Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2007: Extreme Sword Power

"I'm naive." Ye Tian gave a wry smile, shook his head lightly, and said, "Since you don't know what is good or bad, let's end it."


   After finishing, he stepped on the ground and jumped out from the top of the platform, like a falcon preying on its prey, culling Nanli Lao Dao.

Old Nan Li laughed loudly, almost unable to believe his eyes, and said: "Boy, are you scared stupid? You dare to leave the platform. You still have a trace of support on the platform, and you can use the platform to restrain it. , To deal with me for a while. Now you are leaving..."

Without finishing a sentence, Nan Li Lao Dao's eyes suddenly condensed, and he saw that there was a black iron sword in Ye Tian's hand. Although it was a broken sword, it was sharp and sharp, splitting the sky, and exuding incomparable. The heavy breath seemed to carry a world.

   Nanli Lao Dao had a palpitating heart, as if he had seen the most terrifying soldier in the world.


The purple and gold scars revived and turned into a chain of order, shining incomparably dazzling divine glory, clashed around the sword, making the broken sword heavier, the breath of death overwhelming the sky, countless sword lights split the sky, as if from **** The sword of killing.

   With Ye Tian's sword in his hand, the aura of the whole person changed, and he surpassed the condensed pill in an instant and reached the level of the golden pill.

  Although it is much worse than Nanli's ancestor, the terrifying aura exuding from Broken Sword still makes Nanli's ancestor uncomfortable, as if facing a prehistoric behemoth, he only felt that he was very small.

   "Cut!" Ye Tianren walked with the sword, slashing with one sword.

   "Control!" Nan Li's ancestor shouted loudly, shaking his palms and fingers, and displayed a kind of military control technique, wanting to seize control of Broken Sword.

The reason why the two magic soldiers in Yaochi and Shushan did not listen to their orders just now was because he seized control with the control technique. Although it was only a short moment, it did not erase the imprint of the magic soldiers, but it was enough to cause catastrophe. The consequences of hitting the enemy were caught off guard.

   But this time, it didn't work on the broken sword, and the broken sword was not under his control at all.

   On the contrary, a terrifying breath burst out of Broken Sword, which shocked him with a surge of blood.

   Then a ghost-like phantom rushed out, standing proudly behind Ye Tian, ​​as if urging Broken Sword with him, it was the spirit of Zhuxian Broken Sword, a quasi-holy spirit.

   Not to mention that Broken Sword is controlled by Ye Tian, ​​that is, Ye Tian is not in control, and there is only a quasi-Holy Spirit-level instrument spirit in it, which is not controlled by Nanli Lao Dao.

   Nan Li Lao Dao's complexion changed wildly, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and his murderous intent was overwhelming. In an instant, he launched more than a dozen attacks, each with the power of Jin Dan Dacheng, and he shook his sword hard.

   But, it's useless at all, the broken sword is invincible, all the attacks touch the blade of the sword, and they disappear like bubbles.

   Broken Sword looks very ordinary, although it does not tremble, but it is also breathtaking, with terrifying murderous intent surging out. In a daze, the ancestor Nanli seemed to have seen a blood-stained picture, bleeding and floating, and millions of corpses.

   "No!" Nan Li Lao Dao let out a stern roar, only then realized the seriousness and hurriedly retreated.

   But, it's too late.


   The sword cuts the void, splits the sky, and the heavens and the earth are discolored.

This unremarkable sword was unimaginable in its power. The void armor made from the scale armor of the Thousand-legged Centipede was instantly split. It couldn't stand the power of the broken sword at all, and then the ancestor left south from the body. There was an extra shocking wound, and the whole person was almost split in half, with only a few pieces of flesh connected in the middle, and **** water like a mercury slurry gushed out like spring water, making this world a bloody, bleak and beautiful one.

   Nanli ancestor backed back again and again and kept leaning against the wall, letting out a earth-shaking roar.

   The roar passed through the well of good fortune and reached the top, shocking everyone in the Divine Soil with a burst of energy and blood, and dizzy.

   At this time, the beast tide was still attacking the Great Divine Earth Formation, hitting the ground and shaking the mountain, and the trialists of the three major sects were all hiding in the Great Formation, not daring to go out.

   This large array can pass in one direction. It is easy to get out, but it is difficult to get in.

   "They are fighting, that Ye Xiaozi must be finished." A tester in Shushan said, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"That old man is a pinnacle gold pill, an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years. This time he won't be enough to see ten lives. He will definitely die completely. Otherwise, I will pull off my head and play for everyone. ." Another tester said, very sure.

   There was a burst of laughter from the audience, apparently agreeing with his point of view.

   This time the opponent is really too strong, and he can control other people's magical weapons when he raises his hands. It is simply a godlike existence. Even if Ye Tian has great abilities, it will be difficult to recover this time.

   "It's a pity, the great opportunity inside has nothing to do with us." Another tester said, his face was lonely.

   "It's nothing to be a pity, facing that kind of invincible existence, it's not bad to survive."

   Everyone talked a lot about you and me.

