Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2055: Void Predator

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

Under a critical blow, the sky-covering giant claws of the unknown monster did not explode, and even only delayed for a moment, and then continued to suppress it, accompanied by the shaking of the sky, to kill Ye Tianzhen.

At the same time, a wave of divine consciousness was felt by Ye Tian, ​​extremely terrifying and evil, as if to swallow everything and shred everything.

The fist collided with the giant claw just now, and under the force of the huge counter shock, the ground beneath Ye Tian's feet collapsed, half of his body was in the mud.

Facing the giant palm that the unknown monster continued to suppress like the sky, Ye Tian was a little caught off guard, and hurriedly blasted the earthshaking seal out and smashed it into the giant palm.


Another loud noise came out, and the sacred artifact was slapped and flew out by an unknown monster. It flew to an endless distance, ploughing a huge gully on the desert ground.

Although Ye Tian hurriedly threw the stigmata, it only exploded with a physical crushing force, but it was slapped flying with a palm, which is enough to explain the horror of this unknown creature. No wonder it can bear Ye Tian Yi punched crit.


Taking advantage of this short time, Ye Tian also distanced himself from the unknown monster, and rushed to a hundred feet away in an instant.

The unknown monster was clearly seen by Ye Tian. It should be the same species as the dry bones on the ground. It was dozens of meters in length and resembled a small mountain ridge. Its body surface is covered with a layer of pitch-black scale armor. Each piece is the size of a washbasin, and its body is streamlined. It looks a bit like the gold-eater that Ye Tian saw in the forbidden area in the center of the fairy ruins, but it is larger in size and has an inverted head. The triangles, twin pupils shining with scarlet icy light, look even more evil.

"Sure enough, as I expected, it is a void predator. It is no wonder that it can break the void passage and form a huge void abyss." Ye Tian panted heavily, his eyes bursting with cold light.

Both belong to the void beasts, the void predators are more terrifying and more cruel than the Celestial Centipede, but are born for destruction. Where they pass, it is like a locust crossing, and life on a planet can be swallowed up without leaving any living mouth.


The Void Predator let out a roar, like a throbbing drum, deafened and shattered, spreading far, far away.

Its eyes were extremely evil, like two blood diamonds, with greed and hunger, as if it could not wait to devour Ye Tiansheng.

In the next second, it moved, and its streamlined body was full of explosive power. The pitch-black scales gleamed coldly in the sun, breaking through ten times the speed of sound in an instant and shooting at Ye Tian.

At ten times the speed of sound, the distance of one hundred meters seems to be nonexistent. The void predator pounced in front of Ye Tian almost instantly, so the technique was repeated, and a giant claw with a large door slammed down again, falling down. The mighty coercion covers the world, which is several times more terrifying than the first claw.

"Humph!" Ye Tian snorted coldly. He didn't dodge, but the muscles and nerves all over his body were tense.


He blasted another punch, urging the power of his physical body to the extreme, which was several times stronger than the first punch just now.

Above the golden fist front, there even burst out a shock wave like a nuclear explosion, and even the space was shaken with cracks, sweeping Cyclonus, engulfing everything.


With the sound of a huge explosion, Ye Tian's fist collided with the giant claws of the void predator, like a divine iron fighting, shattering the void, and divine power overflowed.


On the giant claws of the void predator, a piece of scale armor fell, splashing blood, and the huge body also leaned back and almost flew out.

Even though Ye Tian had only backed up a few steps, he was shocked, and he was not happy at all. He thought that this punch could kill the predator in the void, or at least blast its giant claws.

But the result was beyond his expectation. The flesh-eating body of the void was too hard, far above the ordinary golden core treasure. This punch made his golden body a bit convulsive.


Void Predatory Flesh opened its huge mouth, full of fangs and sharp teeth, and let out a more terrifying roar. It was obviously a real anger, and the whole body exuded monstrous blood.


It waved its sharp claws, and the void in front of it broke open directly. It was like a flash of magical powers displayed by Ye Tian. It suddenly reached Ye Tian's front, dragged Ye Tian back, and rushed to the distance like flying.

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian roared.


His eyebrows glowed, and he rushed out a golden Yuanshen Dao sword, sharp and sharp, piercing the eyebrows of the void predator.

One person and one beast are close at hand, and the Void Predator cannot avoid it.


The Void Predator’s eyebrows were hit, and the soul was in pain. The huge body shuddered as if struck by lightning, but its frontal bone suddenly burst into a divine light, like a burning flame. The powerful mental power swept back and forth, finally dispelling Ye Tian's Yuan Shendao sword blow.

The Void Predator was terribly scared, and only then knew that the humans in front of him were not easy to provoke. Whether it was physical or mental, it could be equal to it, and even have the upper hand, but it became more and more courageous as it fought and had no intention of retreating.

