Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1941: Kill the Golden Crow

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

"Take this!" His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine threw the Sun God plate out, and flew towards the defender of the Golden Crow Clan.

"Damn it!" Ye Tian cursed secretly.

After repeated battles, he was really tired.

The mental state of this Golden Crow clan guardian is far fuller than that of him, and he really fought with magical soldiers. There was a fierce battle that was earth-shattering, and his body had to be squeezed out.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian attacked fiercely, and did not give the Golden Crow Crow Guardian a chance to grab the Sun God Disk.

In an instant, he chopped out hundreds of swords, the sky full of sword lights, like a star river falling, the boundless, cold murderous aura swept the sky, making the world cold.


The defender of the Golden Crow clan pierced the battle spear, and various runes flickered on the crimson spear shaft, and the clashing sound was endless, almost smashing every sword light.

But every broken sword light formed a rippling avenue.

In the end, he seemed to be in the vast sea, and the surrounding avenue rippled round and round. Although it was not fatal, it shocked his body, a bloodstain burst out of the tiger's mouth, and blood flowed long.

At this time, the sun **** was caught, hanging above his head, and wisps of divine brilliance fell to guard his body.

Seeing this, Ye Tian didn't dare to fall in love anymore, ready to leave.

But at this moment, a sudden crackling sound came from the body of the guardian of the Golden Crow tribe, as if something had cracked.

Then, the guardian of the Golden Crow tribe was not well.

He seemed to have a premonition of something extremely terrifying, his expression was terrified to the extreme, and his two pupils suddenly shrank.

"Do not!"

He yelled and hurriedly used his mana, trying to isolate the energy of his body, and at the same time, he also urged the sun **** disk to drop a more surging divine power to protect himself.

But it's too late!


The void riot he was in, the otherwise ordinary void, suddenly had countless order chains and the power of laws surging, and a thunderous noise erupted, as if the sky was falling in disorder, but it was terrifying, and it gave out a strong death aura. It makes people's souls torn apart, and the flesh is almost torn apart.

This is the power of law!

Ye Tian understood at once, it was the cheating treasure of the Golden Crow Crow Guardian who had been destroyed, and his energy leaked out. He was sensed by the restraint left by Yuanying in the Fairy Ruins and sent down punishment.

"Haha!" Ye Tian couldn't help laughing.

"No, I won't die!"

The defenders of the Golden Crow clan roared, fighting desperately, but it was useless.

The prohibition left by Yuan Ying involves the laws of the Great Dao. How can he be able to contend with a little golden pill? It doesn't work with the artifact.


The chain of the **** of order rang, and the law of Yuan Ying flew, piercing the body of the defender of the Jinwu tribe.

Then, his whole body glowed, and his body actually began to dissipate, turning into a rain of light, completely out of control.

"Ah, little beast, you **** it!" The guardian of the Golden Crow tribe couldn't help but roar, hating Ye Tian to death, and even tried to attack Ye Tian.

However, his body suddenly fell apart, and in the end there was not a single bone left, including a golden core, which was also broken, all turned into rain of light and ashes, only a blazing light flew out.

It was a huge golden crow, the soul of the protector of the golden crow clan, breaking free from the broken flesh and blood, burning with raging flames, and rushing towards the depths of the fairy ruins.


A chain of gods of order penetrated through, like lightning.

In an instant, the sky broke and the earth shattered, and Cangyu trembled, and the spirit of the guardian of the Golden Crow tribe was hit, completely shattered, and ceased to exist.

The golden core of the Jinwu tribe fell like this, very dramatic, completely beyond Ye Tian's expectation.

At this time, the terrifying beast wave riot also arrived, and the dull roar shook the mountains and valleys, like a flash flood.

The wind screamed, the ancient woods shook, and a strong smell came out, blowing on the face, making people nauseous, and accompanied by a terrible fierce air.

A reckless cow, with black and shiny hair, and a height of six or seven meters, rushed like a mountain, stomping on the ground and shaking the mountain, but after a hundred feet away from Ye Tian, ​​he dared not get close.

The rest of the savage beasts are also uncountable, many of them are more terrifying than this reckless cow, and they are all surrounded by Ye Tian, ​​daring not to step forward.

It wasn't that they felt the powerful aura from Ye Tian that made them stop, but the guardian of the Golden Crow tribe had just fallen, the scene was too horrible, the rules of the primordial infant were flying, and the chain of order was ringing, as if the world was annihilated.

The disciples of the Golden Crow Trial in the distance were all stunned. They saw the fall of an old guardian, but they had nothing to do.


After the Golden Crow prince retracted the Sun God's plate, he gave an order and led the children of the clan to rush towards the distance.

It's not that he is afraid of Ye Tian, ​​but that it is really inappropriate to fight Ye Tian right now.

Moreover, the savage beasts rushed towards them.

Although the children of the Golden Crow tribe were strong and powerful, they did not dare to fight against the violent beasts, and all Sa Yazi ran away into the distance.


