Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1940: Forced to cross the robbery

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (


The sword light that supported the **** pillar broke through the void and slashed on the sun **** disk.


The sword light shattered.

The disc of the sun **** also dimmed and moved horizontally.


The thunder shocked the world, and thick lightning struck down, instantly submerging His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine, and bombarding him indiscriminately.

Although he was wearing a golden crow ling feather suit, he could only resist it for a while. As long as he has a relationship between heaven and man, there will be even more terrifying thunder tribulations, forcing him to cross the tribulation.

"Prince prince, leave quickly. It is not suitable to cross the calamity now. It is not too late to kill him after proving the golden core."

In the distance, a loud cry came, shouting to His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine.

Ye Tian looked intently and saw that a Jinwu clan elder was rushing towards him, his clothes shattered and blood stains on his body.

This is a golden core power of the Golden Crow tribe. He is more than sixty years old. He must have come in with cheating artifacts. The purpose is to protect the way for the Golden Crow disciples. At the same time, he can also find opportunities to become bigger and stronger. .

A fight is taking place in that dense forest. One is the children of the Golden Crow, and the other is the savage beasts of the Fairy Ruins. There are gray wolves, evil tigers, and violent apes,...

The savage beasts here are very powerful, either swallowing clouds and spitting fog, or blowing flames, or roaring mountains and rivers, and various supernatural powers emerge in an endless stream. A group of Golden Crow children gradually lose their support. Many people are injured and fight very hard.

Allow them to show off their power in the outside world, one by one, they are so fierce that they can't be forever, and when they arrive at the Xianxu, they must be honest, and they don't dare to make mistakes.

What's more frightening is that in the primitive mountains and forests in the distance, there was a sound of earth-shaking roar, shaking the mountains, countless boulders rolled down, and towering trees broke off like a mountain torrent.

Just listening to this sound makes your scalp numb.

This is a scene rarely seen at the Inner Gate, the animal tide riots!

It was a great battle in front of the domain gate, which shocked the savage beasts in the mountains, coming out of their nests and swarming.

The immortal ruins are deserted and uninhabited, maintaining the state of savage ages ago. It is completely a world of savage beasts, or a paradise of savage beasts. No one knows how many beasts live here, and it must be more than the combined internal and external hidden gates. Far powerful.

The beast wave riots were extremely terrifying, that is, Dacheng Jindan would be horrified when he saw it, and he didn't dare to fight hard.

The disciples of other sects, after entering the immortal ruins, fled this dangerous place for the first time, looking for opportunities, or going to the secret treasures discovered by the disciples before the trials of the major sects.

In other words, after trial after trial, except for some extremely dangerous forbidden areas, the immortal ruins have basically been found out. Where there may be treasures of heaven and earth, where there may be spiritual herbs and elixir, where is dangerous, where is safe, each sect The disciples of the trial had a general understanding before they came in.

Some sects even draw maps for their disciples, marking mountains and rivers, so that they can avoid many detours in the trial.

Boom, boom!

Thick thunderstorms slashed down, and His Royal Highness Ren Jinwujiu rushed from left to right, and couldn't avoid it. His long hair was smashed and he stood upright.

Even though he was wearing a golden crow feather battle suit, he could protect his body from injury to a certain extent, but he still inevitably leaked his breath and produced a sympathy between heaven and man. Above his head, the wind and clouds gathered, and the ten directions of spirits were all aroused and rolled Here, a robbery cloud is condensing.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine is indeed exceptionally talented. From this nascent cloud, it can be seen that his thunder calamity must be terrible. The Golden Core of Proving Dao will never be the first rank or the second rank, but the third rank and the fourth rank. .

The Golden Crow Clan's expectation of him is the Fourth-Rank Golden Core, which is even higher than the Golden Crow Patriarch.

The fourth-grade golden core is nothing in the starry sky, but the inner hidden door already exists as a ceiling, and it may even appear one in a hundred years.

As for the fifth-grade Jin Dan, you can only search for it in the annals of ancient books.

With the decline of the spirit of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it will become more and more difficult to prove Dao Jin Dan. Gradually, the third-rank Jin Dan will become the ceiling, then the second-rank, then the first-rank, and finally degenerate to the point where it cannot be the Dao Jin Dan.

This is a general trend of the world and cannot be reversed.

Unless it can help the earth reshape its spiritual roots and restore its great energy.

His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu was also attacking Ye Tian while evasive, but the whole person was constantly struck by lightning, and he had to constantly converge his breath, cut off the interaction between heaven and human, and couldn't concentrate on the fight, and he couldn't hurt Ye Tian at all.

Seeing thunder growing in the robbery cloud, His Royal Highness Jin Crow Jiu was finally afraid, and he dared not entangle with Ye Tian anymore, rushing away madly into the distance, and at the same time beckoning the tribe to leave.

The riot of beasts is about to arrive, and you can clearly feel the ground shaking and the mountains, and hearing the sound of the mountains collapsing and the towering trees breaking, it is as if the heaven and the earth are about to be destroyed, it is terrifying.

"Just leave if you want to. Have you asked me if I agree?"

Ye Tian's eyes were cold, and he didn't say much nonsense. His hands were shining, a big bow glowed, and the bowstring quivered, and a light arrow flew out.


