Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2065: Rob me to death

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

The Supreme Dragon Marrow has immeasurable value, and every time it appears, it will cause a **** storm and disputes between the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, it is normal for some people to covet Ye Tian's best dragon marrow.

Whoosh whoosh!

The delicate-faced tester was not good enough, blinded by Ye Tian's trust in him, he even carried the best dragon marrow into his pocket, turned around and ran away.

But not a few steps away after he rushed out, a rough-looking, muscular man with five big and three thick, smashed with a mace in his hand, smashing half of his body into blood mud, even the appearance of a murderer. If I didn't see it clearly, I died and died sadly.

This is an extremely powerful existence, with a leopard head and eyes, a majestic posture, and a very bluffing appearance. Wearing a black iron suit, the body is full of explosive power.

The mace rod in his hand is as thick as a stone grinder, and it is thicker than a normal person's waist. It is made of no known material, and it is filled with tragic auras. It looks extremely heavy, but he has made a tiger alive. .

After killing the handsome man, he grabbed the best dragon marrow as soon as he stretched out his hand. .

The other testers in the field seemed to be very jealous of him, ready to move, but no one dared to make a move.


His sleeves were swung, and there were things in his sleeves, and a bunch of spiritual crystals, about five hundred or so, burst out.

"Take the spirit crystal, this top-quality dragon marrow belongs to me." This person said, although his tone is not too strong, but he is very domineering and has an irreversible will.

"Are you trying to buy and sell? Did I say that I want to sell it to you?" Ye Tian said coldly, an anger kept rising in his heart.

Just now, the handsome man also produced at least a thousand spirit crystals, and the largest number of people produced 50,000 spirit crystals. He dropped five hundred spirit crystals at random, and he was simply sending a beggar.

Ye Tian suppressed his anger and approached step by step.

"Boy, it's your honor to buy your dragon marrow, my lord, don't be shameless." The burly man said with wide-eyed eyes, and a huge qi and blood gradually recovered from his body.

A layer of black scales gradually appeared on his body. A huge black snake phantom emerged behind him. It was thicker than a water tank and was several tens of meters long. At first glance, it looked like a giant. Like a dragon, it's terrifying.

"This is..., Sea Snake? This person turned out to be the arrogant of the Sea Snake clan. No wonder he is so strong." Someone recognized this person's identity and quickly backed away.

The others also trembling and scattered.

Sea snakes are just a small group, belonging to the sea clan.

As the name implies, as long as it is an ethnic group living in the ocean, it can be called a sea race.

On the ancient star of Penglai, the sea clan is powerful enough to fight against the land clan, and conflicts and even earth-shattering battles often erupt between each other. Every war will bring endless casualties.

Needless to think about it, it is very difficult for the land to invade the sea, because they live in the ocean, mainly the sea invading the land.

Compared with the land tribe, the sea tribe is more united. If a tribe is bullied, the whole sea tribe will rush forward.

On the whole, the land clan maintains awe of the sea clan, and can try not to provoke it as much as possible, lest it cause a war between the land and the sea.

"Young man, I advise you not to mistake yourself. If you think that there are few spirit crystals, I can give you a few more." The sea snake clan man's expression became cold, his voice was like a metal blow, extremely harsh, like a steel knife. It's like an iron plate.

With that, a few more spirit crystals flew out of his sleeves, not so much to compensate Ye Tian, ​​it was more humiliation.


Ye Tian was finally furious, and the only one that responded to the sea snake clan man was a punch.


This punch ran across the sky and directly hit the sea snake tribe man's face. Blast his entire head, together with all the magic weapons of the body, together. In the end, only a headless corpse was left, and it fell straight down.

Suddenly, the audience was silent!

This is a natural arrogant of the Sea Snake Clan, who was beaten to death by Chi Guoguo. Isn't he afraid of the Sea Snake Clan's revenge? Aren't you afraid of the whole sea clan riots?

In the shock of everyone's eyes, Ye Tian took back his best dragon marrow, and then left in a big swing.

The best dragon marrow is really rare. In the next month, Ye Tian searched for most of the ruins of the divine soil and obtained two holy medicines and more than a dozen best elixir, but he didn’t find any more of the best dragon marrow. Clues.

However, in the process of searching, he heard some information that other people discovered the best dragon marrow, transformed into a small creature, able to fly to the sky and escape at a very fast speed, and no one can catch it.

It seems that luck and strength are indispensable if you want to get the best dragon marrow.

On this day, Ye Tian rushed to the place where the best dragon marrow appeared in the hearsay.

This divine soil ruin is bigger than Ye Tian imagined, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, even if the entire earth is squeezed in, it may not be able to fill it up.

As for the entire Penglai ancient star, Ye Tian estimated that it could at least be as big as Jupiter in the solar system, too big to imagine.