   Among the testers of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect, the complexion was very ugly, Nanli Old Dao, but his unworldly enemy of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect, it was like a sword hanging above his head, which made people pant hurriedly and anxiously.

   For them, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. That kind of old monster, killing the heart, what he said is nothing at all. If you say that you let them go now, you may not let them go in the future, and it is even possible to kill them in the Vast Sky Immortal Sect.

   After the animal tide is over, they will leave as soon as possible.

   "Damn it, I see, this is the broken sword, how did it get into your hands? How come there is an extra sword hilt?" Nan Li yelled, and asked Ye Tianang.

   Although he was almost cut in half by a sword, the vitality of the Dacheng Jindan was so powerful that he was born with great mana and reunited his flesh and blood. While healing himself, he quickly released all kinds of body protection magic weapons.

   I only saw the colorful, various magical energy light curtains light up on him, like layers of silkworm cocoons, enveloping him.

   But, he underestimated the power of Zhu Xianjian. Although his broken body was one, the wound in the middle could not heal, and blood oozes continuously. More strands of sword aura penetrated into his flesh and blood, constantly destroying his vitality.

   Not only the physical body, but also one of his golden cores, are suffering from unexplainable destruction.

   This is the horror of Zhuxianjian, worthy of being the strongest sword in myths and legends, a great killer.

   is also due to the strength of Nanli ancestor, if it is replaced by a normal golden core, most of it will have fallen under this sword.

   But even if it was as strong as Nanli's ancestor, his breath began to fall, and he was really hurting Daoji by this sword.

   After this time, even if he can heal his injury, he will leave a permanent wound.

   Boom boom boom!

   A series of terrifying mana fluctuations erupted from the body of the Nanli ancestor, like a stormy sea, slapped the walls of the secret room, and made a loud rumbling sound, like a tsunami hitting a cliff.

   "Damn little beast, you hurt my Daoji, I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces, burn your soul in the magic fire for ten thousand years, and then slaughter your nine races."

   Knowing that his Daoji had been cut, Nanli's ancestor could no longer remain calm, like a lion with exploded fur, going mad.

   "Dead!" Ye Tian responded to him with only one simple word, and then raised the Zhuxian Broken Sword, facing his Tianling Gai, with a sword slashed down.


There was no overwhelming sword energy rushing out, just the murderous intent that permeated the world was tragic, and the **** battle scenes from the ages ago seemed to reappear, turning into a pressure of Dao marks, like a mountain pressing on the old road of Nanli. , The soul is shaken.


   The void was split again, revealing a long black mark. Ye Tianru is a **** of death from the ages ago, with his palm punishing the immortal sword, dividing the yin and yang with one sword, and slashing the avenue with one sword.

   This seemingly unremarkable sword hasn't really hit Nanli Lao Dao, and only the exhalation of the air force has destroyed all of his spells and the secret treasure of his body.

   This is the real sword intent!


   With a loud shout, a purple golden light flew out from the hand of the Nanli ancestor, a purple golden battle axe.

   This warhammer is made of an unknown type of purple gold. The whole body is densely packed, and it is branded with no idea how many rune formations. As soon as it is sacrificed, it is inflated and exploded.

   In the end, the battle axe turned into a ten-foot-large, like a purple-gold hill, surrounded by nine golden stigmata, and with unparalleled power, it smashed into the broken sword of Zhu Xian.

   Awesome, this is a rare quasi-sage weapon, only the last step, the nine stigmata are united and turned into a magical scar, UU reading will be able to transform into a magical weapon.


   There was a loud noise, sparks splashing everywhere.

   The result is unimaginable. The purple gold battle axe, which has reached the level of a quasi-artifact, was cut open by Zhuxian's Broken Sword, just like a hot knife cutting butter, without any effort.

   Immediately after the battle axe, Nan Li Lao Dao was smashed again, and even his aura was smashed to the ground, only the middle level of Jin Dan.

If it is said that the first sword, Ye Tian is suspected of sneak attack, Nanli ancestor did not know the terrible Zhuxian Broken Sword, then under the second sword, he displayed all kinds of magical powers and released many protective treasures, but he was still cut by one sword. Two pieces are not a fluke, but the crush of strength.


   Nanli ancestor once again let out a heart-piercing roar, his mana exploded, surging crazily, and wanted to heal his injuries and climb the breath of the golden core. But it was useless, there were continuous cracks on the golden core, and if you continued desperately, the consequences would be unimaginable.


   After calming down, Nanli's ancestor had only one thought and escaped. Although it is very shameless, but life is more important.


   He was afraid of Ye Tian's chasing, and first shot it out with a palm, hitting the Daotai, letting the Daotai's restriction explode, launching an indiscriminate attack, and then rushing into the good fortune well for the first time.

As a result, I was thinking of lifting a rock and hitting him in the foot. His speed was faster, and Ye Tian's speed was even faster. When he rushed to the exit of the good fortune well, Ye Tian was already waiting for him at the mouth of the well and raised it up. Broken sword in the hand.

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