The moment the light arrow flew out, not only the spirit of the sky was aroused, but the five elements of the thunder in the Thunder Gate were also attracted, and finally turned into a giant light arrow hundreds of meters long, accompanied by the terrible thunder and rage. , Tearing the void, pierced through to His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine.

His Highness Golden Crow Nine's eyes flickered, and his hands squeezed a magic seal, which looked like a golden crow across the sky, and made a violent stroke in the void. The entire void was distorted to form a field, isolating him from the outside world. The shape has become blurred.

call out!

The giant light arrow flew to him in an instant, clearly aimed at him, but only passed him by, and failed to hit him.

This is a kind of field supernatural power, which can distort the void around the body, giving Ye Tian an illusion of vision, so he failed to shoot him.


A huge mountain behind His Royal Highness heard a loud noise, and the top of the mountain was cut off by several tens of meters, as if it had been hit by a super heavy missile.

"A child surnamed Ye, after one month, can you dare to fight me fairly?" His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu shouted at Ye Tian and provoked.

What Ye Tian responded to was that the bow was once again full of strings, and a light arrow emerged. The whole body was golden, like a **** of gold, tearing through the void, and flew out.

It was not that Ye Tian was afraid of him, but that this kind of person was not worthy of a fair fight with him. Now that you have the opportunity to kill him, you should make good use of it.

"Child, you're looking for death!" The Golden Crow Guardian arrived, roaring loudly, and said: "The prince go quickly, don't worry about him, I will stop him."

While talking, the Golden Crow Guardian made a strong move.

To be able to serve as a protector, all are carefully selected, and which one is weak?

The Golden Crow clan elder fought against the wild beasts just now, and looked a little embarrassed, but it really broke out, really terrifying, and his whole body was full of blood, almost turned into flames, and burned.

Holding a scarlet war spear in both hands, he swooped down from a high altitude with the force of ten thousand jun, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and the wild beast with long red hair danced upside down.


Unmatched precision, his spear stabbed the light arrow shot by Ye Tian, ​​cutting the light arrow that was a hundred feet long into two.

But that's the case, the light arrow in front is still flying forward, and it contains Ye Tian's indestructible warfare, like a golden lightning, its power is still terrifying.

His Royal Highness Ren Jinwujiu, Sa Yazi, ran wildly, but was soon chased by Light Arrow.

As a last resort, the Golden Crow Nine His Royal Highness repeated the old skills, pinching the seal of the hand, like a golden crow, a field radiated out, and the surrounding void was distorted.


But this time it didn't work well, Guangjian passed him by, bringing up a piece of snowflakes, and the right arm was torn off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Ye Tian looked through the field using the Fire Eye Golden Eye Secret Technique, and adjusted the aim of the light arrow.

"Ah!" His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu let out a painful roar, his eyebrows erected, and he wished to rush back and chop Ye Tian to death.

"Prince, hurry up! You are the hope of my Golden Crow Clan. You can't afford to lose it. Just leave this little beast to me." The Golden Crow Clan's guardian shouted.

Even though His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine was full of anger, he had to suppress it, because he really couldn't overcome the catastrophe now. Moreover, the riot of beasts is coming, and a group of disciples of the Golden Crow tribe who are slaying also need his help. Otherwise, surrounded by beast tides, this group of trial disciples of the Golden Crow tribe may be wiped out. This will be an unbearable pain for the Golden Crow tribe. UU reading

Ye Tian still wanted to open his bow and arrow again, but the fellow of the Jinwu tribe rushed to the front.

At this time, Leimen also gradually disappeared, unable to be used by him anymore.

"Little beast, let me die!" The defender of the Golden Crow tribe swooped down from the sky, slammed out a war spear, and hit Ye Tian.


Ye Tian was not afraid, and went up against the sky, directly swinging the Ziying God Weapon, drawing a mysterious trajectory, Wu Guang collapsed, and fought with the war spear of the Jinwu Clan Guardian.

In an instant, sparks splashed everywhere, a loud noise spread across the sky and the earth, and the aftermath of energy swept in all directions like a tsunami, blowing sand and rocks away.

"Ziying sword? The **** soldier of Shushan?" The guardian of the Jinwu tribe was taken aback.

"What? Are you afraid?" Ye Tian sneered.


The dazzling light flew out, Ye Tian held the sword and slashed, and the purple long sword swept the purple rays of the sky, as if making the sun, moon and stars tremble, and the sky was full of brilliance.

Ye Tian fought for too long and was a little exhausted, so he didn't deliberately urge the divine mark of the Ziying Sword, but that was the case, the power of the Ziying Sword also made the Jinwu Clan Guardians' heart beat.

Every blow of the purple long sword seemed to be able to split Tianyu with unmatched energy, making him a little breathless.

In the distance, His Royal Highness Golden Crow Nine had already joined the trial disciples in the clan, and the two brutal beast kings were beaten to death with the sun god. The rest of the brutal beasts were all startled and scattered.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine looked at the beast wave riot that was about to come, and then looked at the defender of the Jin Crow tribe who fought against Ye Tian, ​​and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

"Hurry up, leave me alone. I will join you later." The defender of the Golden Crow tribe shouted, already retiring, knowing that it would be difficult to kill Ye Tian.

He just wanted to delay a little longer so that the trial disciples in the clan would stay farther away.

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