"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

The range of stone carvings on the cliff is very large. Princess Seventeen did not stand with Ye Tian, ​​but she looked at Ye Tian more carefully. Obviously, it was Ye Tian's confrontation with the King Sparrow just now, which left her behind. impression.

However, she didn't talk to Ye Tian, ​​stared at the stone carving carefully, and quickly became immersed in it.

Several of her small attendants also discovered the extraordinaryness of the stone carvings.

There were other people passing by, and they all stopped after they came here.

"Disperse all, I want to enlighten the way here, otherwise I will kill you without mercy!"

The colorful brilliance flickered, and the little bird king seemed to be about to lift up the sky. His whole body was like a furnace, and he was very vigorous.

He shouted loudly, like a thunder, and immediately shook everyone out of the realm of enlightenment and returned to reality.

"I'm going, it's the little bird king here, hurry up."

"Can't afford to provoke, still can't hide?"

The crowd was turbulent, although they were all **** generations, but facing the little bird king, they had to be jealous, one by one, like a mouse and a cat, they left in a hurry.

"Little Sparrow King, don't deceive people too much, you understand your way, we understand our way, the well water does not violate the river water, why should we leave?" The seventeen princesses of the Dashang Dynasty were not angry, and the shiny little tiger teeth were grinded. There was a noise.

There are Tao and Dharma left by Yuan Ying on this cliff stone inscription, which is very important to her. Her father had already reached the key point of breaking through the Nascent Soul, but because of the lack of the Nascent Soul guide, he dared not make a breakthrough.

Because of the difficulty of Yuanying, it is difficult to reach the blue sky, and only one can be born for an average of a thousand years. The success rate is only one percent, that is to say, only one person can prove Dao Yuanying after one hundred perfect Golden Core breakthroughs.

"Really deceiving people, do you think we are afraid of you?" Folding Fan Young Master Liu Yunjie shouted angrily.

Before being humiliated by King Sparrow, the anger in his heart hasn't disappeared yet.

"Little Sparrow King, we know that you are very powerful, but it is unwise for you to make such an unbridled enemy. We can sit down and discuss the Tao peacefully and exchange each other's insights about Tao. This way, the speed of growth will be much faster than that. You build a car behind closed doors." Another Tianjiao from Xuan Tianzong who came to hang a long sword at his waist said with a gentle look.

Although Xuantianzong was a sect within the territory of the Shang Dynasty, it was not under the jurisdiction of the Shang Dynasty.

Although this sect does not have the Yuan Ying Tianjun to sit in, but the golden core is like rain, there are also several golden cores of Dacheng Consummation, and their strength should not be underestimated.

The young man's name was Chu Xuanfeng, a true biography under the head of Xuantianzong, and he had a great position in the sect.

"Sit with me and talk? It depends on you? You are worthy?" Xiaoquewang sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

"My son told you to go away, can't you hear it?"

A rebel behind the little bird king roared, holding a bright knife, and scanning everyone indifferently.

"Little bird king, don't deceive people too much. We are afraid of your clan elder king. You are nothing at all." Chu Xuanfeng said, the anger in his chest, one could not hold back, and a sigh came out.

As soon as his voice fell, the war spear in the little bird king's hand swept out, bursting out with a light that pierced the sky, killing intent as cold as winter, giving people the illusion of facing a thousand horses.

The Tianjiao of Xuan Tianzong dared to say such a thing, and naturally it was not a good stubble. He pinched the tactic with his hands and said a spell in his mouth. In an instant, a great seal appeared, floating above his head.

This is a majestic mountain, towering into the clouds, but it was detained by secret law and turned into a big seal.


The big seal is majestic, passing across the sky, opposing the little bird king to suppress it.


Suddenly, the great seal of the mountain collapsed, and the war spear in the hands of King Sparrow was like a silver real dragon, crushing the sky like a bamboo, and smashing the great seal of the mountain at once.

Chu Xuanfeng flew out, vomiting blood violently.

The little bird king took advantage of the momentum, and the spear in his hand continued to pierce out, stabbing to Chu Xuanfeng.

"Stop it!" Liu Yunjie shouted loudly.

The folding fan in his hand is a rare magic weapon. With the light of a fan, there will be a divine light rushing into the sky, flooding the world, and turning into a torrent of water to wash away against the little bird king.

Although the seventeenth princess did not do anything, several powerful entourages did.


For a time, a variety of attacks, magic weapons, or magical powers, rushed out, bombarded the little bird king.


However, the war spear in the little bird king's hand moved and swept out a fan, bursting out with five-colored rays of light that spread across the sky, as if hitting nine heavens and ten earths.

A puff sounded, in the five-color light waves, in front of the silver war spear, one magic weapon after another, one magic power after another was shattered, everyone vomited blood again and again, and flew out.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here." Little Sparrow King burst out, and after knocking everyone back, he didn't take advantage of the momentum.

After all, these people are not small, just to achieve their goals, there is no need to kill them all.

