Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1899: Fierce battle

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (


Ye Tian shot nine arrows in one breath, and the nine arrows ran across the sky, like nine divine rainbows that pierced the sky, drawing the spirit of the animation sky, advancing side by side, with great momentum, destroying all obstacles, and shaking the mountains.

His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu had a look of trepidation, but he had to make a move, because he couldn't be as fast as nine arrows.

He held an euphorbia in his right hand, slashing it horizontally and vertically, sweeping out a series of killing lights, while holding a large shield in his left hand, black light shining, dense runes, if necessary, a powerful protection.

In the thunder, he was also traumatized. His clothes were torn and his skin was burnt black, but his eyes were extremely catching, and his blood was surging like an ocean, and his halberd danced, trying to cut the world apart.

Qiang Qiang!

The big halberd cuts hard, the sharp halberd tenacity shines with cold light, the tragic evil aura spreads over the sky, the horror of lethality, terrifying, just the aftermath, it will make the earth full of holes, cut a big crack, and even the mountains will collapse. There are several seats.

Bang bang bang!

In just a few fingers, the nine arrow feathers that came through the air like a divine rainbow were all intercepted, and they were all chopped into dust.

At this moment, Ye Tian just caught up to the court with a cold expression on his face.

"Since you have to come here to beg to die, you can't blame me." Golden Crow Fifth yelled and shot out real fire, his eyes were bloodshot, countless fierce glows jumped, and he didn't want to run away anymore, he wanted to fight Ye Tianjue to the death.

The Jinwu tribe has always claimed to be the strongest race in the Inner Gate. He is also a golden core. He is a rare opponent in the same realm of his generation. How could he be afraid of a human innate?

If it hadn't been struck by lightning just now, he didn't know how many rounds he had fought against Ye Tian, ​​and he might not have lost.


His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth rose up and rushed out like a tiger, flying several tens of feet high, holding a war halberd in one hand and a battle shield in the other, and then stepped high into the sky and hit Ye Tian.


Ye Tian didn't fear, he went up against the sky, holding the Heaven-shaking Seal in his hand, drawing a mysterious path, and finally collided with the five halberds of His Royal Highness.

In the loud noise, sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound wave was like a beating drum, spreading dozens of miles away, almost shattering a person's soul.

Ye Tian resisted the Five Highness's Euphorbia with the Heaven-shaking Seal, and fought against it, clanging loudly, and every blow had the power to destroy the world.

Boom boom boom!

The shock wave rolled out like a tsunami, the place was storm like a sea, the earth was riddled with holes, and the tops of the hills collapsed.

This was a horrifying confrontation. The speed of the two was lightning fast, and the killing moves were repeated from the ground to the sky, and from one mountain to the other, as if they were crossing the void.

Both of them are full of brilliance, and their powerful aura is shocking.

Although Ye Tian only had a mid-innate realm, he had a wealth of experience in confronting enemies, and he had a lot of supernatural powers, especially the flashing magical powers, which made His Highness the Golden Crow Fifth tired to deal with.

He had clearly smashed Ye Tian several times, but in the end he found that only an afterimage had been smashed. Ye Tian had torn the void and escaped, like a ghost, fascinating.

Purely with true essence, he was able to crush Ye Tian with a golden core. The two of them are in the middle congenital stage and the golden core initial stage. They are not on the same level at all.

If Ye Tian didn't have such a flexible body technique, His Highness Jin Crow Fifth was confident that he had already killed him.

"You are a little innate, and you have mastered the Void Secret Art. How can this be possible?" His Highness Jin Wuwu was shocked, even more shocked than seeing Ye Tian using his domain magical powers just now.

Realm supernatural powers can only be controlled by golden cores, and the physical body tears through the void, and even golden cores can't do it. Unless a few top golden cores, in general, it is possible to control some of the laws of the void by Yuan Ying, but only part of it.

The ancient books of the Jinwu tribe contain records about Yuan Ying. This kind of existence, after mastering the secrets of the void, one step out, you can reach dozens of hundreds of miles in one step. There are ghosts and ghosts, and there is no restraint in communication. Many formations cannot be restricted, even some small ones. The boundaries of the world can be traversed freely.

Ye Tian, ​​a small innate, had mastered the magical powers that Yuan Ying could control in Ming Ming Dynasty. How could His Highness the Five Golden Crows not be shocked?

His eyes were wide as copper bells, as if he wanted to see Ye Tian transparently. He couldn't believe that Little Xiantian could smash the void, and even began to wonder if Ye Tian's young appearance was hiding the soul of a peerless old demon, a certain old demon rejuvenating, or a certain old demon rebirth.

Otherwise, how could he be so strong at a young age?

Moreover, this person, His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth had never heard of it, and had never seen it before.

"Who are you on earth?" His Highness the Five Golden Crow asked.

"Want to know who I am, and beat me." Ye Tian sneered, bullying himself up.


The dazzling light flew out, the sky-shaking seal of brilliance and blazing, chaotic energy, primordial magnetism, and the power of thunder, rushing out.

