Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2059: Penglai

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

Surprisingly, this is a rare land of Tamron.

From the scale of the ruined ruins, it can be seen that this area once created a supreme great religion, or a kingdom, and it was destroyed for unknown reasons.


In the distance, in the dilapidated ruins, Ye Tian saw many vigorous figures shaking, scrambling to get ahead, and some people mounted war horses or spirit beasts, drew bows and shot arrows, rushed down, chasing many wild beasts in the mountains and forests everywhere.

However, the beasts here are not ordinary. Some are spiritual beasts that can be cultivated. They are extremely powerful and capable of killing hunters. From time to time, you can see a bunch of blood splashing, and the figures are torn to pieces.

"Hunting? Or, trial?" Ye Tian muttered to himself, making a guess.

Because of these swaying figures, chasing beasts, it is really like hunting, but it may also be a trial.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a piece of sacred soil, abandoning the broken walls and ruins, it is almost picturesque, Danya strange rocks, Luan birds dancing, unicorn beasts lying alone, purple gas enveloping, ancient medicines growing on cliffs, and weeds around ancient trees. Associated.

"What kind of star is this? Will it be the Daxi that invaded the earth?" Ye Tian muttered to himself, guessing whether this is Daxi civilization.

Will this star be Daxi?

At first glance, it is possible.

But if you think about it, it's unlikely.

If it is really Daxi, with the technological level of Daxi civilization that could crush the earth's immortal cultivation civilization 100,000 years ago, the transmission channel between the fortieth transit star and the 39th transit star will definitely be repaired, so that passage can be realized.

Even at this distance, their spacecraft can travel by themselves, and most of them have already mastered the ability to travel through the void, and it doesn't take long.

In that case, Ye Tian and Daxi Civilization fought and killed many people. Only Princess Daxi survived. They should have come to avenge the people on earth long ago. But they have not come to the earth so far, indicating that it is unlikely that this planet is Daxi.

Moreover, the swaying figures that Ye Tian saw in front of him were all dressed in ancient service, not the technological runes of Daxi civilization.

"If this planet is not Daxi, then the teleportation disk will be shattered, and the ancient road will be interrupted by this star, and the road ahead and the back road will not be accessible. Am I going to trap this star forever? Is it possible that there are other ancient roads in the starry sky? Set off on the stars? To the deeper stars?"

Questions lingered in Ye Tian's mind, making him a little messy for a while.

"I don't care about it. Now that I have come to this ancient star of life, I will stop for a while. As the saying goes, there must be a road to the mountain and the boat to the bridge will naturally be straight. There must be a way."

Thinking of this, Ye Tian swished down the mountain and came to the ruins at the foot of the mountain.

This is a vast ruin, with no end in sight. There are many tall palaces, floating mountains, and floating temples, but they all collapsed.

It is vaguely conceivable that there used to be full of voices and brilliant glory. The majestic palace stood among the tall mountains, and the floating mountains and floating temples floated on the sky, like a city in the clouds, where heroes from all over the world gather and come from all directions. .

But now, all here is in ruins, even many hills have been cracked open, and the earth is riddled with holes. Obviously, there has been an earth-shattering battle that caused this destruction.

One piece was broken into several parts, and Ye Tian stood for a long time in front of the ancient stele hidden in the weeds.

There are many engravings on it. What made Ye Tian unbelievable is that these engravings are very similar to the engravings he saw on the thirty-ninth transit star, a large bone of a void predator, and they are the oldest ones. Soil hieroglyphs.

So that Ye Tian could understand the text engraving on the ancient stele, and what he wrote was a magic formula, which was very mysterious.

Ye Tian was shocked again, but it was not that he was shocked by the mysterious tactics, but because the tactics described made him a little familiar, it was a tactic belonging to the Penglai Immortal Sect.

After Ye Tian occupied Penglai Immortal Island, he found a lot of the magical powers left by Penglai Immortal Sect. Although he only looked at it casually and did not practice, he was very impressed.

He was certain that the engraving technique on the stone tablet in front of him belonged to a technique of Penglai Xianzong.

It is not impossible that the practice of Penglai Immortal Sect appeared here, because the Nine Phoenix Goddess had come to the sky, and most of them came to this ancient star, leaving behind some magical powers of the practice, or even the Taoism, it is not impossible.

He couldn't help making an association. Could this vast ruin be the orthodoxy left by Penglai?

Considering that the teleportation array is here, Ye Tian's guess is very likely.

When Ye Tian was watching the stele, many people came here, most of them were young disciples, each with a great breath and **** heads.

This land of ruins is a land of dragons. It has been barren for how long, and it has bred many elixir and treasures, and even the treasures of heaven and earth. These young children are here just looking for opportunities, which can be regarded as a trial.

Some people were surprised to see someone standing here, because they were already fast enough and they didn't see anyone in front of them.