A bowstring vibration sounded, and a howling gale suddenly rose, and a golden energy light arrow was hundreds of meters long, long against the sky, rushing towards the children of the Jinwu tribe.

This arrow not only infused Ye Tian's strength, but also contained his anger. As soon as Hajime flew out, the world trembled, and there was a thunderous sound of the road.

The Baizhang Light Arrow first penetrated the void and disappeared from people's sight. It reappeared after an instant, but it has already rushed to the front of a group of Golden Crow people.

puff! puff!

Killing two birds with one stone, the two Golden Crow children were penetrated, one in the **** realm and the other innate, all shattered in the void and shattered into blood mist.

"Damn little beast!" the Jinwu tribe screamed, hating and mad.

The Golden Crow Tribe has only a dozen people, and they are relatively few among the major sects, but each one is very powerful and talented, and any one of them falls is a great loss.

Ye Tian is not a person who holds grudges, but the people of the Jinwu tribe are really hateful.

Since the hatred cannot be resolved, then the opponent can only be killed, so that the world can be clean.

"Come again!"

Ye Tian shouted, his supernatural power was like a tide, the bow was full of strings, the whole body was like gold, and another light arrow flew out.


The unfortunate thing this time was His Royal Highness Golden Crow Ten, who was stepped on the soles of his feet by Ye Tian before, and was lucky enough to get his life back, but now he was shot and killed by an arrow. He was taken by a light arrow to fly thousands of feet, and finally shattered into a cloud of blood mist.

"Little ten!"

All the trial children of the Golden Crow tribe were angry, their eyes were congested and blood red.

However, Ye Tian was not afraid, so why was he also full of anger towards them?


The sound of the bowstring pulling, like the magic sound from the Netherworld, made all the Jin Crow people feel terrified and could not help trembling.


At this time, a roar shook Bahuang, and the arrogant cow, who was six or seven meters tall, suddenly attacked Ye Tian, ​​as if he was regarded as a prey. He was covered with thick black hair and shiny, and his eyes were full of fierceness. Breath.


While running, the giant bull uttered a roar, and the black ripples spread, comparable to the power of a nuclear explosion shock wave. The rocks were blown apart, the earth was flying over, and the uncountable flowers and trees were all turned into powder, and even the sky was in the sky. riot.

This is a terrible sound skill, powerfully roaring bulls, and divine sound that shocks the world. It can almost smash the souls of people and make the world of Shifang shattered.

Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect, and quickly received the Longjiao Divine Bow, propping up a Chaos God Realm.

But so, the terrible roar of bulls still made his brain hurt for a while, and Venus fluttered in his eyes.


A wooden stick was cut from a big tree, it was thicker than a high-voltage electric pole, and it was more than ten feet long. It was held tightly by two big furry hands, shook it violently, and smashed its head against Ye Tian. .

Ye Tian fixed his eyes and found that this was a golden bear, not slightly weaker than a rugged bull, and fiercely messed up.

Ye Tian didn't dare to love the battle at all, and fled with flashing magical powers. Behind a group of wild beasts chased wildly, not only running on the ground, but also flying in the sky.

He rushed out for dozens of miles before throwing away all the savage beasts.

During the run, the sceneries of Xianxu were shocked by him.

This is a truly savage ancient land, everything remains the same as it was before. The mountains are like dragons, endless, towering trees towering into the clouds, and old vines covering the mountains, with a primitive and savage atmosphere. Mysterious and ancient.

Compared with the outer hidden door, the aura here is more concentrated, and there are clouds and mists everywhere. UU Reading

If people with keen senses can even feel the great inspiration here, it is much more vivid than the outer world.

Some condensed pills that can't produce the interaction between heaven and man, come here, may produce the interaction between heaven and man, and thus bring down the golden pill thunder catastrophe.

Although none of the three Yuan Pills in Ye Tian's body were consummated, after coming here, they were all ready to move, because they sensed the older and more complete laws of heaven and earth here.

The mountains are majestic and majestic, each of them is majestic and majestic.

According to legend, earth-shattering battles took place here before eternity. The earth was broken and the rivers were overturned. But now, the vicissitudes of life, the relics of battles have long been covered by vegetation, or washed away by rain.

Ye Tian ran wildly along the way, watching the flowers, and he really didn't see any battle remains.

"Ahhhh, brother Dao, save me and give you great benefits!"

In a canyon, there was a sudden cry for help.

You don't need to guess or know that it must be a trial disciple who is in danger.

Ye Tian stopped, ready to help.

However, before he could make a shot, a ball of lightning struck out from the forest, about one meter in diameter, and it was so flaming like a small sun that he couldn't look directly at it. It blasted the disciple who was asking for help into coke. With a bang, he fell from the air to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in the dense mountain forest, a behemoth rushed out, stomping on the ground and shaking the mountain, and the towering old trees broke.

Ye Tian took a closer look and found that this brutal beast looked like a giant cow, but only had two legs and a single horn.


This savage beast, which looked like a giant bull, opened its blood basin and its fangs, and suddenly bit the trial disciple who fell to the ground like charcoal.

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