Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2008: Town kill


   Road and Taiwan prohibition broke out, killing thousands of roads, converging into a white torrent, with unparalleled power of destruction, rushing straight towards the old road in Nanli.


   Nanli Old Road propped up a golden core domain, but was rushed away, as if hundreds of thousands of mountains were pressing over, so heavy that his golden core treasure was almost crushed.

The old Nan Li wanted to harm Ye Tian, ​​but he did not expect to harm him in the end. Ye Tian displayed his magical powers, and stood at the exit of the good fortune well at a faster speed than him, blocking his way, and right He cleaved the third sword.

After   , there was a wolf chasing after him, and a tiger in front of him blocked the way. Nanli was in a dilemma for a while, and fell into a desperate situation of death.

   "Child, do you dare?" Nan Li shouted, eyes like torches, shooting out two bright lights.

   Ye Tian's hand stopped holding the sword high, and the word "Zhu" on the hilt of the sword happened to be in his eyes, and his heart suddenly choked.

   "This is..., Zhu Xianjian?" Nan Li's pupils suddenly shrank, and he asked loudly, because he was too shocked, and his voice trembled a little.

   Obviously, he knew the legend of Zhu Xianjian, so he was instinctively afraid.

   "Yes, let you know before you die." Ye Tian said in a low voice.

   "I admit that I underestimated you, but there is only a handful of crippled magic soldiers. Do you really think you can kill me? I just didn't want to fight with you. I feel impatient and I will die with you."

   Nan Li Lao Dao waved his long sleeves, shouted again, and made a posture of breaking the net with Ye Tianyu.


A terrifying breath suddenly rushed out from behind him, where it was pitch black, and there was only an endless surge of mana, like a black hole suddenly appeared, and it was swallowed by thousands of torrents of killer mans rushing out of the road. It's all done.

   This black hole is not illusion, but a kind of real void supernatural power, transformed by the mana of Nanli Lao Dao, and it is also a manifestation of his golden core.

   As soon as this great magical power was displayed, the aura on his body had changed, as if it had returned to light, the whole person's spirit and energy became full, and the aura suddenly climbed from the middle of the golden core to the late stage, and finally completed.

   No one would show his Dao Fruit casually, let alone use it in battle, unless he desperately took a fight to the death.

   Boom boom boom!

   He waved his long sleeves again, and the torrent of thousands of killers rushed out again, and he was led to Ye Tian's body.

   For a time, it was like the Tianhe River flooded, and the sun and the moon collapsed.

   A top level golden pill, hitting his own Tao fruit, desperately, how terrifying is the power?


   Affected by his attack, countless rune arrays lit up on the platform, intertwined into a powerful protective light curtain, isolating the platform from the secret room, so as not to be attacked and destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

   However, Ye Tian didn't care about it, still holding the Zhuxian Broken Sword, and smashed it down.


   That violent, torrent of thousands of killers gathered, was split by a sword, rushed from both sides of Ye Tian's body, and then rushed up the sky along the good fortune well.

The trialists in the Divine Land Array didn’t know what was going on. They saw that the Great Fortune Well suddenly resembled a volcanic eruption, rushing out countless sharp killers. It was torn apart and turned into powder.

   People were panicked for a while, and everyone was terrified.

   "Kill!" Ye Tian held the sword and continued to slash the old Nanli Dao, like a **** of death, fearless.

   "It's really looking for death!" Nan Li Lao Dao let out a sneer.

  Perhaps purely fighting the flesh, he is old and weak, and inferior to Ye Tian, ​​but in the competition of mana, ten Ye Tian can't be his opponent. This has nothing to do with talent, but a difference in realm.

   Dacheng Golden Pill and Condensed Pill are vastly different, and the gap between them cannot be counted by reason.

   Even so, the collision between Zhuxian Broken Sword and the black hole-like void Dao Guo still exceeded Nan Li's imagination.


   The two forces collided together, without a shocking explosion, Zhu Xian Broken Sword dropped out of Ye Tian's hand, flew out, and plunged a bottomless pit on the wall of the secret room.

   Ye Tian also surged in energy and blood, retreated again and again, and finally hit the wall, printing a human-shaped pit.


   The black hole-like Tao fruit that gathered Nan Li Lao Dao's mana was even more sad. It was shattered by a sword like fragile glass.

   "No, it's impossible!" Nan Li's figure was shocked, and two eyeballs were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

   Dao fruit is shattered. Even if his life's hard work is in vain, he will only survive for the rest of his life.

"Boy, you hurt my Daoji, ruin my Daoguo, take your life to compensate me." Nanli Lao Dao roared, at this time, the only thing that can be done is to kill Ye Tian to relieve his feelings. hatred.

He originally had the possibility of proving the Dao Yuan Ying, and became the only Yuan Ying Tianjun on this star for eternity. His life span has been extended by thousands of years, but now he is about to become a waste person. Time is short, and there is nothing more in the world than this. It's a sad reminder.


   A large black handprint quickly condensed and formed in the void. The moment the shot fell, the void vibrated and thunderstorms roared, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

   is the unique knowledge of Nanli Lao Dao, a handprint with great space!


   The handprints did not arrive, and the invisible coercion that fell violently had already caused the ground under Ye Tian's feet to sink, and a huge palm mark was imprinted. Among the palm marks, the stripes are faintly visible, as clear as engraved, as if a giant **** standing on top of the earth, lifted the giant palm of the gods, and took a picture of the palm.

Even the ground is like this, let alone Ye Tian, ​​who was pressed under his palm, his body was imprisoned in an instant, the golden body made a crackling sound from head to toe, and the surface of his skin was more like damaged porcelain, blooming. There are tiny cracks, oozing with crystal clear blood beads.

   With this palm, Nan Li Lao Dao really did his best to kill Ye Tianzhen and bury him for his future fall. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm


   Ye Tian's body suddenly burst out with a earth-shaking roar, as if to break an invisible shackle.

   With this roar, an aura like a deep sea rushed out from the body, and the whole person's aura rose suddenly, breaking free from a trace of restraint.

   "It's really interesting. Two yuan pills have been repaired. But so what,..."

  Nan Li Lao Dao's taunting words were not finished, Ye Tian suddenly broke out a second roar, and it seemed that an invisible shackle was broken, and the breath of the whole person rose again.

   Nan Li Lao Dao suddenly turned black, and his pupils shrank uncontrollably.


   The imprisoning force of the spatial big mudra was once again rushed away, and the big mudra swayed, and it seemed that it was no longer stable.

   Immediately afterwards, when Ye Tian burst out the fourth Yuan Pill, the spatial handprints finally continued, and Ye Tian violently punched it and exploded into the void.

   "What kind of monster are you, you have cultivated four Yuan Dan?" Old Nan Li walked back three steps as if he had seen a ghost, with a horrified expression on his face, and rushed to the exit of the good fortune well.

But at this moment, Ye Tian waved his hand abruptly, and suddenly there was a flash of lightning across the sky, transforming into a purple sword, filled with mighty power, and suddenly pierced through the head of Nanli Lao Dao, nailing the whole person to death. Before the exit of the good fortune well.

   He would never dream that Ye Tian had two magic weapons on his body.

   The error-free chapters of "Rebirth: Peerless Abandonment" will continue to be updated,

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