"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

How terrible is the Ziying Sword that Ye Tian urged with the power of five yuan pills?

When this sword fell, the powerful sword intent smashed through, cut through the void, and broke through the earth. A large area of ​​the world was shattered, as if it was annihilating the world, sweeping everything away.

In an instant, all the void predators had no time to react, and were swept across their bodies by the purple sword light.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The void predator whose flesh body is tougher than adamantine steel is many times tougher. Six of its bodies were immediately cut open, and accompanied by a screaming scream, they fell into a pool of blood, and the ground was stained red. It's sad and beautiful.

Of the remaining four, two were seriously injured, but did not die, lying on the ground lingering and panting, screaming.

The other two suffered minor injuries. After seeing Ye Tian's horror, they didn't want to fight and rushed to flee.

Ye Tian's figure flickered, flashed his magical powers, escaped into the void, traversed hundreds of feet in an instant, a sword slashed out of the void, and a void-predatory head fell in response.

The last one saw that he couldn't escape, he didn't hesitate to fight Ye Tian, ​​and opened his mouth to spray a wave of light, rushing towards Ye Tian like a torrent, it was a breath of supernatural power, that wave of light had the attribute of void and had a powerful force of destruction.


The purple sword glow was like an avalanche, separating the torrent of breath waves, and finally slashed across the body of the void predator, splitting the huge body in half and falling down on the spot.

However, Ye Tian didn't dare to take it lightly, and he turned back for the first time to make up for the two half-dead predators of the void.


Ye Tian sighed and finally ended the battle.

Fighting on stars with thin oxygen is far more exhausting than on earth.

Fortunately, these void predators have the level of golden core, and the core of the golden core is formed in the body, which was picked by Ye Tian as compensation.

After only refining three beast cores, Ye Tian's physical strength recovered, and he began to walk on this star. The original ancient road has been broken, and he hopes to find a new way out.

Although there is the sun in the sky, it is far away from this star, even at noon, it looks only as big as the mouth of a small bowl, and it can only emit a faint light, making this star groggy even in the daytime. The ice is covered with snow and ice everywhere.

In this environment, it is completely impossible to give birth to life. Most of these void predators came from other planets and lived here.

Ye Tian was very careful, because the void predators were probably more than these ten.

This planet is not very big, and it is similar to the earth. Ye Tian searched it for a short time, but unfortunately he didn't find anything, even the void predator never encountered it again. Eternal silence and darkness are the only themes here, a veritable dead star.

Going around, Ye Tian returned to the broken void passage and stood there for a long time.


Like the waves of the vast sea, and like a pot of boiling water, the turbulence of the void is constantly surging, and the waves are swept into the sky. From a distance, it looks like a volcano is erupting for thousands of years.

Ye Tian was instinctively vigilant. The turbulence here is terrible, and the interior is extremely dangerous. If he rushes in and tries to reach the fortieth transit star through this broken passage, most of them will die on the road. Up.

Although he was not afraid of death, he was never so stupid that he knew he was bound to die, and even gambled on the last trace of life that was almost impossible.

"How to choose? Do you really want to return to Earth?" Ye Tian thought about it in his heart, and his brain was big.

He has tried his best to get here, and if he returns to the earth, all his previous achievements will be abandoned.

If he was born as a human being on earth, it would be okay to live on the earth all his life. But he came through, and the memory of his previous life is vividly visible. All his grievances and hatreds were as if it were just yesterday. An obsession has been spurring him to return to the world of the previous life.

If he stops there, he is really unwilling.

"It would be great if this heavenly road could be repaired, but unfortunately I can't do it. This is a star field teleportation array, but it is not a small teleportation array on the earth, or even the **** of transformation can not be portrayed."

"If I can break through the golden core, the eighth-rank or the ninth-rank golden core of the Dao, the probability of passing through this channel will be much higher, and I can definitely try it. However, to prove the golden core, I need resources, a lot of resources. Where are the cultivation resources on this dead planet?"

"None of the above two roads will work, at least in a short time. I want to pass through the void as soon as possible, unless I have a powerful magic weapon that can withstand the impact of the turbulence of the void. However, a powerful magic weapon... "

Just when Ye Tian thought of this, he suddenly felt like a heartstring was struck.

He didn't have a powerful body protection magic weapon that could resist the turbulence of the void, but he could sacrifice it. As for the materials, he also suddenly thought of those eleven void predators.

These eleven void predators have reached the level of the golden core, and their flesh has become a kind of heaven and earth treasure, which can be used to sacrifice magic weapons or war soldiers, or even directly take them and use them.

