Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2058: Ancient star of life

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"I still overestimated myself and underestimated the horror of Void Passage." Ye Tian's face was pale, and a desperate mood emerged spontaneously.

Because all the void magic weapons on his body were used up, the crystal scale battle clothes shattered, the dragon pattern was flying away from the fire treasure cauldron, and the magic weapons that could be used on his body were only left with a heaven-shaking seal and a purple sword.

And then I don't know how many dangers will be encountered.

Although a little depressed, Ye Tian had no turning back and could only move on.

One danger came again unexpectedly, and Ye Tian could only fight with the Ziying Sword, the Heaven-shaking Seal and his own golden eucharist.

In the end, when his body was about to be torn apart, and only half of his life remained, the broken void passage was finally completed, and a complete void passage appeared in front of him, which was as colorful as a kaleidoscope, and there were no void fragments. , There is no wind of time.

He plunged in, then lost consciousness, letting his body be teleported.

I don't know how long time has passed. When Ye Tian woke up, he found himself in a pile of rubble.

At first he thought he had fallen from the sky and smashed a mountain or a boulder, but soon he discovered that the situation was not right.

This pile of rubble is covered with moss, and it has been beaten by wind and rain for many years.

Moreover, this is obviously not an ordinary stone, but an extremely rare material of sacred jade. On some of the stones, rune marks can even be seen, giving out a breath of eternal immortality, vast and desolate.

Even if the teleportation formation is decayed, these runes will not necessarily be obliterated, because it was carved by great power and contained great power.

This is a teleportation formation, and I don't know why it was broken.

The reason why Ye Tian appeared in the gravel pile was because some of the teleportation runes in the stone were still there, and it barely constructed a teleportation channel with the thirty-ninth transit star.

Ye Tian could hardly believe that not only was the teleportation array of the thirty-ninth transit star incomplete, but also the teleportation array of the fortieth transit star was also incomplete, and even more broken. It was really a thing for him to be able to teleport over. Miracle.

There are overgrown weeds around the formation, and there are some broken walls, as if someone once lived, but then declined, and has never been inhabited ever since.

Ye Tian stood up with difficulty and looked around. He saw towering mountains, primitive ancient wood wolf forest, roaring wild beasts, and flying strange birds. It was a primitive and savage scene, comparable to the fairy ruins of the earth. Even more.

"Where is this?" Ye Tian was surprised, of course also very surprised, because this is obviously a life planet, even in the primitive and wild age, it makes him feel close.

When he wanted to fly into the sky and see more concretely, he staggered and fell to the ground, only to realize that he was badly injured, the golden body was dripping with blood, and his cultivation and mana were almost wiped out.

"No, I must first restore my cultivation base and recover my physical injuries." Ye Tian muttered to himself.


He took a long breath, as if he had knocked on medicine, and his face couldn't help showing a trace of intoxication.

Reiki, he breathed aura!

Boom boom boom!

Then he burst out, like a giant whale drinking water, bulging his cheeks and sucking, this sucking lasted for an hour before slowly stopping.

Reiki storms blew up the entire valley, like a typhoon passing by, and the towering trees were blown to and fro.

"What a rich spiritual energy, it is ten times more than the Yinmen Immortal Ruins in the earth, and the law of heaven and earth is more complete than the Immortal Ruins. Although the suppression of the heavens is still very strong, the birth of the gods is very difficult, but the birth of some naive infants is still It's very possible."

Ye Tian didn't know where this was or what was the name of this star, but he guessed in his heart that this might be an ancient star for cultivating immortals, because of the extremely strong spiritual energy.

Even if there are no human beings on a star, and there is no inheritance of the cultivation technique, even if it is a wild beast, after a long time absorption of spiritual energy, it can find a way, walk on the road of cultivation, reach a certain level, and finally transform into a human being.

And there must be humans on this ancient star, because Ye Tian had already seen the broken walls, which were obviously built by humans.

Moreover, the starry sky teleportation array appeared on this ancient star, and there must be humans stepping into it.

Ye Tian couldn't help thinking of Penglai's Nine Phoenix Goddess, and the group of golden cores he led, maybe they would have set foot here.

Thinking that this might be an ancient star for cultivating immortals, and that there might even be a great power at the Nascent Soul level, Ye Tian didn't dare to take it lightly, and hurry up to make himself stronger.

He found a secret place nearby, took out all the remaining cultivation resources on his body, and refined them all.

Of course, he came all the way, after forty teleportations, and stayed at the last ancient star for half a year, and there were not many cultivation resources left on him, which was not enough to restore his cultivation.

Fortunately, the aura on this ancient star was extremely abundant, and Ye Tian was not in a hurry, so he sat cross-legged, attracted the aura, and slowly refined it.

At the same time, he is also comprehending the great roads of this world. While restoring his cultivation base, he is also filling up his own incomplete laws.