Of course, this is only compared with the earth. In the cosmic starry sky, the life planets known by Ye Tian in his previous life are not a few larger than Jupiter, and some are even comparable to the sun. Ordinary monks can’t walk in their entire life. All over the planet.

Ahead, the mountains are majestic, majestic, and very beautiful, which can be called magnificent.

There is mist around every mountain peak, and some also have flowing springs and waterfalls, splashing water, and misty water.

Under the green mountain peaks, streams are gurgling, clear spring stones flow up, buds spit green, and the flowers and plants are fragrant.

As long as the vision is not too bad, you can see that this is an extraordinary place, and it is possible that a treasure of heaven and earth will be born.

This kind of place is also the most frequented place by the testers. Whenever the treasures of heaven and earth are found, it is inevitable that there will be battles.

At this moment, after a long distance, Ye Tian heard the sound of killing, and blood qi went straight to Xiaohan.

There was a great chaos there, not only human testers, but also many powerful beasts and birds of prey.


The beautiful sacred soil was stained with blood and screamed.

Most of the people who suffer are human testers, because the fierce beasts here are generally very powerful.


A roar of beasts resembled thunder and blast, shaking the world, the mountains shook, flying sand and rocks, a rugged cow rushed out of the mountains and forests, and the huge body was like a giant elephant. The tree looks like a small sapling in front of it, and a large area can fall down with one collision.

It opened its mouth wide, and immediately killed a powerful human tester, and swallowed it again. Then it stepped out of its hoof, and three more trialists turned into **** mud. They opened their mouths and sucked them, and a ray of blood disappeared from the entrance.

"Kill it!"

A group of testers furiously resisted.

Mang Niu’s eyes were cold, he opened his blood basin, and he let out a roar, like a nuclear explosion shock wave, which opened several layers of the land. A group of human trialists who tried to attack it exploded one after another. Limbs are flying, **** fog is all over the sky.

Bloody scenes are everywhere, this is just one of them.

Of course, some fierce beasts were killed by human trialers, but very few. In general, the human trials were at a disadvantage and were tortured and beaten.


The wind was violent, and a huge black bear stood up, a hundred meters high, and slaughtered forward. With one paw down, the mountain collapsed, and it was so powerful that it made people palpitate. More than a dozen testers turned into fly ash on the spot.

This was a blood-stained picture, and Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little moved after seeing the big scenes.

At the foot of the mountain, a young and beautiful woman rushed ahead, and a huge fierce bird in the sky flapped its wings and whizzed after it.

"The seventeenth princess of the Dashang Dynasty." Ye Tian recognized the woman at a glance.

All of her entourage fell. Liu Yunjie and Chu Xuanfeng's two small attendants didn't know where they went, and she was the only one left.

Although her speed is very fast, how can she quickly pass the fierce birds in the sky.

This is a fierce bird that looks like a black scale eagle, but it is several times larger and more fierce than the black scale eagle on Penglai Xiandao.

After a dive, the fierce bird caught up with the seventeenth princess, and the huge wings fell down with a large shadow, covering the seventeenth princess below, and then two giant claws larger than the door plate came out and grabbed the seventeenth princess.

The seventeenth princess's Huarong paled, but the square inch was not chaotic. First, she inspired several protective magic weapons on her body. UU read and then took out a rune formation disk, preparing to teleport herself away.

But at this moment, an arrow feather flew from a distance, accompanied by the terrifying sound of wind and thunder, as if a catastrophe had come. It was more faintly visible that a red-colored flood dragon, wrapped around the arrow feathers, directly shattered the void.

The black fierce bird sensed the breath of death and quickly abandoned the seventeenth princess, a masterpiece of black feather feather brilliance, a series of divine lights, like electricity, roared out, intercepting the flying arrow feathers.


Thousands of Taoist lights collided with the energy arrow feathers, stopped the arrow feathers, and annihilated each other. A fireball and a mushroom-shaped black cloud were directly exploded in the void.

The black fierce bird was furious, fluttering its wings, and killed Ye Tian.

However, it soon discovered that Ye Tian was not easy to provoke. Each of the several arrow feathers shot in succession was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

In the end, when one of its wings was shot through, it retreated.

Princess 17 saw Ye Tian and was very grateful.

But when she rushed to Ye Tian and was about to thank her face to face, Ye Tian left and rushed to the depths of the mountains, where the battle was most intense.

The seventeenth princess also quickly noticed the strangeness. Several large mountains were smashed there, and there were big cracks on the ground one after another. Suddenly there was a gorgeous haze rising into the sky, and bursts of sweet fragrance came out, even if they were far apart, they could smell the fragrance. , Almost immersed in the human soul, making people feel relaxed and happy.

This glowing light seemed to be alive. As soon as it rushed out of the ground, it shot away at a very fast speed.

The testers and fierce beasts who had a big battle in the field were startled first, and then rushed away in the direction that Haze rushed out.

"Oh my God, the best dragon marrow, it's a big piece."

"Hurry up!"

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