Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2009: Refined Mu Xin


   After killing Nanli Lao Dao, Ye Tian stepped onto the nine-story Dao platform again.

   The heart of the wood spirit seems to be wrapped in a chaos, sinking and floating above the head of the cyan skull, emitting a soft cyan light.

   Ye Tian didn't take it directly, but watched for a while, his eyes getting more solemn.

   Suddenly, he gently put out a hand, and as soon as he approached the three-foot range around the cyan skull, a terrible force burst out, rushing out a cyan golden light, and lined his palm. The strength of this force made Jin Dan feel palpitations.

   Ye Tian retracted his hand, and the azure golden light suddenly converged again.

   Repeatedly, Ye Tian could already be sure of the divine light.

"Unexpectedly, you have fallen for so many years, still guarding this wood spirit heart, and still have your obsession. Don't worry, I am here to save this star, if you let me get this wood spirit heart Let me grow and become stronger. In the future, I will regain the spiritual roots of heaven and earth for the earth, revive the spiritual energy of the earth, and reproduce the prosperous age of cultivation. You descended from Penglai living in the depths of the stars, I will try my best to help you find it." Ye Tianzhi Looking at the green-gold skull, he made a great wish, his expression was firm and sonorous.

   The Penglai line has been working hard to regain the earth’s spiritual roots from the beginning of Xuantian Sword Master.

After   , the Nine Phoenix Goddess set foot on the ancient starry road, on the one hand, she was looking for her husband, Xuantian Sword Master, and on the other hand, she inquired about the spiritual roots of the earth, hoping to regain it.

   The green-gold skeleton in front of him is a mighty one of the descendants of Penglai. He will not forget the last wish of his ancestors and work hard to regain the spiritual roots of the earth.

   This alone, Penglai is worthy of awe.

   It seems that I really heard Ye Tian's ambition. The green-gold skull, and even the nine-story platform that sat down, buzzed and vibrated, bursting into bright light.

   Then, the green-gold skull fell into silence, no longer rushing out of the divine light, and no longer preventing Ye Tian from obtaining the heart of the wood spirit.

   Ye Tian showed joy in his eyes, this time he successfully grabbed the heart of the wood spirit in his hand.


The surging Muxing Essence instantly envelops his whole person and madly penetrates into the body. Every strand and every strand has a crystal clear texture. It is the purest Muxing Essence, which gives people a sense of being. The feeling in the vast jungle is green everywhere, and there is surging vitality everywhere, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

   The divine form of the blue dragon rushed out of his body uncontrollably, greedily devouring Mu Xing's essence, wanting to transform into a real body.

A heart-shaped object with the size of a palm, held by Ye Tian in his hand, looks like the best jade, crystal clear, full of green, and emits a regular beating. Every time you beat the essence in the secret chamber, there will be a regular occurrence. Expansion, or contraction.

   Wood Spirit Heart, one of the most rare Mu Xing Tian Di Shen Zhen.

   Ye Tian held it in front of his eyes, and through the crystal clear surface, he could clearly see that there seemed to be a small green-gold world condensing inside, which was the purest condensing of the essence of wood.

   It is no exaggeration to say that if the heart of this wood spirit is shaken, the wood spirit contained in it is enough to turn the sub-Saharan desert of the world of Africa into the tropical rain forest of South America, and the Jedi of life into fertile soil.

   "It's a pity, it's not a god's material, only the level of sacred goods." Ye Tian sighed again.

  As long as the well of good fortune exists, as long as the root of the spirit is not lost, the heart of the wood spirit can continue to condense.

   A wood spirit heart must have been consumed by the azure gold skeleton in front of me, and this wood spirit heart must have been re-bred afterwards, similar to the time when the azure gold skeleton fell, thousands of years.

   Thousands of years seem to be a long time, but for Tiandi Shenzhen, it is really too short, even the magical medicine can not be born, let alone the magical wood spirit heart.

   Ye Tian looked at the heart of the wood spirit before, and the reason for his dignified expression is here. He saw that the age of the heart of the wood spirit was not long enough, only the sacred level.

   However, Ye Tian is already very satisfied with the holy product's wood spirit heart. It is hard to find in the world, and it is a peerless treasure, enough to allow him to cultivate a wooden Xingyuan Pill and condense the blue dragon.

   "My Five Elements Yuan Dan is finally about to be condensed and complete." Ye Tian showed a gratified smile on his face, a little excited.

Recalling this trial, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling full of emotions. There were ups and downs and killings, but more of it was harvesting, holy medicine rock fire golden lotus, thousands of fire type spirit crystals, broken sword, blood phoenix fruit, fire golden vine quenched. The body, the golden spirit fruit, and today's good fortune well, the heart of the wooden line, the starry sky teleportation array.

   The starry sky teleportation array looked complete, and it should be able to teleport.

   Ye Tian prepared to refine the Heart of Muxing to make himself stronger, and then try to teleport.

   Of course, it's just an experimental transmission to see if the transmission array is intact.

   Before he really leaves the earth, he still has to go to the secular world and talk to his relatives and friends first. Because this time I left, I don't know when and how long I can return.