It's easy to restore mana and cultivation, but it's a bit difficult to make up for one's incomplete laws. The most effective way is to Nirvana, to transform and reshape oneself.

For others, this process will be very painful, like cutting hair and washing the marrow, changing blood and rebirth.

But to Ye Tian, ​​it was really nothing. Firstly, because his body was in a state of being riddled with holes and his cultivation was almost completely dissipated, secondly, he had the Suzaku Nirvana divine art.


Suzaku's Nirvana divine art was activated, and his body first glowed, and then ignited a raging flame.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is constantly being drawn in, turning into a torrent of vital energy, initiating from his heavenly spirit cover, filling every inch of his body's flesh and blood, and supplying energy needs.

In Ye Tian's body, there was a sound like fried beans, crackling, and the torrent of essence constantly impacted his limbs, corpses, and internal organs. As the wound healed in Nirvana, the law was also imprinted in it.

The laws and avenues of this world are relatively complete, allowing people to practice to a higher level.

Ye Tian came here from the earth and wanted to adapt to the environment here and be recognized by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. The best way is to Nirvana once, reshape himself, and make up for what he lacks. Or, it's okay to be able to survive the thunder catastrophe here once.

"Suzaku Nirvana..."

Ye Tiankou recites the scriptures, his body is full of flames, the mist is tumbling, his whole body is glowing, and his body crackles.

The almost perfect golden body has a little blood and impurities oozing out of the pores.

The mist billowed, almost condensed into spiritual liquid, the glow was like a silk ribbon, the Rui Cai was like a golden cloud, and Ye Tian was surrounded by a misty body, enduring the severe pain, guiding the law of this world into the body, flushing the flesh and bones.

If it is indistinct, the world is rumbling, there is a roar of Taoism, Ye Tian is transforming, reshaping his true self, and his body is shining with immeasurable light.

Because there is no spiritual medicine, and relying on a single spiritual energy between heaven and earth, the process of transformation lasted for three months. Ye Tian recovered from his injuries, and his cultivation level once again climbed to the level of condensing pills.

However, the original consummation Jinxing Yuandan, Huoxing Yuandan, and Tuxing Yuandan, without the supply of other resources, only rely on a single spiritual energy, and it will be difficult to complete.

The main reason was that in the transmission channel, Ye Tian used the power of the original pill too much, and there were void fragments in his body, causing the five original pill to hurt a trace of the origin.

The origin of the Yuan Dan is injured, and the consequences are very serious. If it is not good, the Yuan Dan may be abandoned, or in the process of crossing the catastrophe, because of this trace of damage, it cannot be imprinted with thunder patterns, and it cannot be transformed into a golden Dan.

As a true celestial being in his previous life, he didn't say that the original source of the Yuan Dan was injured, that is, the original source of the Jin Dan and the Yuan Ying were injured. He can recover from it. It just takes some time and opportunity.

Ye Tian was not too anxious, and was still slowly practicing, branding the relatively complete law of this piece of heaven and earth in the golden eucharist.

Although the five yuan pills hurt a trace of its origin, Ye Tian felt that his golden body had become stronger and more perfect.

He took a deep breath, and a torrent of shocks burst out of his body, and his divine light was gushing. In addition to the veins and bones being more crystal clear and strong, the internal organs were also shining, like small suns. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com

With a little effort, his internal organs erupted like the sound of a river bursting a bank. The sound was astonishing, and it exuded Baohui, trembling constantly, releasing a powerful aura.

When he punched his chest, he made a loud bang, as if he was beating a tiangu, his five internal organs were resonating.

Ye Tian knew that his golden body had advanced a little more, not only in the bones and veins, but also in the viscera. It was extremely tough. Once the rhythm moved, it would sound like a Tiangu.

Looking inside, you can even more discover that the flesh and bones of the whole body are as clear as colored glaze, emitting an extremely splendid brilliance.

This is the so-called, do not break or stand, break and then stand!

Anyone who can't kill Ye Tian will make him stronger.

On this day, Ye Tian was still cultivating, and was suddenly awakened by a sound of movement. He suddenly rushed out of the closed ground, his feet slammed on the ground, and the ground broke open. The cracks did not know how far they spread, and his whole body soared into the sky instead of flying. It was better than flying. On a nearby mountain peak.

This is the first time he has seen this world in his eyes. The mountains are towering, towering into the clouds, endless, a big river rushes endlessly, as wide as the sea, from one bank to the other, it spreads endlessly. Far away.

Among the majestic mountains and the endless river, Ye Tian saw the vast ruins and collapsed mountains.

Thick clouds and fog rolled between the sky and the earth, covering the sun in the sky, making the whole world look a little drowsy. There are pieces of rubble on the earth and many broken walls, like a civilization that has reached the end of the world, leaving only one piece. Rundown.

However, the ruin is only the surface. When Ye Tian used the fire-eye golden pupil magic technique, he saw tens of thousands of purple dragons lying prone on the ground, or entrenched in the void, which was very shocking.

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