Moreover, the void predators have the attributes of void and are immune to the turbulence of the void to a certain extent, so they can shuttle in the void channels. The magic weapon used for sacrifice with their corpses must be very resistant to the turbulence of the void.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian slapped his thigh abruptly, calling himself a genius, and then rushed to the previous battlefield without stopping.

A total of eleven corpses were lying on the ground in all directions. They were all cold and frozen, but their divinity was not lost.

Ye Tian took out the Dragon Mark Lihuo Treasure Cauldron, and the seven-color flames in it finally came in handy, saving Ye Tian from consuming his own mana and using Chaos Golden Flame to refine the weapon. Now every mana in his body is precious and can't be wasted casually.

The original Lihuo fire seed in the Dragon Mark Lihuo Treasure Cauldron was inoculated into Mengyao's body by Ye Tian. The current Seven-Colored Flame is a more advanced sacred fire than Lihuo.

With the tenacity of the corpse of the Void Divine Beast, it contains the attributes and divinity of the void, and ordinary flames can't be smelted at all, but Ye Tian is extremely confident in the seven-color flame, because even his golden body can not bear it in the seven-color flame. .

"So many materials are enough for me to refine a void armor. The remaining materials will be sacrificed to others."

Ye Tian did as he thought of it. The first thing to sacrifice was the Void Battle Armor.

His method of sacrifice is very special. It is not like an ordinary refiner who directly sacrifices into battle armor, but first refines the body of the void predator into pellets.

The seven-color flame is really extraordinary. It didn’t take long to smelt the flesh of a void predator and turn it into a copper juice-like juice. The dense void runes gleamed in it. This is the essence of the juice, the path of the void. Stigma.

Without these void fragments, there would be no way to talk about the void attribute of the void armor.

One, two, three,...

In the end, Ye Tianzu had refined six void predators and got six pills the size of pigeon eggs. On average, one void predator could refine into one pill.

You know, the Void Predator is bigger than an elephant, with a length of tens of meters, but it is only refined into a pill the size of a pigeon egg, which shows how condensed it is.

This pill can be taken as a pill for cultivating the Void Dao.


Ye Tian took out the first pill and swallowed it into his abdomen. Suddenly, surging essence spilled out of his body, and the void fragments penetrated every trace of his flesh and blood.

But instead of refining this pill, he squeezed the magic formula abruptly, so that a little of the pill's medicinal power was absorbed by the flesh, and most of it rushed out of the body. Pinching tactics gradually turned into a battle armor.

Next, he took the second one, the third one,...

When all the six pills were taken, Li Shi had completely condensed the void armor on his body for a whole month. The whole body was pitch black as ink, covered with a layer of scales, ancient and awkward atmosphere, just like the **** armor of a heavenly general.

The armor that was sacrificed in this way was taken away with care. Even Ye Tian used the magical power of the giant spirit, his body became tens of feet tall, and the Void armor could be adjusted freely. If Ye Tian's body shrinks, the Void Battle Armor may shrink accordingly.

Ye Tian's original magical powers, the crystal scale battle armor, have also been strengthened, like an inner lining, which fits inside and outside the void battle armor.

Although the medicinal power of the pill was only absorbed by a small part of the golden sacrament, Ye Tian's Void Avenue also had a bit of diligence, and he controlled the void more with heart.

"A piece of Void Armor is not enough." Ye Tian muttered to himself, his eyes deep.

There are still five void predators left, and he is going to sacrifice them all, and one more magic weapon for body protection will provide an extra layer of protection.

In the end, he sacrificed more than a dozen void magic weapons, none of them could be compared with the void armor, they were all small pieces, and the fineness of the sacrifices could not be compared with the void armor, but they were expensive to use.

He sacrificed eight void shields that were most likely to be used, and sacrificed three void bone sticks that could be used for battle.

A relatively complete predator in the void, he stripped off its skin completely and refined it into a space container, which people can hide in when necessary and use it as a safe island.

There are also several other magic weapons, large and small, a total of eleven Void Mythical Beasts. He didn't waste a single bit of it, all of which were refined.

The skeletons of the Void Mythical Beasts that had just been discovered in the sandstorm, if it weren't for too long time, the Void Dao Marks and the divine nature were mostly lost, and Ye Tian decided to train them all.

When Ye Tian finished this, half a year had passed since he came to this ancient star. Fortunately, he has been busy with his own affairs, has hope in his heart, and has not tasted loneliness.

Everything was ready, Ye Tian armed to his teeth, stood on the edge of the broken void passage, and after a sudden inhalation, he plunged into the void turbulence.

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