Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2054: Circuit break

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

A huge abyss, like a black hole, is deep and bottomless, filled with turbulent voids, gushing out waves and raging waves, and overwhelmingly shattered.

Standing on a large mountain on the edge of the void passage, watching the scene of ruining the sky and the earth, listening to the earth-shaking sound, Ye Tian's mood could not be calm for a long time.

He knew that half of this broken void passage was from the 39th transit star under his feet to the 40th transit star at the next stop.

Now that this void passage is broken, his journey to the void this time is likely to end at this star.

In the broken void passage between the inner and outer hidden gates, Ye Tian could still deal with it with his mana. But the broken void passage in front of him is definitely not the one between the inner and outer hidden gates. It runs through an older void, and the turbulence of the void that erupts is even more terrifying, and the length of the void passage must be countless times longer.

As a result, if he wants to successfully pass this void passage, it will be countless times more difficult and countless times more dangerous.

"Generally speaking, even if the teleportation formation is broken, it will not break the void and penetrate a void channel. Unless something special happens." Ye Tian thought in his heart.

According to the ancient history of Kunxu, the Penglai Nine Phoenix Goddess repaired the sky road and then walked on the sky road.

It shows that this ancient road in the starry sky already existed before the Nine Phoenix Goddess, but it was incomplete, and it could only pass through after being repaired by the Nine Phoenix Goddess.

Then why didn't the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Lady repair this broken transmission node?

Can't she fix it?

Or, the teleportation formation was originally complete, but it was damaged after she passed through it for some unknown reason, thus forming this broken void passage?

Ye Tian was more inclined to agree with the second guess that the teleportation formation was broken after the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl.

Because, if it was broken before and the sky barrier blocked the way, the Nine Phoenix Goddess and the dozens of golden cores that accompanied them might not be able to pass successfully, and most of them would turn back and return to the earth. However, there is no news of their return on earth.

Similarly, this can also explain why this group of people has gone forever. After they successfully passed, the space passage was broken, and they could not return if they wanted to return. They were blocked at the other end of the ancient road.

In fact, these guesses are not important anymore, a broken void passage is in front of him, the ancient starry sky is interrupted, and most of Ye Tian is about to turn back and turn back.

Ye Tian was of course not reconciled to come here after all hardships. He stood on the edge of the void passage for a long time, releasing a powerful spiritual mind to explore this passage, but the void passage can swallow the spiritual mind, and after exploring for a long time, he has not discovered a reason.

But he rushed in and tried his own risk, but he had no idea, worried about the accident.

With a dull mood, Ye Tian left the location of the void passage and stopped and went on top of this star.

The Void Passage is surrounded by mountains and mountains, giving Ye Tian the illusion of being in Kunlun, because apart from the lack of vitality, the scene is somewhat similar. The air is extremely cold, and many mountains are covered with thick snow, and the foot of the mountain is covered. Glacier.

It shows that there is water vapor in the air.

When he leaped into the tens of thousands of feet high in the void, Ye Tian couldn’t believe it. Not only was this mountain range somewhat similar to Kunlun, but even this star was somewhat similar to the earth, it was about the same size, and it also had a blue ocean. , The atmosphere, there is also a sun in the sky.

It's just that the sun is too far away from this terrestrial planet, and only faint rays of light shine through, so that the temperature on the earth's surface is extremely low, and most of the blue ocean is also in a frozen state.

"It's a pity!" Ye Tian sighed.

If he has great abilities, he can transfer this earth-like star to a near-solar orbit. Maybe a few million years later, life on the ancient star can evolve by itself and become the second earth.

Unfortunately, too can't do it.

If you want to catch the stars and the moon, at least you have to transform the gods.

The cold wind howled, rolled up the dust in the sky, and obscured the sky.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and golden pupils, and under the dust of flying up to the sky, he suddenly saw a huge skeleton, glowing with a cold luster in the faint sunlight.

Ye Tian couldn't believe it. After a sharp turn, he swooped down. No matter the dust storm was still raising dust, he stood beside the huge skeleton and stopped to watch.

It was only on the ground that he discovered that not only this skeleton, but also a few others nearby, had been buried under the yellow sand. Thanks to the sandstorm, it was only visible again.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years after death, the bones of unknown creatures are still hard, and there is a faint lustre flowing, indicating that this is an extremely powerful species. There were obvious knife marks and arrow holes on his body, and he was killed after fighting with humans.

Looking carefully, Ye Tianzhen found an incomplete human skeleton, broken soldiers and magic weapons.

Humans have appeared on this ancient earth-like star. Ye Tian was the first to think of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl and the group. These unknown creatures were probably killed by them.

On a large bone block of the door, Ye Tian saw some engravings, which were almost wiped out in the years and were not very clear, but they could still be seen as the oldest Chinese-earth hieroglyphs. UU Reading

Ye Tian once studied the ancient hieroglyphs of Middle-earth, and after careful observation for a while, he still recognized some content. He told that there is an extremely terrifying beast on this ancient star, which can shuttle in the turbulent flow of the void, so that future generations must be careful. .

"So that's it." Ye Tian suddenly understood, and suddenly wanted to understand the reason for the formation of the Broken Void Channel, which was probably related to this beast species.

Ye Tian touched the bone with his hand, and he really felt a trace of void attributes.

This species is mostly a void species similar to the millipede centipede.


Just when Ye Tian just wanted to understand the joints, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of yellow sand ground shattered, and a huge beast rose into the sky in the sky full of smoke and dust.


Ye Tian couldn't even see the huge figure, a huge claw covered with ocher scales, enough to easily hold a car in the palm of his hand, he slammed it down, obscuring his vision.

A strong sense of crisis instantly rushed to Ye Tian's whole body. Without a word, he suddenly raised a big hand, clenched it into a fist, and slammed into the sky.

The big fist of the sand bowl ignited a raging flame, like a comet passing by, about to blast the sky.


Amid the deafening explosion, the whole world was shaking violently.

A terrible shock wave like a nuclear explosion blasted out from the collision of the fist palms, shook a huge deep pit on the ground, and rolled up a ring of sandstorms.

Above the giant claws of the behemoth, there were bursts of crackling noises, bursting out dazzling sparks.

Ye Tian was shocked. Although his punch was very hasty, the power he exploded was not weak at all. He only slightly broke the giant claw, and did not explode.

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