However, these people only expressed surprise, and did not spread out against Ye Tian, ​​looking for their own opportunities. Several dragon veins converge here, which makes the concentration of spiritual energy higher. The vegetation grows extraordinarily luxuriant and thick. There are many old medicines among the stone cliffs, and the fragrance of medicine wafts out.

Some people even stood beside Ye Tian and watched the cracked stone stele with him. Among them is a young woman who is very beautiful and has outstanding temperament. Not only is there a powerful protector to follow, there are also a few young handsome men who follow the left and right like worms.

Ye Tian only swept the corner of his eyes, and saw that this woman was slender and graceful, her skin was white and moisturized like mutton jade, her beautiful melon seed face, her pupils were like black gems, and her whole body was shimmering. Shenxiu Tiancheng.

Ye Tian is accustomed to seeing beautiful women and has a very high vision, but he has to admit, but he also has to admit that this woman has outstanding looks.

"Boy, the seventeenth princess is here, why don't you let it go? I really don't have any eyesight."

Beside the beautiful woman, a Young Master Pian Pian shaking a folding fan said, seemingly bohemian, but in fact there is a powerful energy in her body.

"It's been a while since you've been standing here, so quickly get out of it for your convenience."

Another young man beside the beautiful woman said, with a long sword hanging on his waist, his eyes are like stars, and he is also a handsome man.

"Are you talking to me?" Ye Tian lifted his eyelids and glanced at the two of them.

Although their words are not exactly the same as those of Middle-Earth, there are many similarities. Ye Tian's intelligent brain parsed them and quickly understood their words.

Ye Tian's words were calm and not aggressive.

However, the two men suddenly slapped a violent spirit, and in an instant they had an illusion of facing an ancient and beast, a fear that originated from the depths of their souls.

As the young talents of Tianjiao, they did not show this feeling of fear, but pretended to be strong and opposed Ye Tian tit-for-tat.

"You two are enough. I didn't say anything. Where do you have so many opinions?" The young and beautiful woman glared at the two of them, and then apologized to Ye Tian and told him not to take it seriously.

Of course, that's all. Out of a basic etiquette, she didn't take Ye Tian seriously, and she didn't even see Ye Tian's appearance clearly.

After scanning the stone tablet a few times, she shook her head and said: "A very good scripture, but unfortunately it only describes the Xiantian Dadao, which is useless to me."

"Princess Seventeen, you want to find the scriptures expounding Yuanying Avenue. It is impossible for it to exist here. If there were any, they would have been discovered long ago." said the folding fan man.

"The difficulty of Yuanying is harder to go to the blue sky. Even if the Yuanying scriptures are available for reference, it may not necessarily be successful. Hearing that the Shang emperor intends to testify, you must think carefully." Another man with a long sword hanging from his waist Said.

"Why, don't you have a good view of my father?" The beauty of the seventeenth princess had a cold face at the time.

"That’s not true. I’m just stating a fact. I’m the ancient star of Penglai, with a population of over 10 billion, but it takes a thousand years for Yuanying to emerge. For nearly three thousand years, five of my Xuantianzong have successfully tried Proving Dao Yuan Ying, but all of them are dead. The Yuan Ying’s way is the way of life and death. If you survive, you will die. There is no room for maneuver." The man said, not just nonsense, but justified.

Ye Tian was startled, this ancient star turned out to be called Penglai, which really surprised and delighted him.

The name of the ancient star is Penglai, indicating that the Nine Phoenix Goddess has really come here and has profoundly affected this star, so that it can be named after Penglai.

Hearing from them, the birth of Yuanying in a thousand years indicates that there is a Yuanying Tianjun on this star.

And a Yuanying Tianjun can easily live thousands of years, and even the top Yuanying can live tens of thousands of years, indicating that there must be more than one Yuanying on this star.

This made Ye Tian had to sit back a bit, Jin Dan could still deal with it, Yuan Ying Tianjun mastered the laws of heaven and earth, but he was a character on another level, and he could not contend.

"Go away, I want to retreat here, no one can disturb."

Suddenly, a strong voice came, accompanied by a terrible breath.

Invisibly, it is as if a big mountain is crushed down, making people frightened. Some people with weak cultivation bases were even shocked so that their blood was surging, and even coughed up blood.

This is an extremely powerful young Tianjiao, majestic and powerful, with two wings, not a human race, and is shrouded in five-color brilliance. There are a pair of five-color feather wings on the back, and the eyes also show dreamlike colors, but they are incomparable. The sharpness, a wild brilliance, breathtaking.

Two men wearing armor and similar in age followed him, one on the left and the other, treating him respectfully, as if they were obedient. Although their auras are not comparable to him, they are even worse than the many arrogances in the field. Obviously they are. Two powerful beings.

"The arrogant of the Peacock tribe, Kong Xuan, is known as the King of Little Birds."

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and everyone's heart trembled, and they were terrified.

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