Its body is unmatched and extremely flexible. It can not only escape from the ground, but the void talent can also display flashing supernatural powers, like a phantom, dealing with Ye Tian, ​​looking for flaws in Ye Tian's body.

Ye Tian's golden body is not inferior, the speed is only fast or slow, and he has a wealth of combat experience. The void predator wants to find his flaws, how easy it is.

For a time, there was a person, a beast, and two figures on the yellow sand, fighting quickly. For a moment, I didn't know how many times they fought each other. Every collision was shaking the earth and the earth broke, and the sun and the moon were shining.


Just when a man and a beast were fighting, the sound of thousands of troops and horses rushing across the sky suddenly came from far away, billowing in the sky, and the figures have not yet appeared, but the terrifying spirit is like a tsunami, overwhelming the sky. Swept over.

Ye Tian knew that this was the arrival of other void predators. Although the momentum is like a thousand horses, but Ye Tian perceives only ten spiritual thoughts.

It should be ten void predators, because the eruption is too strong, so it sounds like a thousand horses from a distance.

"Can't delay, we must fight quickly." Ye Tian's heart shook.

A void predator is already so difficult to deal with, let alone add ten more.


There was a clear and happy sword sound, and Ye Tian suddenly rose into the air, soaring up to a hundred meters high, holding the Ziying Sword with both hands, holding it high above his head, and slashing straight with the sword.

A hundred zhang sword lights roared out, like a star river, extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

The sword light was 100 meters above the ground, but wherever it went, the ground seemed to have been plowed by an iron plow.

The void predator roared angrily, seemingly aware of the terrible Ye Tian's sword, and quickly dodged to avoid it. However, Jianmang had already locked its energy on its body, and it always followed it no matter where it flees, even if it shattered the void, and wanted to escape with flashing magical powers, the void passage could be shattered by Jianmang.

Ye Tian mastered the Void Avenue, and the sword light he cleaved could naturally cut through the void.

In the end, seeing that the Void Predator couldn't avoid it, it suddenly raised one of its front paws, the center of the paw was facing upwards, the black light bloomed, and it grabbed the sword light with one paw.


The sound of gold and iron clashing for several miles rang out, and the purple sword light cut above the black light blooming from the claws of the predator in the void, as if it had hit a layer of armored steel plate, bursting out of sparks in the sky. .

Although the black light halo was broken in an instant, but the power of the purple sword light had also decayed. In the end, it only split the giant claws of the void predator, but failed to break through the huge body, leaving only a striking eye. Blood stains.

In fact, he wanted to preserve his strength and didn't push Ziying Sword excessively. Because next time he is very likely to cross the broken void channel, and now every point of his strength is consumed, he will be more dangerous in the void channel.

When he wanted to make up a sword, a group of ten void predators arrived, much faster than he thought.

This is a group of Void Mythical Beasts, which can flash and travel just like him, and the speed can be said to be a one-step star field.

The breath of death and the greedy eyes fixed on Ye Tian's body. A dozen predators surrounded Ye Tiantuan. Then UU read www.uukā and pounce together, like a group of hyenas. In general predation, the technique of combined attack is used.

Whoosh whoosh!

I saw a stream of streamlined figures stabbing Ye Tian like a war spear, sealing all his escape routes.

Ye Tian had no choice but to play up the spirit and face the group of opponents squarely.

Qiang Qiang!

He swung the iron sword in his hand, cutting out sharp sword lights, and there was a clanging sound around him. The dark scales fell like snow flakes, and from time to time there would be a bunch of blood splashing out.

Several void predators were injured, but they did not fall down, and they were still fighting stubbornly.

The only void predator that was smashed to death was the first one that was blocked by him.

Several bloodstains of his golden body were also caught, and the golden blood exuded astonishing vitality, which aroused a group of emptiness predatory wildness, greedy for his flesh and blood.

When the Ziying Sword was almost shot flying, and a piece of flesh was torn off his back, Ye Tian finally didn't dare to hold onto it anymore. Solving the immediate danger was the most important thing.

"A group of ants, knowing whether they live or die, all go to hell."

Boom boom boom!

With a terrifying roar, a terrifying breath suddenly erupted from Ye Tian's body, and the whole body bloomed with golden light. Under the cover of this light, his golden body was generally inflated, and finally turned into a few. Ten feet giant.

The void predator, tens of meters in size, was really as small as an ant in front of him. When they perceive something bad and want to escape, it's too late.

The divine mark of the Ziying Sword was urged out, the sword aura was like a dragon, as thick as a mountain, running through the sky and the ground, the cold killing intent, almost turned into substance.

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