrating, completely smashing Zhenjun Lei Xiao's body and golden core into ashes.

When Ye Tian lifted the palm of his **** and picked up the Heaven-shaking Seal, there was no breath of life in the huge pit.

A golden pill, a condensed pill, and nearly fifty earth immortals, all were wiped out by the young man.

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene was all moved.

What a horror is this?

What kind of power is this?

It really can be called a terrible cry!

Sword Immortal Furukawa changed his color suddenly, his expression was frightened, and he even started breathing quickly.

"Good, good! I'll let you go today, and the next day will make you pay for what you have done." Furukawa Jianxian said, after he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed out and rushed to the place where the turbulent flow sinkhole was.

It is not difficult to see that he is going to return to the hidden door, inform the people over there, and kill him again in the future.

"You threaten me, do you still want to leave?" Ye Tian sneered, holding a broken sword in his hand, and his cold eyes were locked on Furukawa Sword Immortal.

"I want to go, no one can stop me." Furukawa Jianxian said.

"Really? Then I will try!"


The broken sword glowed, blooming with dazzling light.

Whoosh whoosh!

After flashing three times in a row, Ye Tian Guimei generally stood on the edge of the tiankeng, holding the Shushan Broken Soldier that was revived with the scars, and violently burst out.

Suddenly, Furukawa Sword Immortal was enveloped by an extremely terrifying aura, as if facing a wild ancient beast.

"This is my sect's weapon, you actually used it against me?"

"So what? If I guessed correctly, the one in my hand is the real Ziying Sword, and the one in your hand is just an imitation. Because I perceive a similar breath."

"Even imitations can kill you." Furukawa Jianxian shouted, raising his sword to welcome him.

What shocked him was that the purple long sword was humming and trembling, its luster was dim, and even the murderous aura was restrained, as if he was extremely afraid of the broken sword in Ye Tian's hand. UU reading

Just as Ye Tian said, the broken sword in his hand is the real Ziying Sword, a magical weapon in the past.

The purple long sword in Furukawa Jianxian's hand is just an imitation. Facing a real magic weapon, the spirit of the weapon naturally becomes afraid.

"Do not!"

Furukawa Jianxian's face changed wildly, and he hurriedly retreated, trying to escape.

However, it was too late.

Ye Tian slashed out with a sword, the divine mark shining across the world, slashing the sky.

Furukawa Sword Immortal first had the horizontal sword in front of him, and the legendary holy soldier was cut in two.

Then his body was smashed, and even a golden core was shattered under the sword, and nothing was left.

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