Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2060: King Sparrow

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

It's not that these people are weak, but the little bird king is too strong, with long hair flying, and a strong breath. Looking at the entire Penglai ancient star, it is one of the most powerful beings of its generation.

What makes people afraid to provoke him is that the old king of the Peacock tribe is a Yuanying Heavenly Sovereign, and his combat power disregards this star.

As a result, although the Peacock tribe is not many in number, it is one of the most powerful races on the ancient stars.

"The seventeen princesses of the Dashang Dynasty are here, do you dare to be presumptuous?"

Next to the beautiful woman, the man shaking the folding fan said coldly, without intending to leave.

The Peacock clan is strong, so how can the Dashang Dynasty wait for it?

The Dashang Dynasty was an ancient kingdom on the ancient star of Penglai.

The ancient stars of Penglai are far larger than the earth. There are as many as dozens of countries as big as the Shang Dynasty, and even smaller ones.

In addition, there are many ancient families and immortal ancient religions. They are not attached to any political power, and their strength can stand against the ancient kingdoms of the dynasty.

On the contrary, many kingdoms are dependent on ancient religions and ancient families.

For example, the Peacock tribe is an independent ancient tribe, and the territory it governs is also huge. Although there are not many members of the tribe, many immortal big religions and ancient empires are afraid of three points.

The man with the folding fan was named Liu Yunjie, from an ancient family, and his family had a great status in the Shang Dynasty, and he admired the seventeen princesses very much.

"Who am I? It turned out to be the seventeenth princess of Dashang. As the rumors say, it is a beauty embryo." The little bird king walked, staring at the seventeenth princess with aggressive eyes, with a corner of his mouth. Sisi smiled, not only without awe, but full of blasphemy.

Several entourages of Princess Seventeen moved swiftly, stood in front of her, and watched the King Sparrow warily.

Little Bird King smiled, pointed to the son of Folding Fan, and said, "Is this your servant? Nothing big or small. If you dare to bark at me, just kill him!"

After speaking, the whole face of King Sparrow sank.

The atmosphere in the audience also suddenly became cold, and everyone was extremely nervous.

"You..." The folding fan in Liu Yunjie's hand slammed away, and his anger was about to burst out.

Anyway, he is also a child of a family, and he is considered a slave. What he said is insulted by barking, is it tolerable or unbearable?

"Little Sparrow King misunderstood, this is my friend, not a servant. Since Little Sparrow King has taken a fancy to this piece of land and wants to enlighten the truth here, then let's leave." The seventeenth princess looked unhappy, but still voluntarily gave in. After taking a step, he turned and left, not wanting to have a feast with the Peacock tribe.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and even the seventeen princesses backed down. Who would dare to smash with the little bird king?

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you understand what I'm saying?" Little Sparrow said indifferently, and the words were full of cold murderous intent, which made people unquestionable. He was the one who killed the Bionics, and everything was in his control.

He found the stone stele at Ye Tian's feet. When he spoke, he looked straight at Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were like sharp swords, which was very scary.

Ye Tian frowned and glanced at Little Bird King, but didn't say much, because he had already read the broken inscription, and he was about to leave.


Just as Ye Tian hadn't walked a few steps, a bunch of blood spattered suddenly behind him, but a young man was slow to react. He stabbed his heart with a spear, his arm shook violently, and the whole body was torn apart.

All the people in the audience were all horrified, and quickly scattered and fled.

Ye Tian rushed out of his body, fending off the bunch of blood blossoms, it was impossible to be splashed, and then turned his head and glared at the little bird king fiercely.

"Are you looking for the fault?" Ye Tianyue asked, a little angry.

"So what?" Little Bird King had a playful look, with a cold and arrogant smile at the corner of his mouth.

The two followers behind him were also glaring at Ye Tian. The swords and swords in his hands were clamoring, and they seemed to be about to make a move.

"Finally, let's go. This person can't be offended." Someone persuaded, fearing the King Sparrow.

In fact, it is not so much that everyone is afraid of the Little Sparrow King, it is better to say that they are afraid of the Peacock King, a supremely powerful Yuan Ying Tianjun, although the Little Sparrow King is also very powerful.

Ye Tianchu came here and didn't want to cause trouble, so he took a step back, pressed his anger, and turned to leave.

However, he dared to confront the little bird king, which has already impressed many people.

After all, there are many people in the field who don't even have the courage to look directly at King Sparrow.

After a period of time, Ye Tian found out again, and found some stone carvings on a cliff, like ghost painting symbols, iron painted silver hooks, scribbled, and most people don't know what to do. But Ye Tian knew that this was the mark of enlightenment left by the ancient great power when he enlightened here.

After careful sensing, I can perceive the aura of Yuan Ying permeating the enlightenment mark. UU reading www.uukānshu.cOM

Listen carefully, you can even hear the roar of Taoism.

Ye Tian stood for a long time, observing this enlightenment mark, but it was not because of what he could gain from the enlightenment mark, but because of what he could gain from the enlightenment mark, but a trace of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Lady's breath was sensed from it.

You know, the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl's retreat in Penglai Fairy Island was occupied by him, and there were more Dao marks left by the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, so he was very familiar with the breath of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl.

The existence of this mark of enlightenment can fully testify that the Nine Phoenix Goddess has come to this star and successfully proved the Tao Yuanying. Most of the ruins are the Taoism she left behind.

I just don't know what happened to her afterwards, is she staying on this ancient star all the time? Still stepped into a deeper starry sky?

If she is the same star forever, why hasn't she returned to earth again?

After all, the Chinese people pay attention to returning to the roots of fallen leaves, and there are the traditions she left behind, and there are descendants of Penglai, who have been waiting for her return.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of the piece of Nascent Soul flesh and blood that he encountered in the broken transmission channel. Could it be related to the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl?

Because this section of the transmission channel is broken and there are more empty predators blocking the way, she can't pass, and can't realize the long-cherished wish of the fallen leaves to return to their roots?

But she still tried to pass and killed a Yuanying-level void predator.

Ye Tian pondered, the more he thought, the more chaotic his mind.

In fact, he even hoped that the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl stepped deeper into the starry sky, which meant that there would be at least one ancient starry sky. Otherwise, the ancient starry sky road will probably finally be here, and Ye Tian's road ahead will also be slim.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and a refreshing fragrance came.

Ye Tian didn't turn his head. He knew from the breath that it was the seventeenth princess of the Dashang Dynasty who came, with guards, entourage, and a follower.

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