   Right on the platform, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, adjusted his physical condition, and swallowed the heart of the wood spirit in one bite.


   Ye Tian burst out,


  The infinite and terrifying wood-xing essence burst out in Ye Tian's body, following the meridians, toward his limbs and corpses, viscera, and surging away.

   His whole body swelled suddenly, turning into a size of three feet, as if the giant spirit body was opened. The skin was cracked like porcelain pieces, and numerous cracks appeared. The surging essence overflowed from it and almost exploded.

   Boom boom boom!

   The meridians all over his body are like the flowing Yangtze River, the water is turbulent, the waves are rolling, making deafening noises.

   Fortunately, his current golden body is tough enough, like real gold that has been tempered, and the meridians have also transformed into pure gold veins, and even the surging essence can withstand it.

   If I change to a normal Golden Core monk, I dare not do it at all, because the meridians may not be able to bear it, and if one is not good, it will burst and die. It would take them at least several months to complete the refining of the wood spirit's heart.

   Like Ye Tian, ​​the cow chews the peony and swallows it in one bite. It's like a person who has eaten ten tables of full-time feasts, and it's hard not to choke to death.

   Just because the wood spirit contained in the heart of the wood spirit is too much, it can be called a huge amount, and it can even turn the Sahara Desert into a tropical rain forest in South America.

   This is just the heart of the wood spirit bred from a piece of the earth's spiritual roots. It is so amazing. If the true spiritual root of the earth eternally bred a heart of wood spirits, it must be beyond people's imagination.

From the outside, Ye Tian’s golden sacred body was quickly dyed into blue gold by Mu Xing’s essence. The whole person is like a jade carved from jadeite, with flesh and blood and crystal-clear bones, from the inside to the outside. Even the flesh and bones are bluish-gold.

   At this time, his physical body is also rotating the chaotic golden body's Muxing changes to better absorb Muxing's essence.

   The strong wave shook the entire underground chamber, and the life essence erupted from the good fortune well was also more vigorous, comparable to the scene of a volcanic eruption, and even the great array of God Earth shook for a while, as if it was about to be washed away.

   At this time, the tide of beasts has gradually receded, and the testers hiding in the great formation of the gods also left one after another. They are really afraid of Nan Li's old way of rushing out.

   Among them, the people of Haotian ran the fastest, because they had offended Nanli's old way, and worried that they would be retaliated.

   "Let's leave, too." The people in Shushan are full of unwillingness. They worked hardest when they broke the formation just now. They thought they could get a share, but they had to accept this sad reality.

   Qin Yan'er and the people of Shu Shan walked together, but they were in a good mood. Because at this time, she believed that Ye Tian had fallen and was killed by Nan Li Lao Dao, and the feud between Senior Uncle Li Yang and Senior Brother Dao Chen was avenged.

   The sage of Yaochi stood in front of the well, with an urge to jump off to see how the battle was going, but she was stopped by Senior Sister Jindan because it was too dangerous. The leopard girl is the one who cannibalize people without spitting out bones, and Nanli Lao Dao is even more brave and invincible.

   "You don't think that Ye Xiaozi will survive, do you?" Senior Sister Jin Dan asked with a sneer, as if she was talking about a fantasy, she didn't believe it at all.

   "I always think he will not die." The saint of Yaochi whispered, her eyes looking down at the well, her eyes a little blurred.

   She really had an urge to go to the mine to take a look, because she was really unwilling.

   This secret is obviously the first to be discovered by Yaochi. This time, the several major sects teamed up to break the formation, and it was also facilitated by Yaochi. In the end, the bamboo basket was completely empty, which is really annoying.

   That wood spirit heart, UU reading, if you give it to the Mother of Yaochi, you might be able to condense the baby in half a step and improve your cultivation.

   Of course, if she takes it by herself, there are many benefits.

"He can live up to now because he didn't meet a real opponent. This time facing an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years, he definitely has no chance of surviving unless the solar energy comes out from the west. However, to him He said, it’s okay to die early, because you die early and you are born too early. Anyway, when the trial is over and he returns to the Inner Gate, he will still inevitably die, and he will definitely die very sadly.” Senior Sister Jin Dan said, laughed, and urged Sage Yaochi The woman left quickly.

   Indeed, when I think about it carefully, the saint of Yaochi also feels that she is naive, how powerful Nanli Lao Dao is, she just saw it with her own eyes, and has personally experienced, that she truly surpassed the virgin of Yaochi.

  This kind of invincible existence, how could Ye Tian win?

  Unless he surrenders and kneels to beg for mercy, he can find a trace of life.

   But no matter what, this secret has nothing to do with Yaochi.

   In the end, the saint of Yaochi also had to choose to leave, together with all the disciples of the trial in Yaochi, with resentment and unwillingness.

   As soon as they left, the Divine Land Array was empty. All the trialists were gone. The Divine Land was gone, and the spirit grass and elixir were almost picked up, leaving only a ruin. But before long, with the supply of abundant essence, the spirit grass and elixir will grow out again soon.

   Even Ye Tian's refining wood spirit heart can condense one again, but it will take a long time, and it will take thousands of years to say nothing.

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