Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1900: Catch alive

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

Everyone only saw that one person stood proudly in the sky above a thousand feet, shrouded in a flaming golden light.

Although the man was covered with scars and blood was dripping continuously, he still stood like a gun, with his hands on his back, stepping down the air step by step, like an immortal god, overlooking the heaven and the earth and all living beings.

"It's him, he didn't even die!"

The few Southern Tianjiao almost didn't frighten to pee, all of them broke out in cold sweat, as if they saw the **** of death panic.

Even the Five Golden Crow His Highness was shocked. If he hadn't been more skilled, he would have been dead if he had gone underground.


The mana turned, and on his **** back, two wings suddenly spread, and his back turned into a **** light, and fled to the distance.

In this situation, he was exhausted, and he didn't dare to fight anymore, he just wanted to survive.

However, how could he escape.

Ye Tian's figure was like a phantom of flowing light, appeared behind him in an instant, stretched out his hands, and gently tore it.


The two golden crow wings behind His Highness Five were torn off by Ye Tiansheng.

His Royal Highness suddenly let out a horrible howl like a pig, and blood spilled out of the place.

In the huge explosion just now, he was severely injured, and even the golden core had a crack, and luckily recovered a small life, how could he fight Ye Tian.

"You dare to kill me, don't you be afraid of my Golden Crow's revenge?" His Highness the Golden Crow yelled, angrily.

Escape! Escape!

At this moment, he had no intention of fighting, he just wanted to leave quickly and stay away from the little demon king Ye Tian.

When the wings were torn off, he instantly began to burn the essence of the blood in his body, using the technique of blood escape, turning into a **** glow, pressing against the ground and fleeing towards the distance, like a fighter plane flying close to the ground. The speed is extremely fast.

However, he was fast, and Ye Tian, ​​who was chasing behind him, was even faster, constantly narrowing the distance between him.

"Get out of here!"

His Highness Golden Crow Fifth roared, and suddenly threw a large shield in his hand and smashed it at Ye Tian.

Boom boom boom!

When the black light was shining, the shield turned into the size of a mountain, and the five stigmata revived, intertwined, and shook the waves that ruined the world, and smashed down.

Ye Tian's eyes were so bright that he didn't even dodge. Instead, he raised his fist and slammed it straight up, his fist was like a tide, and his invincible fist was invincible.


Amid the blast of the beating of the heavenly drums, the Wuguang Great Shield that intertwined with the five stigmata was blown upside down by Ye Tian's punch, flattening several hills, and finally shattering a large mountain.


Several cracks appeared on the shield, almost broken.

His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu was convulsed all over, and he couldn't believe it. Ye Tian was able to shake the Saint Soldier with his bare hands. This was too domineering, even he didn't dare to do so.

"You can't escape, stay! I have something to ask you. If you honestly explain, I may not be able to let you go." Ye Tian snorted softly.

"No matter who you are, you are dead. From now on, you are the number one enemy of my Golden Crow tribe. Your family, your relatives and friends, and even the sect you belong to will all be killed because of you. The door was destroyed because of you." His Highness the Golden Crow Fifth was willing to catch it with one's hands, fleeing and fighting back.

The old place of Penglai was not too far away from the Jinwuzu land, only three or four hundred miles. As long as he reached the boundary of the Jinwu tribe, he would be safe.

"Really? Then I will keep you even more so today."

Ye Tian snorted, and suddenly stepped on it.


This time, the golden light works all over his body, urging the power of the golden body to the extreme. A roar like the rushing Yangtze River came from his body, it was the sound of blood flowing.


A big golden foot appeared in the air, as if a golden **** descended from the sky and stepped on it.

Before the huge feet arrived, the overwhelming coercion had already crushed the ground first, showing a huge footprint.

His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu was overwhelmed with breath, staggering, almost falling down.

"Golden Crow Domain!" His Royal Highness suddenly roared.

Following his roar, a flame suddenly rushed out of his body, enveloping the space of several hundred meters in radius. The power of the boiling flame filled the void, and countless little golden crows flew and howled in it.

Within the domain, the figure of His Royal Highness the Golden Crow Fifth is also steadily rising, a wave that is several times stronger than before, surging out, making the world and the earth tremble.

Click, click!

In his body, there were more and more cracks on a yellow golden pill.

Jin Dan suffered such a heavy injury, even if he was given a few years, it would not necessarily be able to heal and recover as before.

But he didn't care about anything, his life was at stake, even if he wasted a golden core.


Divine light intertwined between heaven and earth, and a small world of flames formed in an instant around His Royal Highness Golden Crow Five, like opening the heavens and the earth, with earth, fire, wind and water rotating.

"Give me to die!"

The halberd was moved and struck out horizontally, the void was torn apart, and a big crack appeared, hitting Ye Tian's golden feet directly.

Without hesitating to use the power of the golden core, the five palaces of the Golden Crow were several times stronger in an instant, and every pore in his body was vomiting essence, and the spirit of heaven and earth screamed and poured into his body madly. UU reading was like nine days. The Milky Way falls down.

Ye Tian couldn't help feeling shocked, he felt the pressure, and there was an air of death.

"You are forcing me to use a sword!" Ye Tian let out a long roar.

A big purple sword appeared in his hand instantly, spewing out a tsunami-like sword aura, as if it could strike nine days and stab Jiuyou, horizontally and vertically.


The halberd of Golden Crow Fifth Highness was suddenly cut off, and then the Golden Crow Domain was also split in half by a sword.


Swords screamed in bursts, and the purple sword was bathed in the flames, shattering all obstacles.

"Divine Soldier..." His Highness Golden Crow Fifth's pupils shrank suddenly.

This purple sword made him look familiar, and soon thought of the legendary soldier of Shushan, the Ziying sword.

"This is the failure of the Ziying Sword? What's your relationship with Shushan?" His Highness Jinwu Fifth asked.

"A dying person, dare to question me?"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, and suddenly put out a big hand to grab His Highness Golden Crow Fifth.


A piece of void, first condensed into a piece of iron.

Then, with a click, the void shattered and turned into countless void fragments, which collapsed and collapsed abruptly.

His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth struggled desperately, but couldn't escape the fate of being imprisoned, and was finally confined in a small crystal ball with the size of a fist.

This small crystal ball was transformed by divine power and void fragments. It was extremely strong, even the hardest metal on the earth could not match it.


Ye Tian let out a long sigh. The battle was finally over. Not only did he use his ability to press the bottom of the box, but his body was almost drained.

At this time, in the old Penglai area not far away, there was still thunder roaring, and three figures could be seen crossing the robbery, which had come to an end.

After a while, when several survivors of the Southern Territory Tianjiao chased here, Ye Tian had disappeared.

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