All the people on the scene were fearless. Although they knew that the stone carvings were very important, they had to step back. The little bird king is too strong, far surpassing the peers. In the future, Proving Dao Yuan Ying is likely to be one of the seed players on this star.

The seventeenth princess was reluctant to give up, and the little tiger's teeth moved, but after a bit of bitter hatred, she had to leave.

"Everyone else is gone, you still don't move. Do you want to die if you stay?"

One of Little Bird King’s rebels walked behind Ye Tian with a cold expression and shouted loudly. When speaking, a big knife in his hand lifted and wiped it against Ye Tian's neck. He didn't know if he really wanted to do it or pretended to do it.

"Fuck, just a minion, dare to yell in front of me?" Ye Tian scolded angrily.

The mud bodhisattva still has three points of fire, and the little bird king repeatedly picks things up, how can he not be angry?

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience was shocked. They didn't expect him to be so hard-spirited, even the little bird king was not afraid.

"Dare to speak rudely, you are really looking for death, then I will fulfill you. Let me die!" The armored retinue was furious, and the big knife in his hand directly slashed out and slashed to Ye Tian's neck.

Although he is a obedience, he is also a powerful existence, and even the many arrogances in the field may not be his opponents.

He slashed out with this knife, the heaven and the earth paled, and the sword gleamed through the bones, and even the roar of gods and demons came out, as if he had slashed through the hell, and the ghosts traveled.

Ye Tian only raised his hand and used his palm to make a knife, every inch of flesh and blood was gushing out of gold, and the sound of a clear and joyful sound of sword collision was heard, colliding with the light of the armored sword.


First, the big knife was broken in two, and then the huge body of the armored servant was also divided into two from top to bottom. The incision was very flat, with a large amount of blood rain. Finally, with a bang, the two halves fell to the ground.


For a time, the audience was silent.

The eyelids of all the audience jumped wildly, and they didn't think that a powerful Peacock Clan follower would be smashed in this way and died tragically on the spot.

Ye Tian only used the palm of his hand, not a sword, but it was far sharper than a normal sword.

"Who is this person?"

Many people became interested in Ye Tian's identity.

But everyone talked and looked at each other, no one recognized him.

Although unfamiliar, it will not stop everyone from developing a good impression of him.

The little bird king and his obedience were too aggressive and deceived too much, and everyone was holding a breath of breath in their chests. What Ye Tian did now is equivalent to giving a sigh of malice for everyone.

"You dare to kill my sergeant, you really don't know how to live or die." The little bird king glared at Ye Tian, ​​his silver war spear pointed at Ye Tian, ​​his hair fluttered frantically, and two sharp beams shot out of his eyes.

He is tall and burly, with gleaming five-color brilliance on his body, with an imposing aura, holding a spear dripping blood, really like a demon, shocking people.

"Who do you think you are? The hegemon of this world?" Ye Tian also angrily asked.

He never causes trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble.

"Is this kid crazy? How dare to offend the majesty of King Sparrow?"

"Does it have a bigger background? It also comes from the Tianjun family?"

All the retreating people stopped, UU reading www.uukanshu.com turned around, looked at this incredible scene, and made a guess.

The Heavenly Sovereign Family must not be humiliated, but the most powerful force on this ancient star. Ye Tiangan and Xiaoquewang came hard, everyone instinctively thought that he also came from the Tianjun family.

Even the seventeenth princess of Dashang had her beautiful eyes widened, her attention was attracted by Ye Tian, ​​and her perception told her that this person was very unusual.

Liu Yunjie and Chu Xuanfeng also cast surprised glances. They had spoken rudely to Ye Tian before. When they watched the stele, they let Ye Tian roll away. If Ye Tianzhen came from the Tianjun family, their dog eyes would really be dug out to apologize. Now, I don’t know Taishan.

However, everyone is still not optimistic about Ye Tian. Little Bird King is a fearless and fearless master. There are almost no rivals among his peers. If Ye Tian offends him, most of it will suffer. Even if he knew that he came from a family of heavenly monarchs, King Sparrow would still dare to kill him. No matter what big mistake he committed, the old bird king who protects the calf will help him smooth everything, and it has always been the case.

"I am not the overlord, it is enough to kill you."

The little bird king was furious, his blood erupted with murderous aura. He clenched his war spear in both hands, and smashed Ye Tian like a big stick. In an instant, the silver radiance filled the sky, killing thousands of times, overwhelming the sky, and rushing towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian moved sideways quickly and escaped the blow.

Boom boom boom!

The battle spear was like a large piece of silver brilliance, like a comet passing across the sky, smashing the mighty power of the mountain and the mountain, and finally smashed on the cliff.

Just when everyone thought that the cliff would be broken, the enlightenment brand on it glowed. In an instant, a breath of Nascent Soul permeated, and it actually resisted the spear of the little bird king, and a little bit of rubble splashed down.

This is the horror of Yuanying Tianjun, just a ray of enlightenment mark, after tens of thousands of years, the power of the Dao power inside is still there.

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