Ye Tian waited for this blow, exerting the full power of the Heaven-shaking Seal, and defeating the enemy.

The Heaven-shaking Seal landed down, and as Ye Tian Zhenyuan continued to infuse it, it instantly expanded, tens of meters, hundreds of meters,...

The Chaos God like Yuanruhai can surging out, and its destructive power is even stronger than the full blow of the legendary holy soldiers.

Chaos Qi, Magneto Divine Light, Lightning Energy, the three kinds of energy converge, instantly condensing a huge chaotic light cluster.

Then as Ye Tian raised his hand, it was like a galaxy falling from the sky, and the chaotic light group smashed down, making a world-shaking roar, as if opening up the world, the world was shining brightly.

This is beyond the destructive power of nuclear weapons. A single blow is enough to wipe a city of millions of people from the ground in the secular world.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

"Hehe, this should be your strongest support, right? Do you really think you can kill me?"

Above the ground, His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth actually let out a sneer, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, but he didn't move, and his eyes were full of contempt.

Ye Tian was shocked suddenly, condensed his eyes to look.

I saw that among the electric flint flowers, His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu crushed a jade plate on his chest.


A brilliant divine light quickly enveloped him, instantly turned into a rainbow light, escaped into the void, and disappeared from where it was.

"Shudi Fu!" Ye Tian was startled.

The Shudi Talisman can shrink into an inch, and appear hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of feet away in an instant, or even farther, depending on the power of the Shudi Talisman.

As a highness of the Golden Crow tribe, a young Jindan Tianjiao, he can understand some high-level protective magic weapons on his body. After all, in the history of the Jinwu tribe, there have been great emperors, great powers of the Nascent Soul, and the inherited magical techniques and magical powers. I don't know how many.


Also in the electric flint flower, Ye Tian also shot, a golden palm protruded, like a mountain, extending out several hundred meters.

"Since I know that I have the magical powers of the void, and dare to cross the void in front of me, you are clearly looking for death!"


A piece of void was immediately shattered, and Ye Tian's golden palm directly penetrated into a void passage.

Immediately afterwards, a scream came out, and a group of brilliant rainbow light was caught by Ye Tian from the void passage.

When the rainbow light narrowed down, what appeared was the figure of His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five, with a look of horror on his face.



His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five didn't even say anything shocked, and was overwhelmed by the chaotic light group.

The light ball was so hot, it was like the same dazzling **** sunset hitting the ground, shining the heavens and the earth brightly, even if they were dozens of miles away, they could be seen clearly.

The aura of destruction, centered on this world, instantly swept across a radius of tens of thousands of feet. Everything it passed was razed to the ground, the mountains collapsed, and the uncountable flowers and trees were turned into ashes.

If people in the secular world were here, they would have mistakenly thought that this was the detonation of a large nuclear weapon.

Not far away, a group of Southern Tianjiao in the old place of Penglai all looked over.

Some of them are still crossing the catastrophe, drowning in the ocean of thunder, and some have escaped from the sky, lying on the ground like dead dogs, thanking them for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Of course, several Tianjiao have fallen.

"His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth, is this Golden Core blew up?" a scorched Southern Territory Tianjiao exclaimed, his eyes widened, and he was surprised.

"Impossible? The Five Golden Crows are so powerful, even if they can't beat them, can they still not escape?" Another Tianjiao shook his head and couldn't believe it.

"I think it's probably the ultimate move by the Five Highnesses to kill the kid. UU read, go and have a look."

Several survivors of the Southern Territory Tianjiao climbed up from the ground with difficulty and wanted to see the center of the explosion.

After a long time, the light in the sky gradually dimmed, and the waves of destruction that ravaged everything began to calm down.

"Finally won, kill that kid!"

"It's a pity that several of my Southern Territory Tianjiao have fallen. We must let the **** of Donghuang Lihuojiao pay the debt."

"Where is your Highness? Where did you go?"

Several Nanyu Tianjiao who had survived the catastrophe came to the center of the huge explosion and looked at the battered earth, all shocked.

The ordinary Jin Dan blew himself up, without this kind of power, they even believed that His Highness had made some big move that killed Ye Tian.

The scene was in ruins, and even a piece of bone stubble could not be seen. Ye Tian was gone, and His Highness Jin Wuwu was gone.

"Look, there are people there." A Tianjiao exclaimed, raising a finger and pointing to the center of the ruins suddenly.

I saw that it had fallen dozens of feet deep, and a bag of soil suddenly arched on top of the scorched earth with white smoke.

As the soil bag cracked, a tattered body with burnt black cracks all over the visible bones, a thin figure with facial cheekbones, head and skull exposed, stood up hard, the whole body can be seen as a person, but already There is no human form at all.

However, several Southern Tianjiao's eyes were so cruel, they recognized this person at a glance, and it was His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five.

"If he is His Highness Five, where did that boy go?"

Suddenly, several Tianjiao got goose bumps, dripping cold sweat on their foreheads.

At this moment, a coercion fell from the sky, becoming heavier and heavier.

Several Tianjiao all had a bad premonition, their expressions were stiff, and they slowly raised their heads.

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